"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Friday, November 30, 2018
Polyhedron #83
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Terry Pavlet rendered this illustration of Ravens Bluff's Lord Thief-Taker. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Milk Run by Sterling Hershey - A fast-paced Star Wars adventure for quick-witted Rebels.
'Conventions' was on the inside front mailing cover, 'Classifieds' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a 'POLYHEDRON Newszine Convention Announcement' submission form was on the outside back mailing cover.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Polyhedron #82
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Scott Rosema deftly portrayed a gallant fighter wearing a cloak of weather and brandishing a sword of lightning, magic items detailed inside this issue. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Magnificent Magic - A dozen pages are devoted to new and wondrous magic items created by members of official Network clubs.
'Classifieds' was on the inside front mailing cover, 'Bloodmoose and Company' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a calendar with submission deadlines, registration for tournaments, and convention dates for Oct. - Dec. '93 was on the outside back mailing cover.
It also included several forms between pages 30-31: a POLYHEDRON Newszine General Announcement submission form, a RPGA Network Club Program application, and a RPGA Network Tournament Request Form.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Polyhedron #81
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Stephen Schwartz penned this scene of an alien combat on a doomed barbarian world. (from the contents page)
This issue featured His Majesty's Spacial Service by Tom Prusa - Intrigue, excitement, danger, and wealth are only a few of the ingredients in this SPELLJAMMER game adventure.
'Conventions' was on the inside front mailing cover, 'Classifieds' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a calendar with submission deadlines, registration for tournaments, and convention dates for Jul. - Sep. '93 was on the outside back mailing cover.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Polyhedron #80
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Clyde Caldwell expertly painted this saurian alien who could be a native on one of your science fiction campaign's barbarian worlds. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Guarded Wagon by Tom Prusa - Leading a caravan across the harsh land of Athas is not an easy task in this DARK SUN world adventure.
'Conventions' was on the inside front mailing cover, 'Classifieds' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a calendar with submission deadlines, registration for tournaments, and convention dates for Apr. - Jun. '93 was on the outside back mailing cover.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Polyhedron #79
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Ray Van Tilburg painted this chilly winter fantasy scene. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Evansburg by John Reynolds and Lesia Head - Something threatens the children in this GAMMA WORLD game city.
'Conventions' was on the inside front mailing cover, 'Classifieds' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a calendar with submission deadlines, registration for tournaments, and convention dates for Jan. - Mar. '93 was on the outside back mailing cover.
It also had a center pull-out, an appeal and registration form for judges for the 1993 GEN CON Game Fair.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Polyhedron #78
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Terry Pavlet sketched this brooding image of Art's Haven, a Living City business whose owners share a common grief. (from the contents page)
This issue featured A Fluffy Wonderland by Rick Reid - A dastardly dognapping will lead your characters on a snowy chase.
'Conventions' was on the inside front mailing cover, 'Classifieds' was on the back inside mailing cover, and a hand-out map for players of 'A Fluffy Wonderland' was on the outside back mailing cover.
It also featured a center pull-out, The 1993 Games Decathlon, a list of events that RPGA clubs could enter for the yearly contest.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Polyhedron #77
From the web:
Cover art: Could this scene of watery peril await your PCs? Go "Downunder the Living City" (page 9) and find out. Art by Terry Pavlet. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Downunder the Living City by Wayne Straiton - The Port of Ravens Bluff could be left high and dry unless you venture beneath the Sea of Fallen Stars.
'Classifieds' were on the inside front mailing cover, 'Conventions' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a 'Standard Disclosure Form' for readers wanting to submit articles to TSR was on the outside back mailing cover.
It also had a center pull-out, a preregistration form for the Winter Fantasy Convention '93.
The contents page listed an article, "Hey Rocky" by Kevin Rau, but the article did not appear in the magazine.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Polyhedron #68
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Clyde Caldwell portrays the diabolic pirate Zhen Mirat and his captive, Cyra. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Hero by Don Bingle and Jay Tummelson - Can a song turn a group of adventurers into heroes capable of saving a kingdom?
'Conventions' was on the inside front mailing cover, the overland map for 'Hero' was on the inside back mailing cover, and a 'POLYHEDRON Newszine General Announcement' submission form was on the outside back mailing cover.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Polyhedron #66
From the web:
Cover art: Artist Gary M. Williams portrays Oljagg and Pitha in Oljagg's Rag and Bottle Shop, our Living City offering. (from the contents page)
This issue featured Caravan by James Ward - What could be safer than traveling along a well-used country road with a famous paladin for company?
The 'POLYHEDRON Newszine Convention Announcement' submission form was on the inside front mailing cover, and the '1992 Games Decathlon' event listing was on the inside and outside back mailing cover.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Polyhedron #28
From the web:
Feb 1986. Great Bugbear Hunt module (R5), Adventure in the Clouds; Specialist Mage; Fletcher's Corner
Cover Artist: Roger Raupp.
This issue came in a mailing cover with classifieds and convention announcements on the inside front and back cover.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Polyhedron #20
From the web:
Sep 1984. 384th Incarnation of Bigby's Tomb module (R6); Proton Weapon; The Druid; Women in Role Playing
Monday, November 19, 2018
Polyhedron #19
From the web:
Cover art: Indiana Jones attempts to exchange a bag of sand for a solid gold fertility idol, in The Temple of the Chachapoyan Warriors
This issue featured ... And the Gods Will Have Their Way by Bob Blake - Part 8 of the Prophecy of Brie module series. Pregenerated characters were listed on the inside of the back mailing cover.
There were several typos on the contents page: Notes From HQ was not listed, RPGA Network Item Design contest winners was listed on page 28 instead of 23, If Adventure Has a Game...er, Name, It Must Be Indiana Jones! was listed on page 23 instead of 24, Cryptic Alliance of the Bi-Month was listed on page 24 instead of 26, and The Laser Pod was listed on page 26 instead of 28.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Polyhedron #18
From the web:
Cover art: Ray Silbersdorf designed the cover for #18, based on the Encounters article by MARVEL SUPER HEROES game designer, Jeff Grubb. For more details see the article on page 5. (from the contents page)
The was referred to by the editor as the marvel game issue, featuring a preview of the game and an "Encounters" mini-adventure.
The epic Prophecy of Brie continues in this 8-page mini-module. This is part 7; The four adventures from Issues 16-19 continued the story from RPGA3: The Forgotten King and RPGA4: The Elixir of Life, which were later reprinted as C4: To Find a King.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Polyhedron #17
From the web:
Cover art: This 19th century engraving provides the setting for Encounters, by Kim Eastland.
This issue featured The Incants of Ishcabeble - by Bob Blake - Part 6 of the Prophecy of Brie module series (RPGA3 & RPGA4).
Friday, November 16, 2018
Polyhedron #16
From the web:
"Cover art: NATO agent Dean Wiles must rescue an East German laser scientist in Encounters, by Doug Behringer. Art by Roger Raupp.
This issue featured The Riddle of Dolmen Moor by Bob Blake - Part 5 of the Prophecy of Brie module series (RPGA3 & RPGA4)
The Dispel Confusion article continued on the inside of the back mailing cover.
Jan 1984. Riddle of Dolmen Moor module (RPGA5); Top Secret adventure; Shady Dragon Inn; Hot Shots and Cold Water; Research is not a dirty word; Monty Haul and the German High Command"
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Polyhedron #15
Fromn the web:
"Cover art: As second-place winner of the RPGA Network Membership Drive, member Randy Solo had his favorite character illustrated by TSR staff artist, Keith Parkinson. See Encounters, for James M. Ward's scenario with Edrie.
This issue featured Encounters by James M. Ward, a short solo scenario; and a center cardstock insert, a reference sheet for STAR FRONTIERS.
A RPGA Network Membership Application was on the inside of the front mailing cover, the answers to the AD&D Exam were on the inside of the back mailing cover, and a cartoon contest was on the outside of the back mailing cover.
There was a typo error on the table of contents, the Casin' the Joint article on page 27 was not listed."
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The Polyhedron #5
From the web:
Vol. 2, No. 2
Cover Artist: Bob Walters
This was the first issue officially titled "The Polyhedron", Mary Kirchoff became Editor, and Frank Metzer became Editor-in-Chief.
Mar 1982. Now titled "Polyhedron" on the cover. Interview with "Jake" Jaquet, Part 2; The Round Table; Bag of Tricks - Game tips; Figure painting by Michael Brunton
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Polyhedron #2
From the web:
"Vol. 1, No. 2
Cover Artist: Stephen D. Sullivan
The second issue of "RPGA News", labeled as Autumn, 1981.
Autumn 1981. Untitled, but internally referenced as "RPGA News". Interview with E. Gary Gygax, Part 2; DAWN PATROL - Preview; How to Create D&D Monsters; Mutants - GAMMA WORLD"
Monday, November 12, 2018
Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to Drow
From the web:
"Descend into the depths and learn the secrets of the wickedest race in the Underdark, the drow. Third in Green Ronin's Races of Renown series, Plot and Poison is a rules toolkit for players and gamemasters alike. Dragon Magazine editor Matthew Sernett delves deep into the heart of the drow, providing a book packed with new options. In addition to Races of Renown essentials like new spells, domains, prestige classes, magic items, and feats, Plot and Poison adds four new subraces, a complete drow pantheon, and power components, a new way to enhance spells. From the gorgeous cover from 3E concept artist Todd Lockwood to the detailed NPC stats of the appendix, Plot and Poison is your indispensable guide to elves you love to hate."
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Player's Secrets of Hogunmark
From the web:
"Player's Secrets of Hogunmark details the people, land, customs, and culture of Hogunmark, a Rjurik domain on Cerilia's northern frontier. Queen Freila, the ruler described in The Rjurik Highlands accessory, has died, leaving the domain without a clear successor. This book assumes your player character (PC) is one of her six landed jarls (though you can play a different type of character if you choose). Your PC has the strongest claim to the throne, but still must prove worthy of it. Players of nonregent characters who live in or come from Hogunmark will also find this domain sourcebook useful. The independent streak known to Hogunmark's people makes this domain an ideal home for any adventurer. Once you've finished reading this sourcebook, pass it along to your DM. Explain what you want to keep or change about the domain, and point out adventure ideas that are important to your character. With your DM, decide on material that will make Hogunmark the domain you want your PC to rule while fitting your DM's vision of the campaign. Note that many character descriptions herein use abbreviations to denote race, class, gender, bloodlines, and so on. These standard BIRTHRIGHT abbreviations are detailed in the Ruins of Empire book in the boxed set and in The Rjurik Highlands accessory."
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Players Handbook 2e (Revised)
From the web:
"This is the indispensable encyclopedia of fantasy role-playing and also the perfect companion to the referee's 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's Guide. Everything players need is here: how to determine a character's Strength, Wisdom, Charisma, and other abilities; the differences among the various fantasy races, from elves and halflings to dwarves, gnomes, and others; complete rules for character improvement; the most advantageous mapping and combat procedures; and much more, all in this easy-to-use, revised version of the classic role-playing rulebook. With this 2nd Edition, the best-selling role-playing game in history gets even better!"
Friday, November 9, 2018
Players Handbook 3e
From the web:
"Here is the indispensable manual of fantasy roleplaying. The Player's Handbook includes everything you need to create and play your ideal DUNGEONS & DRAGONS character. Pick up this book and join the millions of other players who have made the D&D game the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game!"
From the back cover:
"The Key to Endless Adventure
Here is the indispensable manual of fantasy roleplaying. The Player's Handbook includes everything you need to create and play your ideal Dungeons & Dragons character.
Pick up this book and join the millions of other player who've made the D&D game the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game!"
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Players Handbook 1e 1st printing
From the back cover:
"No more searching through stacks of books and magazines to find out what you need to know. The Player's Handbook puts it all at your fingertips, including:
- All recommended character classes - Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Magic-Users, etc.
- Character Races - Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, Humans, etc.
- Character level statistics
- Equipment lists with costs
- Spell listings by level and descriptions of effects (including many new spells)
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Player's Guide to the Wilderlands
From the back cover:
Whether you are a veteran Judges Guild fan or a new player just now discovering the Wilderlands, this Player's Guide introduces you to the classic Judges Guild epic fantasy setting and provides you with everything you need to begin a campaign in the Wilderlands, including the classic City State of the Invincible Overlord.
This Player's Guide includes a large full color fold-out map and details on the history and background of the Wilderlands. At your fingertips is information on the important cities and geographical features of the Wilderlands as well as information on the gods and monsters unique to the setting. The Player's Guide also includes details on the City State of the Invincible Overlord, allowing you to run a campaign set in the Wilderlands right away!"
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Player's Guide to Eberron
From the back of the book:
"Secrets Every Hero Should Know
What does an elf from Shae Cairdal know about the nation of Aerenal? How do you play a half-orc from the Shadow Marches? What does your character know about the Blood of Vol or the royal line of Galifar? The Player's Guide to Eberron supplement answers these questions and more. This companion to the Eberron Campaign Setting explores the world from the player's point of view and presents exciting new options for Eberron characters.
Player's Guide to Eberron describes important locations, events, organizations, races, and features of the Eberron campaign setting, organized in an accessible and easily digestible format so that players can use the book as a handy reference guide. In addition, this book provides new feats, prestige classes, spells, and magic items."
Monday, November 5, 2018
Player Character Reference Sheets (2nd Printing)
From the web:
"Contains character record sheets for use with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st edition). Each sheet is perforated at the fold and is printed on goldenrod paper. The sheets come in 5 different types, each tailored for certain classes.
Included sheets are:
Fighter Ranger Paladin x5
Cleric Druid x3
Magic-user Druid x3
Thief Assassin Monk x2
Multi-classed Bard x3"
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Player Character Record Sheets (AC6)
From the cover:
"Do you have trouble keeping track of your dwarf's hit points? Are you constantly checking to see what your thief's abilities are? Did your magic-user miss going up a level because you lost the piece of paper with all of his treasure on it? Well cast your gaze on this item. At last, all that valuable information has been put on one sheet of paper."
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Player Attack Matrix
From the web:
"Double sided slide rule similar to the Fighting Wheel published by TSR Inc. One side has 'to hit' adjustment for hand and missile weapons. The other side has attack matrices for each character type as well as monsters and NPCs."
Friday, November 2, 2018
From the publisher:
"On the high seas there is one name that above all else means adventure: Pirates! This supplement explores historical and fantasy pirates, their life and exploits. Included are many pirate prestige classes, from good-natured privateers to deadly raiders and including the undead scourge of the sea. Also included are specific pirate characters, their ships and crew, and a detailed pirate haven suitable as a capstone setting.
- A new look at the historical world of piracy, merging the factual with the fantastic
- Profiles, histories, statistics, and ships for pirates that can be powerful foes or friends
- New Feats, prestige classes and magic items appropriated to the Genre
- Detailed rules for the economics of crewing and operating a ship
- Prices for ship maintenance, trade goods, and shipping and passage fees
- Intricate rules for constructing you own custom sailing vessels
- Details of a pirate haven that can serve as hideout or target for adventures."
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Phoenix Command - King Tiger World War II Heavy Tanks
From the back of the book:
"This supplement to the Phoenix Command Mechanized Combat System provides the Status Sheets for the primary Heavy Tanks of World War II. Included are the German Pz VI Tiger, the Pz VI King Tiger, the Soviet KV1 with 76mm gun, the "Speedy" KV1S, the KV-85 with 85mm gun, the Joseph Stalin IS2 and IS2m Heavy Tanks with 122mm guns, and the US M4A3E2 "Jumbo" Assault Sherman.
In addition, special rules for Vehicle Systems specific to World War II Tanks and Second Shot Accuracy are presented, along with full Vehicle Descriptions."
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