"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Friday, August 31, 2018
Paranoia - Acute Paranoia
From back of book:
New Rules to Ignore!
New Secret Societies!
Bots as Player Characters!
Psychological Tests!
From the web:
"Features rules for robot PCs and NPCs, plus new secret societies, several adventures (including the mega-adventure Me and My Shadow, Mark IV), and several short adventure ideas."
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Pandemonium - Adventures In Tabloid World
From the cover:
"Pandemonium is a role playing game that takes place in the weird world of the Tabloids - those tacky looking newspapers you see in the supermarket but are afraid to buy because you don't want your friends to think you actually believe Elvis is still alive, or that evil aliens from a far galaxy have come to Earth to kidnap our women. So you sneak a peek while you're waiting in the checkout line but never actually get up the courage to buy a copy, because what would the neighbors say?
Well, here's your chance to find out what you've been missing!"
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Palladium: Villains Unlimited
Publisher Blurb:
"One look will tell you that this book is something special. Page after page of unique and interesting villains, anti-heroes, and secret organizations.
No knock-off "generic" characters in this book! Each and every character is distinct and different, with his own origin, history, personality, powers, and point of view. Homicidal maniacs, would-be world conquerors, speed demons, supernatural monsters, superhuman mutants, aliens, cyborgs, robots, wizards, and much more. All major villains are illustrated by Kevin Long, Kevin Siembieda and/or Mike Gustovich. Plus adventures and adventure ideas.
Highlights Include:
- Over 80 villains and a dozen heroes/anti-heroes.
- Secret villainous organizations like the Fabricators and Dark Tribunal; eight in all.
- How to design your own super organizations.
- S.C.R.E.T.: Superbeing Control, Retrieval, and Elimination Teams government agencies developed to counter the threat of "super humans."
- New robots, weapons, gimmicks, equipment and more.
- For Heroes Unlimited and compatible with Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Rifts, and the entire Palladium Megaverse.
- New Material in this revised edition includes the Jury, the secret organization that polices superheroes gone bad."
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Palladium Role-Playing Game Shield
From the web:
"This is a GM shield for Palladium First Edition. Simple three-fold, light card stock game screen with tables printed on 5 of the 6 faces."
Monday, August 27, 2018
Palladium - Mutants in Orbit
From the web:
"Mutants in Orbit is a Palladium Books Adventure and sourcebook for After the Bomb & Rifts developed by James Wallis and Kevin Siembieda. The original copyright came into existence in 1988 and is owned by Kevin Siembieda. The book deals with life of the space colonies After the Bomb. The setting is on the same time scale as the After the Bomb and Rifts, only from the space colonies' point of view, but is in no way limited to that use."
Publisher Blurb:
"This 120 page sourcebook is divided into two sections, one for After the Bomb and another for Rifts. The startling answer to the questions of what lays within Earth's orbit, on the moon and Mars. A.R.C.H.I.E. Seven, the Cyberworks corporation, CAN Republic, Virtual Reality defense system, three new Glitter Boys, the steel dragon, bots, killer satellites, mutants, monsters and more!"
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Pages from the Mages
From the back of the book:
"Any rogue can craft a spell - but it takes a really reckless fool to write one down."
Thus, the wizard Elminster introduces the latest collection of wizardly lore from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, including:
New spells from mages such ads Daltim, Darsson, and Myrl.
Fell creatures - the Tome Guardian, the Disenchanter, and the Scalamagdrion.
Details of more than 40 spellbooks - appearance, history, the magic they contain, and what is known of the fates of their makers.
And just for fun - Elminster's very own traveling spellbook!
"All this could have been avoided, of course... If the handful of heedful folk in the worlds'd listen to me but a few moments more, much trouble could be avoided - and, I suppose, much high adventure. Hmmm... perhaps 'tis the doom of humans to always rush in heedless of the costs - and to open and read every old, crumbling book they find." -Elminster"
Saturday, August 25, 2018
P2: Gladestrom
From the back cover:
"You were absolutely certain that the priceless painting you found on the cart was an original one-of-a-kind piece -- and so was the one just like it. Investigating this matter led you to the giant vineyard and a meeting with an art dealer, whose assistant looks astonishingly like one of the brigands you killed earlier on the way here. Now you've discovered the dead body under the floorboards of the meeting room, and it's the same man you just spoke to five minutes ago in the lobby. What's going on? And why is your companion, the man who paid you to investigate all this, drawing his sword on you and grinning wickedly?"
Friday, August 24, 2018
Over the Edge (2nd edition)
From the web:
"Devious secret agents, subtle alien invasions, ancient conspiracies, the secret of human nature, drooling psychopaths, weird science, a quick but painful death -- who knows what you may find when you play Over the Edge? For the first time, the surreal undercurrents of fiction, cinema, and television have come to roleplaying, and Over the Edge is the game that can take you where you've never been before.
Over the Edge Features:
* Free-form Character Creation: Define your character the way you want to, without the limits of skill lists, random rolls, and artificial limitations. The rules favor character development over mechanics.
* Open Setting: Anything goes on the chaotic island of Al Amarja. If it troubles your dreams, if it scares you, if you hope it isn't true, it's waiting for you Over the Edge. Players can never be sure what they're up against, who is on their side, and why.
* Focus on the Story: Easy, open-ended mechanics allow you to spend more time developing your character and your plots, instead of crunching numbers. The GM's chapters include numerous story ideas and plenty advice for better gamemastering.
* Easy To Get Started: Three beginning adventures introduce the GM and players to the wild world of Al Amarja and make the first sessions easy to run.
* New in the Second Edition: the mother of all charts on what each Al Amarjan conspiracy thinks of all the other ones; updated references include all published supplements; improved layout and graphic appearance."
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Star Wards Otherspace II: Invasion
From the web:
"In a remote, little-traveled corner of the galaxy, the Alliance safe-world of Stronghold floats serenely against the bloody backdrop of rebellion and Empire. Here, families of Alliance warriors hide, safe from Imperial attack.
But something has gone wrong wrong on the safe world. Terribly wrong.
There has been no contact with Stronghold for weeks. No comm reports, no ship traffic. Nothing. It is as though the entire planet has vanished. Six Alliance personnel race to Stronghold to find out what has happened to the planet - and to their friends and loved ones hiding there.
Six rebels - against the Invasion!
Also included in this module is a Star Wars: Assault on Hoth Scenario."
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Oriental Adventures (3e)
From the Back Cover:
"Oriental Adventures introduces the infinite worlds of fantastic Asia to the Dungeons & Dragons game. In these pages, you'll find:
- 5 new races, including Hengeyokai, Nezumi, and Spirit Folk
- 5 new classes, including the Samurai, the Shugenja, and the Wu Jen
- Over 23 new prestige classes, including the Ninja, the Tattooed Monk, and the Yakuza.
- 100 new spells
- 75 new monsters
- A complete campaign setting: Rokugan, the world of the Legend of the Five Rings Trading Card Game."
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Publisher Blurb:
"Orcfest is the perfect start-up adventure for the new 3rd Edition of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. It's a rollicking quest that culminates in a climactic battle against an orc war chief and his army, paired with a step-by-step guide to character development, die rolls, combat, and more. As you play, both the game master and the players receive advice and hints to explain the game for first-timers. Even experienced players will find tips for faster, more streamlined play - tricks that took the rest of us many years to discover!"
Monday, August 20, 2018
Omlevex #1
From the back of the book:
"Face Front, Firm Believer!
The Silver Age of comics has returned, with this dynamic new setting book for use with M&M Superlink, the Hero System, and Silver Age Sentinels! Within these pages you'll find everything you need to know about the universe presented in the fictitious Omlevex Comics during the 1960s.
Behind-the-scenes information about the Omlevex Comics Group!
Get the scoop on the writers, artists, and creators behind one of comicdom's greatest companies of the 1960s. Through interview snippets and facts from folks who were there, the happenings and goings-on at the legendary Omlevex madhouse will come to life in thriving vivid detail.
Extensive Overview of the Omlevex Universe!
Learn about Metazon, a cluster of islands located off the coast of Georgia where most of the world's superhuman activity occurs. You'll find out all the secrets of omlevex, the mysterious mineral responsible for the bestowment of powers upon humans. Dig deep into the setting's history with our exhaustive timeline of past events.
Bios for numerous heroes and villains!
Nearly 50 characters from all five of the major Silver Age Omlevex titles are profiled. You'll even find "modern-day options" that allow you to use the characters in contemporary campaigns."
Sunday, August 19, 2018
IM1: The Immortal Storm
From the Back of the Book:
"The storm-stuff is not matter as we know it, and beyond immortal control," the Hierarch sighs, "I fear we are doomed."
It appeared only a few weeks ago - a swirling gray mass of incalculable size. And in in its center, an eye. A humanoid eye. Now the storm threatens the very era of immortal rule.
The growing maelstrom emits a message to the Hierarchs. But what does it mean? Can it help save this realm of existence? Is there time to save this realm?
The first Immortal Adventure pits your party against the multiverse in a desperate struggle to find the essence of life. This adventures is like nothing you've played before."
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Obsidian: The Age of Judgement
Publisher Blurb:
"The corebook to the Obsidian universe, this book has all the rules, mechanics, history, setting, and players that are used in the game. Obsidian is set in the 2299, as a desperate humanity wages war against the manifested legions of Hell itself. In the final battle, the last vestiges of mankind construct a fortified city to hold the Daemonic hordes at bay. Within this city, massive corporations vie for power, Daemonic Kults carve a bloody swath through its citizenry, and technology has surpassed the limits of the flesh. Take care when choosing your allies, even more when choosing your enemies. This is the Zone. Obsidian allows the player to take control over any type of character, from the infernal kultist to the self proclaimed messiah. In between are littered a menagerie of corporate soldiers and cybernetically-clad street assassins. Included in the book are rules to create Daemons from scratch, security systems, corporate construction rules, and of course all the tools necessary to make and play an Obsidian character."
Friday, August 17, 2018
Oathbound: Wrack & Ruin
From the back cover:
"The bulk of the City of Penance is a madly stacked and sprawling ruin, only superficially explored by the relentless rafters and treasure-seekers of the surface world. Every home in the city has a hundred others lost beneath it, and every city street stands atop an incredible three-dimensional maze of corridors, alleyways, and crawlspaces--a maze where time has left nothing unchanged, eroding and distorting the framework of magic and even the laws of physics themselves.
Within Wrack & Ruin you'll find:
- 3 new player character races
- 5 new prestige races
- 2 new prestige classes
- New magic items, monsters, and spells"
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Oathbound: Plains of Penance
From the back cover:
"Beyond the most populous city on the Forge lies a vast, uncontrolled expanse of rolling grasslands, scattered crags, and light woods. In strong contrast to the rest of the world, where nature stands in opposition to intelligent life, the bountiful land here provides a lush wealth of resources upon which the great cities have come to depend. Powerful forces vie for control over this abundant domain, as ruthless bloodlords of the cities clash against the deep-rooted druids of the wilds, hardened armies from the west, and even mysterious visitors from the depths of the northern oceans.
Within the Plains of Penance, you'll find:
- 5 new player-character races
- 5 new prestige races
- 2 new prestige classes (Artificer and Disjoiner)
- New magic items, monsters, spells, and weapons"
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
OA7: Test of the Samurai
From the back cover:
"The peninsula of Wa is no place to visit. The land is poor, the people wary and suspicious. Yet this quiet backwater has been the site of strange disturbances - mysterious disappearances and omens of dire events to come. Why do the animals of Wa disappear, only to return a short while later? Who are the Blue Kumi bandits, and why are they so active? Why do the black geese fly into the Jusofu Mountains? And what fell creature lurks along the southern coast of Wa?
Or does the stench of corruption emanate from the Celestial Bureaucracy itself? Could the danger, unchecked, grow great enough to doom all living creatures in Kara-Tur? Which clues will lead to the truth, and which are merely traps for the unwary...
Test of the Samurai will take the players across the Wa peninsula and to the unknown land of Qui. They will encounter such legendary beasts as the feng huang (phoenix) and the chi'-lin (unicorn) as they attempt to discover the secrets of Wa.
Test of the Samurai is a scenario for the Oriental Adventures supplement to the AD&D game. It is set in Kara-Tur, the oriental world in the Forgotten Realms. Although Test of the Samurai follows the events of module OA6: Ronin Challenge, it is an independent adventure for five to eight characters of levels 6-9."
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Oriental Adventures - OA3 Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior
From the back cover:
"Your family and those of your friends are deeply indebted to the Ko Family, a clan of merchants from distant and alien Shou Lung. The Ko have been instructed by their emperor to develop an island possession to extend the Glorious Empire of the Shou Lung. The colony there is failing because of fell spirits and dire hauntings. The Ko family is calling in old favors to discover who is responsible for these evil sendings. and if the Ko have a problem you have a problem....
So you and your companions are bound for the island of Akari, a small pebble in the Celestial Sea. There you will find a land rich in ancient lore and guarded by the sword of a spectral samurai - Ochimo, the spirit warrior. Yet this is only the first taste of adventures that await you.
Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior is an adventure for characters of levels 5-7 and uses the AD&D Oriental Adventures rule book. The module includes descriptions of Akari Island, as well as much information on the lifestyles, attitudes, and history of the most civilized nation in the world: Shou Lung"
Monday, August 13, 2018
Oriental Adventures OA2: Night of the Seven Swords
From the back cover:
"While Maeshi province revels in the festival spirit, clouds gather over the political scene. Two warlords are vying for control of this otherwise peaceful place, and you are guest of one of them. Sun Temple officials have offered complete support to the faction which successfully travels to Ito-jo Castle (said to hold relics of great importance to the Sun Temple), brings them back safely, and returns them to the Inn of the Globefish.
The plan is laid before you. You are to leave immediately under secrecy for the castle of the Ito clan, also known as the Seven Swords clan. Find the relics, and return them to the renowned inn Doi no Fugu. Extreme caution is needed here, for your warlord's rival must not hear of this!
Is the castle really haunted? What lies in the caverns beneath it? Will Korimori's troops discover your plan and try to wrest the relics from you, should you even get that far? What will you find at the Inn of the Globefish?
Come, honorable stranger - the Seven Swords await!"
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Oriental Adventures OA1: Swords of the Daimyo
From the back cover:
"From the Log of the Leaping Dolphin:
"110th Day: The gale nae stops for twa days. My ship is driven before it and the magus is as helpless as a wee babe. Akito names the winds tai-fun in his heathen tongue...."
Drawn by the lure of adventure and riches, a crew of seamen sails valiantly into uncharted seas. In the squalid dens of the port districts, tales hint at a land of untold riches across the waves. But getting there is only the beginning.
Across the waters lies Kozakura, a land of mystery and danger. There you will discover new cultures, strange values, secret powers, and fabulous terrors. For Kozakura is a land of Oriental Adventures.
Swords of the Daimyo is the first module designed for use with the AD&D Oriental Adventures rule book. Swords of the Daimyo includes descriptions and maps of the island of Kozakura, detailed information and maps of Miyama Province of Kozakura, and a series of adventures to introduce old and new player characters to the intrigues of the Orient."
Saturday, August 11, 2018
O1: Harbinger of Darkness
From the back cover:
"A cold, foul wind blows through the city of Dorona. The rats lift their noses from the dirty streets in anticipation, for they know the smell of Death when it comes to town. But this wind is human and it bears a name - the name of Shadar Al-Meryk. Shadar Al-Meryk is a name few know, and fewer still speak aloud. Shadar Al-Meryk, the necromantic wizard. Shadar Al-Meryk, the midnight robber of graves. Shadar Al-Meryk, the worshiper of dark and ancient Gods. He has come to the city of Dorona this storm-tossed evening for a reason. He is searching for something. Something that is not his, but will soon be."
An adventure module for 4-6 characters of levels 7-9.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Nephilim: Chronicles of the Awakening
From the web:
"Resources for the Nephilim players and gamemasters, such as: new past lives, new Metamorphosis (and a new system based on emotions) and new simulacra."
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Non-Player Character Records
From the front cover:
"At last, record sheets for non-player characters! ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS NON-PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS are especially designed for ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. No longer will the DM need to worry about lack of continuity or lost records on non-player characters, for these sheets provide the DM with easy-to-store records of the many non-player personalities which populate his or her campaign.
These convenient referee aids contain all information needed to run each non-player character and his, her or its personal background. The sheets have been organized under specific headings and important, oft-consulted information is boxed in eye-catching, easy-to-find displays. These records contain information on the character's abilities, combat skills, description, possessions and background. Compact, but complete, their small size provides easy handling and more sheets. If you enjoy this product you will want to discover AD&D PLAYER CHARACTER RECORD SHEETS and other quality products from TSR, those Game Wizards."
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
The Nine Doctrines of Darkness
From the back cover:
It was the King's favorite wine-flask -- until the ages-old spell wore off. Now the black bound text of evil doctrine is the center of attention for both good and evil beings. It is your goal, Mortal!"
Monday, August 6, 2018
NightLife: Magic
From the web:
"Magic don’t come easy, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s just easier to use a gun, but when spells start popping and heads are dropping there’s nothing like it. Night Life Magic is a comprehensive supplement of Sorcerers, Witches, Cults and Organizations. Add a little Street Magic to your game. Nearly a hundred pages with:
More Street Gangs
New Factions
New PC ‘The Sorcerer’
Dozens of Spells
Terrifying New Monsters
Secrets of Target Alpha
Elder Kin"
Sunday, August 5, 2018
NightLife: Reference Screen and City Planner's Accessories
From the back of the book:
"Reference Screen: A three page fold out screen, with tables to help the City Planner find Edges, Weapons, Humanity, and more!
Character Records: Complete four page character records for each race of Kin! Edges, Flaws, and Skills included on each record! A must for Players and City Planners alike.
Adventures: A complete mini-adventure, plus adventure ideas and encounters for your campaign!
The NightLife Accessories Package puts everything you need right at your fingertips. A reference screen lets you find information quickly and easily. The new character records let you keep track of your Kin, down to the last detail. A mini-adventure and other adventure ideas will fit into any campaign. A must for all NightLife Players."
Saturday, August 4, 2018
NightLife: America After Dark
From the web:
"The guide to cities and places the Kin call home when the sun goes down. Journey to the darker spots of America that the Kin call home. See details of Washington, New York and the Afterdark Night Spots. Includes the Adventure ‘Deadly Sparkle’ Nearly a hundred pages with details of Kin in:
Washington DC
New York
Olds Camp Pennsylvania
New Races
More Gangs"
Friday, August 3, 2018
Night of the Shark
From the back cover:
"When the storm comes in with its teeth, teeth, teeth . . .
Black clouds build on the horizon with supernatural swiftness as the light of day drains away like a guttering candle. As the wind screams and sea spray blinds the eyes, the masts splinter and the deck heels over, a plaything of the storm. A nightmare shark hunts the murky ocean for all that succumb to the hammer of the winds. Can anyone survive the Tempest of the Deep Mother?
Night of the Shark is the second part of an adventure trilogy featuring the evil sahuagin, deadly sea devils in pursuit of an ancient relic known only as The Stone Which Abides. This adventure can be played independently, or it can be linked together as part of the adventure series that began with Evil Tide and concludes with Sea of Blood."
Thursday, August 2, 2018
NightLife - NightMoves
From the back of the book:
"A complete adventure
New Gangs
New NPC’s
Live Fast - play a Vampire
Live Free - play a Werewolf
Live Forever - play a Sorcerer
An extended adventure based in Greenwich Village for your creature of the night players. Included are supplementary rules for NightLife as well."
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
NightLife: KinRise
From the back of the book:
"The Kin during nuclear winter - The fall of a new night
Witches and covens, ceremonial magic, new spells, the Sidhe, Sidhe culture and magic
Live Fast - play a Vampire
Live Free - play a Werewolf
Live Forever - play a Sorcerer
The world isn’t there any more but Magic still is. KinRise is a comprehensive supplement of post war survival in the fall of a New Night. Year after the Spasm War things are coming back together in a darker way then you can imagine. Nearly a hundred pages with:
Witches & Covens
Ceremonial Magic
New Spells
The Sidhe
Sidhe Culture and Magic
New Monsters
and Much Much More! "
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