"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Monday, October 31, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 84 - Dec 1986)

From the web:


"Open Box"
Marvel Super Heroes, D&D, DC Heroes, Delta Force and Fighting Fantasy(!)

"Critical Mass"
A hymn of praise (where deserved) from David Langford

"Thrud the Barbarian"
Is on holiday.. by Carl Critchlow

"Don't Call Us"
The Medium for the Message from Simon Nicholson

Bil's goblin is back!

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's SuperArtEditor John Blanche!

High level AD&D adventure by Carl Sargent

"The Examination"
Marcus Rowland offers something silly for Christmas

"Wolves of the Sea"
'Pieces of Eight! Pieces of Eight!' from Graeme Davis, the Norwegian Blue

"'Eavy Metal"
Dioramas explained - OK, OK, just 'cos you already know...

sillaW semaJ morf SPAM htiw aionaraP

"Rivers of Blood"
Because it's Christmas, a bed-time story by Gary Holland

Vox Populi, Vox Dei

Lies, Damn Lies and Readers' Poll statistics

Big word, small ads


Sunday, October 30, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 76 - Apr 1986)

From the web:


"How to Make Crime Pay" - Sage advice for tea-leaves in AD&D - Jon Smithers

"Your Booked!" - Budgeting and Accountancy for the Judge Dread RPG - Marcus L Rowland

"Glen Woe" - Richard Haliwell
Thrilling Shakespearean mayhem for Warhammer

"Banditry, Inc" - Oliver Legrand
Thieves' Guilds in AD&D

"Caped Crusaders" - How to run a Golden Heroes campaign - Pete Tamlyn

"Castle In the Wind" - An AD&D scenario with an Arabian Nights flavour for 5th - 8th levels - Venetia Lee with Paul Stamforth


"Open Box"
Your guide to what's new in the shops
"Riddle of the Ring" boardgame reviewed by Charles Vasey
"Alone Against the Wendigo" reviewed by Phil Frances
"Erech and The Paths of the Dead" reviewed by Graham Staplehurst
"Send in the Clones" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
"Lankhmar - City of Adventure" reviewed by Graeme Davis
"The Iytean Menace & The Lords of Destiny" reviewed by Barry Bailey
"Fantasy Hero" reviewed by Phil Masters

"Critical Mass" edited by David Langford
"O America" - Science fiction and fantasy books reviewed

Letters edited by Ian Marsh
Readers' views, questions and outraged comments!

"The Travellers" comic strip by Mark Harrison
Something completely different. And why not?

"Thrud the Barbarian" by Carl Critchlow
Thrud goes shoping.

Treasure Chest - regular department for readers' AD&D ideas
"How do you spell that?" New AD&D spells with tricky names
"Mithrall's Wonderful Gyrator" by Robert Nott
"Banish Spirit and Shadow Bane" by Briony Palmer
"Merger" by Neil Richards and Keith Adeney
"Ixtmal's Globe of Pyromanic Delight" by Phil Hine
"Destruction" by Wesley Phoa

"Gobbledigook" by Bil
Which witch is where?

Fracas! by Supermole
Yet another mystery man, with our new News column

Tabletop Heroes - figure reviews and painting tips by Joe Dever
"Oils" Part 2 - Application

Small Ads
Classified information service


Saturday, October 29, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 75 - Mar 1986)

From the web;


RuneQuest Ruminations - Thoughts on third edition (Oliver Dickinson)

How to Save the Universe - The delights of superhero gaming (Pete Tamlyn)

Gamesmanship - Putting the mystery back into AD&D (Martin Hytch)
Nightmare in Green - Scenario (Graeme Davis)
Treasure Chest - Character background in AD&D

Mass Media - Communications (Andrew Smith)

Call of Cthulhu
The Heart of the Dark - Red herring-filled scenario set in 1920s Britain (Andy Bradbury)

2020 Vision - fantasy, horror and sci-fi movies

Open Box - game reviews

Critical Mass - Sci-fi and fantasy book reviews


Thrud the Barbarian - comic strip

The Travellers - comic strip

Tabletop Heroes - miniatures

Gobbledigook - comic strip

Trevor's Tidbits - news

Small Ads


Friday, October 28, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 73 - Jan 1986)

From the web:


Power and Politics by Derek Carver
Inside the Warrior Knights boardgame
The American Dream by Simon Burley
Cheesecake loose in Britain! Everything's in apple-pie order
Star Spray by Graham Staplehurst
Wet yourself playing this Middle-earth and AD&D adventure
Cults of the Dark Gods II by Andy Bradbury
Cthulhu corrupts . . . . More revelations about secret societies


Open Box
Exhumes Unearthed Arcana, D&D Masters and Judge Dredd Role-Playing
2020 Vision by Colin Greenland
Flicks through Back to the Future, The Goonies and The Bride
Critical Mass by Dave Langford
Looks at new fantasy and science fiction books
Letters edited by Ian Marsh
Airs readers' views and comments
The Travellers by Mark Harrison
Scrawls through space and time
Starbase edited by Bob McWilliams
Sizes up the universe
RuneRites edited by Dave Morris
Combats some old problems
Treasure Chest
Slices up magic items in AD&D
Thrud the Barbarian by Carl Critchlow
Draws on his wit and charm
Fiend Factory
Swings from tree to tree
Tabletop Heroes by Joe Dever
Shapes of things to come
Gobbledigook by Bil
Legs it to the town
Trevor's Tidbits by Trevor Mendham
Muses over the hobby news
Small Ads
Helps out those in need
Competition Page
Serves up some attractive prizes in this special feature


Thursday, October 27, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 62 - Feb 1985)

From the web:


A Place of Damp and Darkness by Garth Nix
Life beneath fantasy cities
The Dark Usurper by Jon Sunderland and Gareth Hill
An heir-raising escapade for Fighting Fantasy
En Garde by Gary Drabwell
Parrying in AD&D
An Alien Werewolf in London by Jae Campbell
A Traveller loose in Victorian London
Eye of Newt and Wing of Bat by Graeme Davis
Penultimate instalment of our series on magic items


Critical Mass by Dave Langford
Science fiction and fantasy book review column
Open Box
New products examined by independent reviewers
Rune Rites edited by Dave Morris
Struck by Lightning—Celtic spells for RuneQuest
Thrud the Barbarian by Carl Critchlow
Snowman's a match for our hero
The Travellers by Mark Harrison
In which Felix surprises everyone . . .
Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
O Caber—three spirits for the AD&D system
Treasure Chest
You'll spend all night haggling with this pair . . .
Crawling Chaos edited by Marc Gascoigne
A new department enters the slime-light
Tabletop Heroes by Gary Chalk and Joe Dever
Faces featured in our regular figures column
Crash Course by Steve Jackson
Titbits from across the water
Letters edited by Ian Marsh
Readers' views, questions and comments
Newsboard by Jon Sutherland
What's new in the games hobby
Small Ads
Hobby services, contacts and games for sale


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 61 - Jan 1985)

From the web:

'The Spice of Life by Oliver MacDonald
Alchemical goings-on in RuneQuest

 Eye of Newt and Wing of Bat by Graeme Davis
Tempering with magic rings, armour and shields

Beyond the Shadow of a Dream by Ian Marsh
Is all what it seems in this D&D/Fighting Fantasy scenario?

Dark Usurper by Jon Sutherland with Gareth Hill
An heir restorer for Fighting Fantasy (solo adventure)

Days of Future Past by Simon Burley
Part two of our introduction to Superhero gaming


Open Box
New gaming products examined by independent reviewers

Critical Mass by Dave Langford
Science fiction and fantasy book review column

The Travellers by Mark Harrison
Dressed to kill...

Starbase edited by Bob McWilliams
Character traits for Traveller

Thrud the Barbarian by Carl Crithlow
Hints for seven stone weaklings

Letters edited by Ian Marsh
Readers' views, questions and comments for AD&D

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
Beetling around the bush - new monster for AD&D

Rune Rites edited by Dave Morris
Treasures - various magic items for RuneQuest
Some short scenario outlines for RuneQuest

Treasure Chest
Show your talents with our special scenario competition

Tabletop Heroes by Gary Chalk and Joe Dever
Our regular column for figures and painting tips

Newsboard by Jon Sutherland
Hobby news plus Gobbledigook

Small Ads
Hobby services, contacts and games for sale


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 60 - Dec 1984)

From the web:


First Issues - An introduction to Superhero gaming (Simon Burley)

Eye of Newt and Wing of Bat - The manufacture of magic items, part 2: the creation of rods and potions
The Fear of Leefield - scenario in a village of terror (Stuart Hunter)

Call of Cthulhu
The Bleeding Stone of Iphtah - A Great Race against time (Steve Williams with Jon Sutherland)

RuneRites - Omphalic deposits animated

Boarding Stations - Hints and hazards for the Professional Privateer in Science Fiction roleplaying games (Marcus L Rowland)

Critical Mass - Fantasy and sci-fi book reviews

Open Box - game reviews

Thrud - comic strip

Microview - Computer game reviews

Treasure Chest - Ars Arcana, the final part of a spell-binding series

Fiend Factory - New monsters for D&D/AD&D

The Travellers - comic strip


Tabletop Heroes - miniatures


Small Ads


Monday, October 24, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 53 - May 1984)

From the web:


"The Name of the Game"
Part 2 of an introduction to Role-Playing - Marcus L Rowland

"Minas Tirith"
The famous siege from Lord of the Rings for Warhammer - Joe Dever

"The Moonbane"
Short Gothic Fiction - Chris Elliot and Richard Edwards

"The Naked Orc"
A study of the orc in D&D - Rufus Wedderburn

"The Castle of Lost Souls" - A solo programmed fantasy quest
Part 2: The Quest - Dave Morris


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Caverns of the Dead - Dungeon Planner Set 1" reviewed by Richard Meadows
-"Deathtrap Dungeon and Island of the Lizard King" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-"Traveller Book 6: Scouts" reviewed by Andy Slack

Critical Mass
"Bonfire of Dragons"
Science Fiction and Fantasy books reviewed by David Langford

Thrud the Barbarian
"The Three Tasks of Thrud" Part 2 by Carl Critchlow

Lew's Views - advice and ideas for fantasy RPGs -
"Sign Here Please" - Devils and Wardpacts by Lew Pulsipher

Crash Course - Our new alternate-monthly Car Wars column by Steve Jackson
"Spare Parts"

Readers' views, questions and comments

"Gobbledigook" cartoon by Bil

Starbase edited by Bob McWiliams
"Three of a Kind" - Dangerous NPCs for Traveller by Michael Clarke

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Runequest Economics" - Celtic mythos spells for Runequest by Robert Dale

The Travellers
Our intrepid heroes land on Regina starport by Mark Harrison

Tabletop Heroes - figure reviews and tabletop gaming by Joe Dever and Gary Chalk
"Under Siege" - Build your own tower

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"The Slave Hunt" - An AD&D mini scenario
"Wood Skeleton" by Wayne Burchell
"Plentyn Nos" by Anonymous
"Zwergind" by F J Dolan
"Gremkin" by Trevor M French

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Albie Fiore
"Bits and Pieces"
"The Wild Hunt Competition" and "Unusual Magical Armours"
"Hearing Aid and Silent Tongue" by Roger E Moore

The Newsboard edited by Jervis Johnson and Jon Sutherland
What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Sunday, October 23, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 51 - Mar 1984)

From the web:


"Gift from the Gods"
Clerical spells and the gods in AD&D - Thomas Mullen

"Watch Out, There's a Thief About"
Thieves in Warhammer - Richard Halliwell

"All in the Family"
Fiction about Griselda in Glorantha - Oliver Dickinson

"The Black Broo of Dyskund"
A Runequest cavern crawl scenario - Ken Rolston

"A Ballad of Times Past"
An AD&D scenario with a difference for about 8 characters of 4th-5th level- Dave Morris and Yve Newnham


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Cthulhu Companion" reviewed by Jon Sutherland
-"Superworld" reviewed by Jon Sutherland
-"Daredevils and Daredevils Adventure 2" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-"Knight Hawks" for Star Frontiers reviewed by Andy Slack

Critical Mass
"Awful Secrets"
Science Fiction and Fantasy books reviewed by David Langford

Thrud the Barbarian
Thrud visits his local by Carl Critchlow

Starbase edited by Bob McWiliams
Extending UPPs for NPCs in Traveller by Bob McWilliams

Readers' views, questions and comments

"Gobbledigook" cartoon by Bil

The Travellers
Aftab the Greek gets his come-uppance by Mark Harrison

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Creatures in Exile" - The Many Coloured Land in AD&D
-"Firvulag, Tanu and Howlers, Magical Torcs" by Paul Harden

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Runequest Economics" - Economics in Runequest by Russell Massey

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"A Page of Many Things"
"The Dungeon Cart" by Thomas Price
"Thieves' Wordsearch" by Graham Staplehurst
"Drowning rules for D&D" by Graeme Davis

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Saturday, October 22, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 49 - Jan 1984)

From the web:


"Shuttle Scuttle" - Thomas Price
Hi-jack scenario for Traveller, Space Opera, and Laserburn

"Clay to Marble" - Chris Felton
Building construction in AD&D

"Runes in the Dungeon" - Dave Morris
D&D Character Classes for RuneQuest

"The Key of Tirandor" Mike Polling
Part 1 of a two part AD&D campaign

"The Goblin Cult of Kernu" - Ian Bailey
A new cult for the goblins in RuneQuest featured in WD47

"The Return of the Editor" - compiled by Cherril Norrie
The Results of the Reader Strikes Back


"Open Box"
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:

"Critical Mass" edited by David Langford
Science fiction and fantasy books are reviewed

"Thrud" by Carl Critchlow
Thrud versus the evil necromancer

"RuneRites" edited by Oliver Dickinson
Readers' questions answered

"Starbase" edited by Bob McWilliams
Fleets in Traveller

Readers' views, questions and comments

"The Travellers" by Mark Harrison
Hell – It's the Pigs

"Supermole" by anonymous
More gossip from the vitriolic pen of ?????

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
Insect World – insectoid creatures for AD&D and D&D

Treasure Chest
Detect Illusion – and illusionist special

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds plus Gobbledigook


Friday, October 21, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 48 - Dec 1983)

From the web:

From the contents page:


Everything you wanted to know about giants in Warhammer - Rick Priestly

"The Dark Brotherhood"
A new look at assassins in AD&D - Chris Felton

"Crom Cruach"
A new cult for the goblins in Runequest covered in the last issue - Ian Bailey

Computers in Traveller - Marcus L Rowland

"The Lone and Level Sands"
An AD&D and Runequest demons scenario - Oliver Johnson and Dave Morris


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-AD&D and D&D module "UK1, EX1, EX2 & X3" reviewed by Jim Bambra
-"Traveller Starter Edition" reviewed by Andy Slack
-"The Arkham Evil & Death in Dunwich" reviewed by Jon Sutherland
-"Autoduel Champions & Car Wars Reference Screen" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland

Critical Mass
"Spock in Manacles!"
New books reviewed by David Langford

Lew's Views
"By the Gods!" - A look at magic and gods in battle by Lew Pulsipher

"The Game of the Book..." - Fiction based board games by Charles Vasey

Microview - edited by Mike Costello
How to find bugs in your program by Gareth Williams

Readers' views, questions and comments

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Ice, Desert and Swamp" - New monsters by Simon Basham and Dave Morris

Thrud the Barbarian
Thrud rescues a princess by Carl Critchlow

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Dungeoneering with Demons" - Runequest demons from WD44-46 in terms of AD&D
-"Gremlin, Sraim, B'Krath, Rult, Storm Demon, Stalker, Porphyr, Amorph, Pazuzu and Akresh" by Liz Fletcher

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"The Demonist's Grimoire" AD&D spells for the Demonist character class
"Detect Portal, Elemental Force, Hold Spirit, See Other Plane, Evoke Demon, Possession and Elemental Power" by Phil Masters

The Travellers
Zap, Zap, Die, Blammo! by Mark Harrison

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds

"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil


Thursday, October 20, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 47 - Nov 1983)

From the web:


"The Demonist"
A new AD&D Character Class - Phil Masters

"Extracts from the Travels of Tralk True-eye"
Goblins in Runequest - Ian Bailey

Part 6 of the complete AD&D city - The Final Conflict - Daniel Collerton

A ghostly Bushido Adventure - Oliver Johnson and Dave Morris


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Privateers and Gentlemen" reviewed by Ian Waddelow
-"The Asylum and Other Tales" reviewed by Jon Sutherland
-"Star Fleet Battles: Supplement 1" reviewed by Jim Sizer
-"The Big Rubble:The Deadly City" reviewed by Oliver Dickinson

Critical Mass
"After the Battle"
New books reviewed by David Langford

Zine Scene
What's happening with the fanzines by Mike Lewis

"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil


Starbase regular Traveller department edited by Bob McWilliams
"The Phulgk'k'k'k and The Ghashruan", Two new Traveller alien races by Phil Masters

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Morale" - by Paddy Barrow and Dave Morris

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"The Portrait" An AD&D mini-scenario by Jamie Thomson
"Demonic Portrait" by M Abrahams
"Ebony Horn" by Mark Byng

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Mini-Monsters" - Tiny terrors to cause trials and tribulations
-"Diabolo" by Phil Masters
-"Trollkin" by Daniel Lukacinsky
-"Trist" by John R Gordon
-"Krowks" by Dale Hueber
-"Gromit" by John Smart

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Thrud the Barbarian
Thrud enjoys a quiet drink at the bar by Carl Critchlow

The Travellers
Hayes reveals all by Mark Harrison

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 46 - Oct 1983)

From the web:


"Strangers in the Night"
Wandering Monsters in D&D - Philip Palmer

"Dealing with Demons"
Part 3: The Greater Demons in Runequest - Dave Morris

"Worldly Power"
Planetary Governments in Traveller - Phil Masters

Part 5 of the complete AD&D city - Daniel Collerton


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Runequest Companion" reviewed by Oliver Dickinson
-"Chivalry and Sorcery" 2nd edition reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-"Sanctuary" boardgame reviewed by Alan E Paull

Critical Mass
"Gentle to Gorey"
New books reviewed by David Langford

The boardgame page - "Titan" and "Dragonhunt" by Charles Vasey

Lew's Views
The first in a bi-monthly beginners FRP advice column
-Lew Pulsipher
"The Wizard's Library" -non-fiction sources for FRP ideas

Readers' views, questions and comments

Microview - edited by Mike Costello
Play-by-mail Games by A D Young

Thrud the Barbarian - cartoon
Can Thrud escape the priests of Pan-Andul? by Carl Critchlow

The Travellers - cartoon
Die! Die! Die! by Mark Harrison

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Ivyix" by Dale Hueber
-"Crimson Carpet, The Puffball Plant" by Mark Byng
-"Acrophids" by Jahn Gordon
-"Vily" by Dale Bartlett
-"Dame Verte" by Ed Dovey

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Divination" - some ideas on Combat
by Oliver Dickinson, Oliver MacDonald, Dave Morris and Ashley Holloway

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"The Hellwalk Spell" a special new spell for D&D / AD&D by Lew Pulsipher

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 45 - Sep 1983)

From the web:


"Dealing with Demons"
Part 2: The Lesser Demons in Runequest
- Dave Morris

"Stop, Thief!!"
The Thieves' Toolkit in D&D - Marcus L Rowland

Part 4 of the complete AD&D city - Daniel Collerton

A Warhammer battle scenario - Joe Dever

The Reader Strikes Back
Tell us what you want to see in WD through our Questionnaire


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Wizards" boardgame reviewed by Alan E Paull
-AD&D and D&D modules "I2, I3, I4 and M1" reviewed by Jim Bambra
-"Pavis: Treshold to Danger" reviewed by Oliver Dickinson

Critical Mass
"Downbelow Expectations"
New books reviewed by David Langford

Starbase regular Traveller department edited by Bob McWilliams
"The Gate", A Traveller adventure cameo by Bob McWilliams

Thrud the Barbarion
The first in a new fantasy cartoon strip by Carl Critchlow

The Travellers
The first in our new science fiction cartoon strip by Mark Harrison


Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Divination" - some questions answered
by Oliver Dickinson, Greg Stafford, Steve Perrin and Sandy Petersen

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Plane Speaking" - Para-Elementals in D&D
-"Sand Demon, Fire Tongues and Servants of the Flame" by Alan Craddock
-"Elementals of the Para-Elemental Planes" by Jason Micklewright
-"Vanith-Vadiren" by Phil Masters

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"Elemental Items" magic items to summon the Fiend Factory monsters by Daniel Hooke

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Super Mole
The first in our new gossip column plus
"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Monday, October 17, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 44 - Aug 1983)

From the web:

From the contents page:


"On ICE"
An interstellar organisation for Traveller
- Marcus L Rowland

"True Sight"
Realism in D&D and FRP - Lew Pulsipher

"Dealing with Demons"
Demonology in Runequest
Part 1: Demon Magic - Dave Morris

Part 3 of our serialized AD&D city - Daniel Collerton

"Happy Landings!"
Starport design in Traveller - Thomas M Price


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"The Shadows ofYog Sothoth" 1st Edition reviewed by Ian Bailey
-"Illuminati Expansion Sets 1 & 2" boardgame expansions reviewed by Phil Masters
-"Endless Quest Books - Revolt of the Dwarves, Revenge of the Rainbow Dragons" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-AD&D modules "S4,WG4,N1 & U2" reviewed by Jim Bambra

Critical Mass
"Wolfe at the door"
New books reviewed by David Langford

"Detective in Sanctuary"
Bi-monthly boardgame column, written by Charles Vasey

Bi-monthly computer column, edited byMike Costello
-Tunnels and Trolls Combat for the ZX81 by D G Evans
-AD&D Melees by Noel Williams


Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Creature Creations" - New monsters
-"The Kirin" by Dave Morris
-"Golems" by Simon Basham

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Tribes and Tribulations" - A collection of Tribal Monsters for AD&D
-"Wodennian" by Phil Masters
-"Blacklings" by Daniel Lukacinsky
-"Wohk" by Anthony Bufton
-"Yelgs" by Mark Monaghan

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"Seeing the Light" Another look at Clerical Conversion in D&D by Graeme Davis

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds

"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil


Sunday, October 16, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 43 - Jul 1983)

From the web:


"Cthulhu Now!"
Part 2: Mini-scenario outlines for Call of Cthulhu in the 1980s
- Marcus L Rowland

Buying and Selling Magic Items in FRP - Lew Pulsipher

"Hanufa's Little Sister"
Fiction from Glorantha - Oliver Dickinson

Part 2 of our serialized AD&D city - Daniel Collerton

"Happy Landings!"
Starport design in Traveller - Thomas M Price


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Warhammer" 1st Edition reviewed by Joe Dever
-"Quest World" sourcepack for Runequest and BRP reviewed by Oliver Dickinson
-"The Tribes of Crane" PBM reviewed by Trevor Graver

Critical Mass
"Zapping Uri Geller"
New books reviewed by David Langford

Starbase regular Traveller department edited by Bob McWilliams
"Vehicle Combat" by Andy Slack


Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Arms Talk" - Damage Absorption in Runequest
by Oliver Dickinson

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"And Some Came Riding" - mounted monsters
-"Bug-Riders" by Jack Rick
-"Lich-King" by Daniel Lukacinsky
-"Vanith-Vadiren" by Phil Masters

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"Bujutsu" Monkish Martial Arts by Graeme Davis

"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Saturday, October 15, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 42 - Jun 1983)

From the web:

From the contents page:


"Cthulhu Now!"
Call of Cthulhu in the 1980s
- Marcus L Rowland

"To Catch a Thief"
Crime perpetration and prevention in Traveller - Graham Staplehurst

"Shamus Gets a Case"
RuneQuest fiction set in Pavis, featuring Griselda - Oliver Dickinson

"Castles in the Air"
Castle theory in D&D - Lewis Pulsipher

An independent scenario that is also Part I of a complete D&D city - Daniel Collerton


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Soloquest 3: The Snow King's Bride" reviewed by Oliver Dickinson
-"The Citadel of Chaos & The Forest of Doom" RPG reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-"Grav-Ball" boardgame reviewed by Ian Waddelow
"The Morrow Project & Liberation at Riverston" reviewed by Phil Masters

Critical Mass
"Hugos and Horrors" regular book review edited by David Langford

Microview edited by Mike Costello
A Traveller generation program by Marcus L Rowland for the Sinclair ZX81 16k


Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Inhuman Gods" - Deities for the Un-Men
Part IV: The Gods of Norkers, Ogrillons, Pebble Gnomes, Shadow Goblins, Skulks, Svirfneblin, Trolls and Xvarts by Phil Masters

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Horses" Encumbrance and breeds by Graham Cobley

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"The Sorcerer's Spell Book"
Spells by Gary and Terry Saul

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Friday, October 14, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 41 - May 1983)

From the web:

From the contents page:


The Tactics of Dwarves, Elves, Kobolds and Orcs
- Alan E Paull

"A Tasty Morsel"
RuneQuest fiction featuring Griselda - Oliver Dickinson

"Sorcerous Symbols"
Sigils in AD&D - Philip Hine

"The Snowbird Mystery"
An undercover Traveller adventure - Andy Slack

"Assignment: Freeway Deathride"
A Car Wars Scenario - Marcus L Rowland


Critical Mass
Some SF Award contenders and others edited by David Langford

Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Traveller Supplement 10: the Solomani Rim" reviewed by Andy Slack
-"Man, Myth and Magic, plus Episodes 5 and 6" RPG reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-"Star Explorer" boardgame reviewed by Alan E Paull


Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Unarmed Combat II"
by Dave Morris, Andrew Roberts, Oliver Macdonald, Jamie Thomson

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Inhuman Gods" - Deities for the Fiend Folio
Part I: The Gods of Frostmen, Mountain Giants, Greenmen, Grimlocks and Lava Children by Phil Masters

Starbase, a Traveller department edited by Bob McWilliams
"The Covert Survey Bureau" - An Imperial Intelligence Agency by Andy Slack

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
Discs as Weapons by Paul McCree

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Thursday, October 13, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 40 - Apr 1983)

From the web:


"Zen and the Art of Adventure Gaming"
RuneQuest in Samurai Japan - Dave Morris

"The Dungeon-Master General"
Rules for Pitched Battle in AD&D - Alan E Paull

"The Eagle Hunt"
An AD&D excursion into the assassin's stronghold for Levels 1-3 - Marcus L Rowland

A new scoutship for Traveller - Andy Slack


Critical Mass
A look at the latest Covenant books and others, edited by David Langford

Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Soloquest 2: Scorpion Hall" reviewed by Oliver Dickinson
-AD&D modules "C1, C2, S2 & I1" reviewed by Jim Bambra
-"Illuminati" reviewed by Phil Masters
-"Generic FRP module "Starstone" reviewed by Daniel Collerton

Readers' views, questions and comments

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson Trading as a skill in Runequest by Simon Woodward

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Inhuman Gods Part II" - Deities of the Demi-Men
Part II: The Gods of Firenewts, Flinds, Flymen, Frog Folk by Phil Masters

Microview edited by Mike Costello
A comprehensive RuneQuest character generation program by Nelson Cunningham

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
A selection of magic items
- "Arrow of the Inner Planes" by Mark Byng
- "Druid's Flask" by Roger E Moore
- "Cloth of the Wind Horse" by Roger E Moore
-"Shaft of the Spider" by Jeremy Dunn
-"Wand of Locking" by Anthony Howcroft
-"Wizards Wand" by Paul Cole

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 39 - Mar 1983)

From the web:


Cult special weapons in RuneQuest - Dave Morris

"An Introduction to Traveller"
Part IV: Campaigns - Andy Slack

A Champions superhero scenario - Marcus L Rowland

"The Daughter of Danu"
An AD&D scenario set in the Land of Faerie - Alan E Paull and Charles M Paull

"A Day in the Life of a Monster"
The behaviour pattern of the monster in D&D - Lew Pulsipher


Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Inhuman Gods" - Deities for the Fiend Folio
Part I: The Gods of Aarakocra, Bodachs, Bullywugs, Crabmen, Desert Raiders and Dire Corbies by Phil Masters

Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Dungeons and Dragons Endless Quest Books" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
-"Citybook1" reviewed by Nicholas J R Dougan
-"Rescue on Galatea and The Trail of the Sky Raiders" reviewed by Bob McWilliams
-"Traveller Adventure 8 and Double Adventure 6" reviewed by Andy Slack


Starbase, a Traveller department edited by Bob McWilliams
"Stand by to Repel Boarders" - Ship Security systems in Traveller by Andrew Miller

Critical Mass
The first in our new book review column edited by David Langford

Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Monster Mash"
"The sharp-toothed Hydra" by Graham Northing
"The Crypt Stalker" by Dave Morris

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
Non-Player Characters
- "Kor-Vlaz-Trok of the Glaciers, Sorella the Virtuous and Konun the Halfling" by Roger and Georgia Moore

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds

First edition with new logo.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 38 - Feb 1983)

From the web:


An Introduction to Traveller - Andy Slack
Part III: Scenarios

Questworld - Oliver Dickinson and Bob McWillaims
An Introduction to Games Workshop's Questworld scenario pack

Khazad Dum! - Lew Pulsipher
Tolkien's Moria as an introductory D&D scenario

Monster Have Feelings Too - Oliver MacDonald and Graeme Davis
Also including Extracts form the Uruk-Hai Battle Manual


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers
The Traveller Book reviewed by Phil Masters
Dicing with Dragons reviewed by M L Rowland
Traitor & The Spirit Stones, multi-system Thieves' World adventures reviewed by Oliver Dickinson

Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
Faerie Denizens - New monsters for AD&D by Alan E Paull

Microview edited by Mike Costello
Digital Dragons about use of computers in RPGs by Noel Williams

RuneRites edited by Oliver Dickinson (for RuneQuest)
Lords of the Spirit World by Dave Morris

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas)
A selection of spells
WALL OF ELECTRICITY (Evocation) by Terry and Gary Saul
ISOLATION (Illusion/Phantasmal) by Roger E Moore
FLAMEBRAND (Alternation/Reversible) by Tony Parry and Jerry Vaughn
BESTOW MAGIC RESISTANCE (Alternation/Reversible) by Derek Smith
EVIL AURA (Alternation) by Nick Gray

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Monday, October 10, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 37 - Jan 1983)

From the web:


AD&D and the land of Faerie - Alan E Paull

"An Introduction to Traveller"
- Part II: Refereeing Traveller - Andy Slack

- Brief notes on the ecology of the Vampire in D & D - by Marcus L Rowland

"The City in the Swamp"
A reptilian scenario for AD&D 5th-7th level - Graeme Davis

"D&D Scenarios"
Ideas for Adventures - Lew Pulsipher


Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-"Soloquest" reviewed by Clive Bailey
-"Star Frontiers" reviewed by Andy Slack
-"Crasimoff's World" fantasy PBM game reviewed by Trevor Graver


Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Species Special" a mix of animal-based creatures
-"Weed-delvers" by Barney Sloane
-"Crestcat" by Graham Head
-"Javukchari" by Phil Masters
-"Antmen" by Huw Roberts

-"MagicQuest" - spells and items for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson
-"Farhear, Ventriloquism and Power Matrix" by Richard Case
-"Trader's Boxes" by Simon Basham

Starbase edited by Bob McWilliams
"The Striker Design Competition" results
-"Prospector Vehicle" - by Stephen Tempest

Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"Encumbrance rules for AD&D" by Jamie Thomson

What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming

Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Sunday, October 9, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 33 - Sep 1982)

From the web:



"Weapons for Traveller" - An array of readers' weaponry -
-Flamethrower, Auto Shotgun, Snub Rifle by Ian Brotzman
-Heavy Body Pistol by David Bell
-Submachine Pistol, Shock Disablers, Needle Rifle by Stephen Simkin
-Stun Pistol and Stun Rifle by Adam Walker
-Tonite Pistol and Carbine by Steve Cook
-Plasma Pistol, Wiper and Warper by Sean Masterson
(edited by Bob McWilliams)

"The Town Planner" - Part III : Running Towns and Cities - (Paul Vernon)

"Rumble at the Tin Inn"
Bar-Room Brawl, Runequest style - (Michael Cule)

"Arms at the Ready, Part II"
A further selection of weapons for D&D - (Lewis Pulsipher)

"Brevet Rank for Low Level Characters"
(How to play at 10th level when you're only 2nd - (Lewis Pulsipher)


Open Box - A look at some new games by independent reviewers
- "Striker" rules for SF tabletop miniature battles - Andy Slack
- AD & D modules A1, A2, A3 & A4 - Jim Bambra
- "Elric" Boardgame - Murray Writtle
- Grimtooth's Traps - Nicholas Dougan

Starbase - Guns for Sale - Weapons availability system for Traveller by Steve Cook (edited by Bob McWilliams)

RuneRites - Invisibility and Magic - RQ magic item by Jim Sizer, notes on spell use in campaigns by Greg Stafford (edited by Oliver Dickinson)


Fiend Factory - "All in the Mind" psionic monsters for D&D edited by Albie Fiore. (Monsters by Andy Wouldham, Phil Masters, Roger E Moore, Charles Stross, L Barton)

Treasure Chest - A witches brew of this and that for D & D (Nick Gray, Tony Parry, Jerry Vaughn, Graham Staplehurst, Roger E Moore, Alex Begg) (edited by Jamie Thomson)


Small Ads - Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Saturday, October 8, 2022

White Dwarf (Issue 31 - Jun 1982)

From the web:



"The Town Planner" - Part 1 : Designing and Running Villages - (Paul Vernon)

"The Mad Dwarf"
A Tunnels and Trolls solitaire scenario - (Ken St Andre)

"Prior Service in Traveller"
An alternative character generation system - (John Conquest)

"Arms at the Ready"
Combining the D&D combat tables - (Lewis Pulsipher)

"Treasure Trap"
(L)FRP, live from Cheshire - a review - (Ian Livingstone)


Open Box - A look at some new games by independent reviewers - "Federation Space" operational-level SF board game, Traveller scenarios from FASA, "Thieves Guild I - IV, Free City of Haven" scenarios and setting for D&D (John Lambshead, Bob McWilliams, Lewis Pulsipher)


RuneRites - How to keep RQ characters on the straight and narrow - Crime and Punishment by Geoff Winn (edited by oliver Dickinson)

Starbase - How to detect starships in Traveller - Antony Cornell and Martin Barrett (edited by Bob McWilliams)

Treasure Chest - Readers' ideas for Amulets and Talismans for D & D (Dave Morrison, Arthur Woodworth, Anthony Howcroft, Peter Rasmussen) (edited by Jamie Thomson)

Fiend Factory - "In Search of a Fool" a D&D mini-adventure edited by Albie Fiore. (Monsters by Daniel Collerton, Craig Cartmell, Roger E Moore, Phil Masters)


Small Ads - Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Friday, October 7, 2022

White Dwarf : Issue 29 - Feb 1982

From the web:



"Designing a Quasi-Medieval Society for D & D" - Part 1: The Economy - Workers and Craftsmen - (Paul Vernon)

"Lucky Eddi"
Being a tale of mighty Runequest deeds in far off Pavis - (Oliver Dickinson)

"This is, of course, Impossible"
How to tame time in AD&D - (Marcus L. Rowland)

"Weed War"
An underwater Traveller scenario - (S McIntyre)


Open Box - A look at some new games by independent reviewers - "Fifth Frontier War" a boardgame set in the Traveller universe, "Sorag" a Traveller supplement, "Barbarian Prince" a solitaire fantasy game, "Stormbringer" the Elric RPG (John Roberts, Nelson Cunnington, Bill Skirrow, Murray Writtle)

Starbase - "The Mudskipper" a multi-terrain vehicle for Traveller - (Dryden Badenoch)

Character Conjuring - New Races: "Grey and Sylvan Elves" - (Roger E Moore), "The Brownie" - (Bob Lock)


Fiend Factory - new monsters edited by Albie Fiore. "The Desert Light" a D & D mini-scenario (Monsters by Roger E. Moore, Andy Wouldham, Glenn Godard and Barney Sloane)

Treasure Chest - Amulets and Talismans - new classes of magic items for D & D (Lewis Pulsipher) - (edited by Jamie Thomspon)


Clubs, Help! and Classifieds


Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Best of White Dwarf Articles (Volume II)

From the web:

Selected material from White Dwarfs 15 to 30, including An Introduction to D&D, The Dungeon Architect and Backdrop of Stars.


Introduction to Dungeons & Dragons, Parts I-V by Lew Pulsipher
How to get the most from your game

Conversion by Roger Musson
A Clerical ability

Backdrop of Stars by Andy Slack
Fleshing out the Traveller campaign

Dungeons & ... Dragoons by Phil Masters
Historical troop types in FRP

Starbase by Bob McWilliams
Traveller Campaigns

Treasure Chest by Lewis Pulsipher
Amulets & Talismans

A Spell Caster's Guide to Arcane Power by Bob Milne
A spell point system for D&D

Star Patrol by Andy Slack
Expanded scouts in Traveller

The Dungeon Architect, Parts 1-3 by Roger Musson
How to construct credible dungeons

The Ship's Library

Treasure Chest

How to Lose Hit Points and Survive by Roger Musson
Survival for D&D characters

AD&D Character Classes by Lew Pulsipher
Developing a balanced class

The Self-Made Traveller by Trevor Graver
Alternate prior experience system

Fiend Factory
The Top Ten monsters

The Mudskipper

Treasure Chest
Magic Items

The Detective by Marcus L Rowland
New D&D character class


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Best of White Dwarf Articles (Volume I)

From the web:

Selected material from the first 3 years of White Dwarf magazine


The Monstermark System by Don Turnbull
A method for assessing D&D monster malignity

The Magic Brush by Shaun Fuller
Fantasy figure painting as an art

The Barbarian by Brian Asbury
A D&D Character Class

The Houri Character Class by Brian Asbury
An alluring D&D subclass

The Barbarian by Ian Livingstone
An introductory fantasy boardgame

Chronicle Monsters by Lewis Pulsipher
Thomas Covenant in D&D

Expanding Universe by Andy Slack
Additions to Traveller rules

The Fiend Factory
The 'Top Ten' monsters from this popular department

D&D Campaigns by Lewis Pulsipher
Philosophy and mechanics of Dungeon Mastering


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (Volume II)

From the web:

Compilation of 12 adventures that were previously published in issues of White Dwarf magazine:

  • Hive of the Hrrr'l - an AD&D flymen scenario by Daniel Collerton
  • Lower Canon Court - a clerical AD&D skirmish by Tony Chamberlain and Paul Skidmore
  • Sorry! - a short starbase Traveller adventure by Bob McWilliams
  • The Black Manse - an AD&D Fiend Factory scenario by Albie Fiore
  • Operation Counterstrike - an interplanetary AD&D scenario by Marcus L. Rowland
  • Weed War - a submersible Traveller adventure by S. McIntyre
  • One-Eye Canyon - an AD&D Fiend Factory scenario by Albie Fiore
  • Amber to Red - a classic Traveller adventure by Bob McWilliams
  • Search for the Golden Spire - an AD&D scenario by Barney Sloane
  • Shadows in the Swamp - an AD&D Fiend Factory scenario by Albie Fiore
  • The Lair of Maldred the Mighty - an epic AD&D adventure by Mark Byng
  • The Desert Light - an AD&D Fiend Factory scenario by Albie Fiore


Monday, October 3, 2022

The Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (Volume 1)

From the web:

Compilation of 12 adventures that were previously published in issues of White Dwarf magazine:

  • The Halls of Tizun Thane - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Albie Fiore
  • The Lair of the White Wyrm - a RuneQuest scenario by John Bethell
  • Paths of the Lil - a Gamma World scenario by James Ward
  • Jorthan's Rescue - a Runequest scenario by Stephen R. Marsh & John T. Sapienza, Jr.
  • A Bar-Room Brawl - D&D Style - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Lew Pulsipher
  • A Place in the Wilderness - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Lew Pulsipher
  • Lair of the Demon Queen - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Don Turnbull
  • The Sable Rose Affair - a Traveller scenario by Bob McWilliams
  • Grakt's Crag - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Will Stephenson
  • Ogre Hunt - a Chivalry & Sorcery scenario by Tom Keenes
  • The Lichway - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Albie Fiore
  • Pool of the Standing Stones - a Dungeons & Dragons scenario by Bill Howard


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Darkwoods' Secret - Series One #2

From the back cover:

The summer squall has passed you by overnight, and you awake to the dull purples of a clearing sky and rising sun. Cool mist brushes past your face as you gather your things and prepare to break camp.

Pressing on you soon find that the plains are coming to an end: A distant range of mountains has risen over the horizon, and the tall grasses soon give way to scrub, and the scrub then gives way to ancient oaks. As you pass beneath the first green leaves, the last of the clouds have been burnt away and a bright sun stands starkly against a clear sky of blue. Your feet seem light upon the earth, and friendly banter soon erupts.

Then, as quickly as the stars had seemed to align themselves in your favor, the moment is shattered: An arrow, straight and true, lodges itself in the dust at your feet.

Instantly you are aware of the figures all about you--figures slim and fair, with slanted features and tapered ears.

"Welcome to the Forest of Athan."


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Lost Hunt - Series 2 #10

From the back cover:

An instant adventure for 4-6 characters levels 8-10.

The elves of the village welcomed you with open arms, and have demonstrated a kindness and generosity that you have sometimes come to doubt still existed in the world. Now, as you gather among the dappled shadows of the village green - a good night's rest and a hearty breakfast comfortably behind you - a band of children dances about your legs, and a gentle sense of tranquility settles around your soul.

No sooner has it arrived, than the moment is torn asunder by a sudden, piercing scream that echoes from the far side of the small village. Your heads turn as one in its direction, but before you have even a moment to react, you see a black form hurtling through the air toward you. As it crashed to earth scarcely twenty feet away, you realize it to be some monstrous humanoid - and you marvel at the stunning strength of the mighty legs that propelled its massive body through the air.

That which follows seems to stretch for an eternity, although it must last scarcely more than a moment: The creature turns with lithe and sinister ease, and with a casual strength eviscerates the nearest village with a single, terrible claw.

A shocked silence fills your ears.

And then you hear a sound. You realize it is the children screaming all about you. If the twisted, blackened hide of the creature left any doubt in your mind as to the unnatural blasphemy of its existence, it is eradicated now. The cry for action churns in your stomach, and the creature is already turning to a new victim...


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