"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Gamma World: GW6 - Alpha Factor
From the back:
"Mindkeep. The very name is mysterious. Why was it built? Who built it? What is its secret?
Your elite group of adventurers must find Mindkeep and learn its secret. Others have tried -- and failed. The surrounding area is filled with mutations that are strange even for Gamma World. Could that be a clue as to Mindkeep's purpose? Or is it mere coincedence?
The trek is long and difficult, across areas that are not well-known. Keep your wits about you, or you may lose everything!"
Monday, February 27, 2017
Gamma World: Referee's Screen and Mini-Module
From the front cover:
"Included in this package are a durable referee's screen and an eight-page mini-module, The Albuquerque Starport. The screen contains the combat, hazard, and reference tables used most often by referees and players, arranged to make this vital information easy to use. The mini-module is a complete GAMMA WORLD adventure, in which players discover and explore an Ancient starport buried in the desert sands."
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Gamma World: Referee's Screen and Mini Module
From the front cover:
Included in this package are a durable referee's screen and a mini-module. The screen contains the most commonly needed reference tables in an easy-to-use format.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Gamma World: Out of the Vaults
From the back of the book:
"The warriors and scholars of the Final Wars hid many of their best tools and weapons. Centuries later, many of those secrets still wait for someone to dig them up and turn them loose... for good or evil.
What did the people fighting the Final Wars deem too terrible, or too unimportant, to let anyone know about? This book lays it all out, along with new rules for analyzing mysterious technology and for improving the technological level of the heroes and their community."
Friday, February 24, 2017
Gamma World: GW10 - Epsilon Cyborgs
From the back cover:
"An Ancient calling himself the Creator is rumored to rule the Frozen Land(s), an expanse of territory filled with frigid foothills, forests, and plains. The Council of Haven has given you the task of finding this Creator - whoever and wherever he may be. The council is hopeful you can neutralize any influence he might have with General Timon's plans for war.
It is not an easy task, and the harsh conditions of the Frozen Lands could complicate the situation. Some say there are robots and weird machines wandering in the icy wastes. And perhaps there are also clues to the Cities of Man.
This adventure also contains a system for generating player character and non-player character robots."
Includes poster-sized map of The Frozen Lands and surrounding area.
"This adventure is noted for the amount of material that was re-used from another product: AD&D's Dungeon Module S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Level III of the base described in this adventure is exactly the same as S3's Level III, Upper Walkway and Lounge Area. Maps of other levels were changed only slightly when re-used in this adventure.
The designer gives credit to the original sources on the front cover of the booklet:
"Thanks to Michael Price, Garry Spiegle, Gary Gygax, and Phil Taterczynski for previous works which I plundered like a Gamma World scavenger."
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Gamma World: GW9 - Delta Fragment
From the back of the module.
"The quest of the Restorationists is nearing an end. Your party has been entrusted with finding the secrets of the Sky Chariot of the Ancients, and returning the information (and anything else) to them.
However easy that may sound, there are always complications. General Timon, who has made quite a name for himself in these parts, is negotiating with the King of the Mountain--he wants an alliance. In addition to your mission for the Restorationists, you must also prevent Timon from strengthening his position in these lands.
Are you resourcefuil enough to complete the task of finding the Sky Chariot and stop Timon at the same time? Or will you be forced to achieve one at the expense of the other?
Time is running out.
This module includes a 46-page adventure and also contains a 50-page official rules expansion by Kim Eastland as well as an entire city to explore.
Module also includes a large 2-sided map."
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Gamma World: GW8 - Gamma Base
From the back cover:
"The council of Haven is worried. The Desperate Lands have never been more dangerous than now. From there flow weapons to supply a brutal conspiracy of conquest - how can it be stopped? Haven's respected elder has disappeared into that perilous region - perhaps kidnapped by enemies? Casting its shadow over all is the Pit of Despair at the heart of the Desperate Lands, for those who journey there are never seen again - what is its sinister secret? Your mission is to solve these mysteries before disaster strikes, a challenge even for the bravest. Your skill and daring will make the difference between victory and disaster!"
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Gamma World: GW7 - Beta Principle
From the back cover:
"In the lands to the south, young people are disappearing daily. No one knows where they are being taken, or why. Rumors abound of a New Beast, a Nwayvo Beestya, and of hordes of nos'erat which are terrorizing the humans and animals alike.
Also to the south is the Nameless City to which your group must travel, in search of relics of the Ancients. You are on a glory quest, one of the highest honors in the land. The fate or your people is in your hands. Is it worth the risk to combat this New Beast, knowing your original mission might remain unfulfilled? Or is your band tough enough to do it all?
Take your aid where you may find it, friends."
Monday, February 20, 2017
Gamma World: GW3 - The Cleansing War of Garik Blackhand
From the back cover:
"'You must get the book...the key to survival...our people's only hope...Whitetip Sept...e'glee...northeast...'
Teligmano's whispered words are the only clue your desperate party has to save your people.
The fearsome Scarlet Knights of Genetic Purity have declared a campaign of terror against all mutants - humanoids and mutated animals!! Your bitter enemies, the Gray Rock tribe, have accused your tribe, the White Feathers, of murder and treachery. Your tribe is now under sentence of death - you and your party have been declared outlaws and traitors. The fate of your tribe lies in your hands. Pursued by an enraged mob of mutants, you must flee across the frozen Parklands of the Ancients to find proof of your innocence.
This campaign module contains gamemaster notes, background information, maps, new creatures, new artifacts, a new robot, and four bonus campaign scenarios for use with the revised GAMMA WORLD Science Fantasy Role-Playing Game. Included in this adventure is a new player aid - the Ranger Ruler!! The Range Ruler simplifies combat with weapons and mutational powers."
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Gamma World: GW2 - Famine in Far-Go
From the back cover:
"Far-Go is dying...the people are afraid ...the animals are wasting away...the crops are withering in the fields. No one, even Arx Skystone, the high priest, knows what has caused Far-Go's misfortune.
You are part of a group of young adventurers about to begin the sacred Rite of Adulthood. The last hope of survival for Far-Go rests with your party. On your journey to the Forest of Knowledge, you must search for clues to the origin of the mysterious plague. This quest may lead you into great danger...and great knowledge. As you travel through the savage wilderness, all you have are your companions, your wits, your strength ...and your dreams!!
This module contains referee notes, background information, maps new creatures, mutations, robotic units and new rules for Pure Strain Humans for use with GAMMA WORLD Science Fantasy Game. If you enjoy this module look for other GAMMA WORLD products and watch for future releases from TSR, the Game Wizards!"
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Gamma World GW1: Legion of Gold
From the back cover...
"Excerpts from notes made by Ydal Eilffik, professor at the University of Horn:
"All know that there is much to worry about in these difficult times, but the skies have grown darker in the past few weeks, as if an omen of destruction hangs over us all.
"Baron Jemmas, the Warder, has been very preoccupied in the recent weeks. This bothers me, for the mind of the ruler of the Barony of Horn ought to be clear, since his decisions affect us all.
"I can only hazard a guess at the problem that afflicts him for only vague rumors of the trouble have reached my ears.
"In the past several weeks there have been raids on several outlying towns of the Barony by mysterious golden marauders. Whether these creatures are robots, mutants or men, none can be sure for reports are scarce. The monsters are rumored to have struck from nowhere, then vanished without a trace, leaving only destruction in their wake.
"The Warder fears that unless something is done the very heart of the Barony will fall victim to this threat. It is rumored that he had offered a substantial reward for the destruction of this 'Legion of Gold;. I only hope it is not already too late."
This is the first GAMMA WORLD module to be produced by the Game Wizards at TSR Hobbies, Inc. This module includes the main Legion of Gold adventure, several mini-adventures which lead up to it, background information, suggestions for the referee, a special players' map and numerous referee's maps."
Friday, February 17, 2017
Gamma World 4th Edition
From the back cover:
"The New GAMMA WORLD game!
A rainbow of flickering colors dances across the night sky. Turning, you shamble off into the jumble of cloud towers amid the glow. With an effort of willpower you float over thegaping chasm of softrock and steel. Your large, webbed feet paddle the air slowly."
"The New GAMMA WORLD game!
A rainbow of flickering colors dances across the night sky. Turning, you shamble off into the jumble of cloud towers amid the glow. With an effort of willpower you float over thegaping chasm of softrock and steel. Your large, webbed feet paddle the air slowly."
Thursday, February 16, 2017
GURPS - Zombietown USA
From their website:
"Black Lake, California, the idyllic small town you've always dreamed of . . . clean air, sparkling water and a scenic countryside . . . friendly townfolk and an easy life style . . . a perfect haven where everything is beautiful and peaceful!
There's the mayor who doesn't remember hiring the investigators, the phones that give a constant busy signal, the sudden storm that drowns three brothers, the mysterious van that cruises the streets of Black Lake.
And then the dead begin to walk . . .
As the investigators unfold the strange events shrouding Black Lake, they are drawn deeper and deeper into a complex web of horror, uncovering a sinister plot that is paralyzing the whole town. Only they can foil the plot that threatens to turn Black Lake into Zombietown U.S.A.
The 64 pages of Zombietown U.S.A. feature:
- A modern-day GURPS Horror adventure.
- All the information needed to adapt the adventure for GURPS Autoduel America.
- A complete town for adventuring in either the present day or 2038.
- Detailed descriptions and stats for dozens of NPCs and establishments.
- Subplots and adventure seeds to provide months of deadly small-town adventuring."
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
GURPS - Wild Cards
From their website:
"GURPS Wild Cards is a complete, detailed guide to the Wild Cards series. Now you can enter that world, with "ace" powers of your own. Written by one of the original Wild Cards creators, this book includes:
- Detailed background, history and timeline of the Wild Cards world.
- Rules for turning yourself into an ace.
- Complete biographies and descriptions of over 60 important Wild Cards characters – heroes, villains, aces and jokers – with brand new background detail.
- And a description of how the Wild Cards books grew out of a game . . . by a writer who was there at the very beginning!
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
GURPS: Warriors
From their website:
"Strong of Arm and Steely of Eye'
Mighty barbarians hacking away with massive broadswords and battle-weary grunts with cordite-stung eyes come to life! GURPS Warriors expands upon the template system introduced by GURPS guru Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch in GURPS Wizards so you can get on with the game!
Inside you'll find 29 warrior archetypes, along with templates and design advice allowing you to quickly and efficiently recruit your new warrior.
Templates include . . .
Each template comes with four original characters, drawn from a wide range of settings, giving you 116 ready-to-use sample characters as well as historical background and information on the technology and tactics that helped shape many of these professions, to help you better detail these characters."
"Strong of Arm and Steely of Eye'
Mighty barbarians hacking away with massive broadswords and battle-weary grunts with cordite-stung eyes come to life! GURPS Warriors expands upon the template system introduced by GURPS guru Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch in GURPS Wizards so you can get on with the game!
Inside you'll find 29 warrior archetypes, along with templates and design advice allowing you to quickly and efficiently recruit your new warrior.
Templates include . . .
- Soldiers from all time periods – past, present, and future – such as the aviator, cavalryman, commando, heavy foot soldier, marine, and rifleman . . .
- Warriors from the pages of history and literature, including the barbarian, berserker, gunslinger, holy warrior, martial artist, and swordsman . . .
- Specialist warriors like the archer, engineer, guard, guerrilla, sharpshooter, and scout . . .
- Highly trained operators of weapons of war, such as artillerist, aviator, mecha pilot, and naval crewman.
Each template comes with four original characters, drawn from a wide range of settings, giving you 116 ready-to-use sample characters as well as historical background and information on the technology and tactics that helped shape many of these professions, to help you better detail these characters."
Monday, February 13, 2017
GURPS - War Against the Chtorr
From their website:
"What do the Worms Eat?
Bushes. Trees. Dogs. Cows. Cars. And people. Especially people. The worms eat everything slower than they are. And the worms are very fast.
The worms grow up to six feet long. No, ten. Twenty. Thirty . . . They just keep getting bigger and hungrier. They're the spearhead of an alien invasion . . . an ecological invasion. There seems to be no guiding intelligence – just thousands of different alien plants and animals, cooperating with each other as they destroy Terran species. More than half the world's population has fallen to alien diseases, and the rest are becoming worm food.
So mankind unites against the threat . . . No, it doesn't. Earth's nations continue to struggle against each other, even as the aliens grow, and spread, and multiply, and eat. The world needs heroes. Or the world will be gone, turned into a screaming red jungle, a duplicate of the invading planet Chtorr."
Sunday, February 12, 2017
GURPS: Voodoo - The Shadow War
From their website:
"GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War takes the myths of the mystical religions known as Voudoun and Santeria and gives them a twist, placing the believers and practitioners of Voodoo in the middle of a cosmic struggle. A new magic system replicates the way Voodoo priests and the shamans of many ancients cultures think it works.
The Shadow War is a conflict fought on many fronts. Voodoo Initiates contend with the Lodges, which consist of European magicians who have kept their occult power hidden and consider themselves the secret masters of the Western world. Beneath that struggle, some Initiates have begun to realize, lies a battle between Humankind and beings that have no use for power or wealth – only destruction.
Unlike many "dark" RPGs, Voodoo is not about enduring horror, but fighting it. Human Spirit Warriors, monstrous In-Betweener renegades, and even ghosts can join forces and stop the manipulators and deceivers. The world of the Shadow War needs heroes, however frail or flawed they may be. Your characters may just be those heroes."
Saturday, February 11, 2017
GURPS - Villains
From their website:
"A pirate said to Alexander the Great, "Because I have only one ship, I am called a pirate. Because you have a great navy, you are called an Emperor."
Villains. Where would the heroes be without them?
Probably unemployed.
The hero may be the star of his story, but it takes a prize villain to bring out the best in him! GURPS Villains is a compilation of dastardly foes from all ages, genres, and backgrounds. Crackpot spy-movie masterminds, backstabbing patricians, grim undead overlords, hard-bitten crime bosses . . . they're all here! Each villain is described both biographically and in game terms, and is accompanied by "bits" like fiendish plots, evil henchmen, devious deathtraps, and secret strongholds. GURPS Villains also includes a GM's guide to dramatic villain design and use. After all, everybody loves a "good" bad guy!
GMs can use this book for instant opponents, or choose a villain they like and build a whole campaign around him! There are over 50 villains (and villainous groups) with complete stats and write ups, including details of their "evil plans," in this survey of fiends and foes from all times and climes."
Friday, February 10, 2017
GURPS - Vikings
From their website:
"From the fury of the Norsemen, oh Lord, deliver us!" So prayed the Irish monks.
To the victims of a Viking raid, the Norsemen were bearded giants with bloody axes. But the Viking was much more – a skilled navigator, a brave explorer, a hard-working trader. A dreamer whose songs and stories live even today. And a Viking was a free man – a man to whom honor and reputation were more important than life itself.
Vikings is a complete guide to the Norse world, including maps, historical background, and details on society and religion. You can game any sort of Viking campaign, from fully realistic to magical and cinematic. Create a historical campaign, with sea battles, duels and bloody raids – or become a legendary berserker for mythic adventures with Thor and Odin!"
Thursday, February 9, 2017
GURPS - Vehicles
From their website:
"GURPS Vehicles is your guide to any type of transportation you can imagine. From rowboats to racing cars, balloons to battlesuits, Greek galleys to GEVs – if you can dream it, you can design it."
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
GURPS: Vampire Companion
From their website:
"The Darkness Grows . . .
The dark screams of the living touch not your bitter soul.
You are torn between fealty to your elder masters and the surge of power within your young vibrant blood.
The black dogs of the Sabbat are your sworn enemies . . . or they are your hidden leaders.
You are Kindred. You are Childe of the Damned.
There is great power in Undeath.
The GURPS Vampire Companion takes over where GURPS Vampire left off. Within these pages, you will find new Disciplines, advanced Disciplines for older vampires, and all the new clans and bloodlines from the Vampire Player's Guide and the Player's Guide to the Sabbat, including an entire chapter on the diabolical Sabbat, their history, motivations and tactics.
Also included are new rules for elder vampires, including the mysterious Inconnu, plus new GURPS advantages and disadvantages to help players enhance and customize their GURPS Vampire characters.
And more . . . detailed rules for stalking and hunting, new conversion notes and four original adventure seeds to help spark unique GURPS Vampire campaigns."
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
GURPS: Uplift
From their website:
"The Five Galaxies are a tough neighborhood . . . and humanity is the new kid on the block.
Of the thousands of races in a galaxy full of aliens, ours is the only one that claims to have evolved on its own, without genetic engineering by a Patron species. With its own new clients – genetically modified dolphins and chimpanzees – upstart humanity faces a jealous universe. The ancient Patron clans can't decide whether to enslave the races of Terra . . . or just wipe them out.
The Galactics have wealth, power, and incredible technology. The people of Earth have guts, originality and a handful of allies . . . and they won't give up.
This is the universe created by David Brin for his award-winning "Uplift" series. GURPS Uplift includes complete descriptions of the important alien races, maps and descriptions of the Terragens planets, and rules for creating – and Uplifting – new species.
GURPS Uplift is intended for use with the GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Compendium I, and GURPS Space. It may be used as a sourcebook for any roleplaying system, or as background for fans of the "Uplift" series."
Monday, February 6, 2017
GURPS - Undead
From their website:
"You're Dead, So Now What?
Get GURPS Undead, the complete "book of the dead" for GURPS!
Undead covers everything from subtle hauntings to undead necromancers, from Gothic vampires to the brain-eating zombies of the B-movies. Inside you'll find a history of the undead, guidelines for creating your own undead (including animals, plants, microbes, and even vehicles), and a dozen classic undead archetypes with variants and sample characters. You'll also get extensive advice on how to use the undead dramatically as scenery, plot devices, monsters, villains, or heroes. In addition, Undead features discussions of many related topics, including tombs, death gods, embalming, funerary rites, grave robbery, necromancy, pathology, souls, the afterlife, spells, symbolism, and more. In short, everything you need to inject new life into your undead.
What are you waiting for? Life is short . . ."
Sunday, February 5, 2017
GURPS: Ultra-Tech 2
From their website:
"Tired of everyone carrying the same firepower and sneaky gadgets as you? Expand your arsenal with GURPS Ultra-Tech 2!
This sequel to the popular GURPS Ultra-Tech offers a wide variety of new science-fiction personal equipment, along with rules for building combined gadgets, variant-technology campaigns and more!"
Saturday, February 4, 2017
GURPS: Ultra-Tech
From their website:
*this is for a later printing
Weapons, Vehicles, and Gadgets
GURPS Ultra-Tech is the sourcebook for science-fiction technology, from the near future to the farthest reaches of the imagination. It's a valuable companion to GURPS Space, GURPS Bio-Tech, and GURPS Infinite Worlds, and an exceptional resource for any character or campaign that needs technology from tomorrow . . . and beyond. GURPS Ultra-Tech is full of personal equipment for heroes and superheroes from TL9 to TL12, including:
- Weapons - from caseless assault carbines and monomolecular swords to antimatter warheads and disassembler nano.
- Protection - How do you stop a nanomorph assassin with a field-jacketed X-ray laser rifle? Try a dreadnought battlesuit and a personal force screen . . . .
- Medicine - Superscience can heal, rebuild, and improve on nature. Death itself can become a temporary inconvenience. With cybernetics and neural interfaces, ultra-tech medical equipment and mind uploading, "medical miracles" become everyday occurrences.
- Transport - Air cars, hovertanks, tilt rotors, grav belts, supercavitating minisubs, matter-transport booths - lots of ways to get where the action is, for the adventurer on the go!
- As technology advances, the line between man and machine may become increasingly blurred. GURPS Ultra-Tech provides rules for establishing the capabilities and limitations of artificial intelligence, as well as templates for robotic or total cyborg bodies, from handy technical 'bots to shapeshifting nanomorphs.
And still more! Living biosuits, computer implants, holographic projectors, psionic amplifiers, neutrino communicators, nanofactories, hyperspectral goggles, chameleon suits, repair paste, Dyson spheres - there's something for every adventure at every tech level.
GURPS Ultra-Tech was written by David L. Pulver, co-author of the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition, and author or co-author of over 60 other gaming books, and Kenneth L. Peters, the author of Transhuman Space: Spacecraft of the Solar System, and a co-author of Transhuman Space: Under Pressure.
This is the third edition of GURPS Ultra-Tech; it has been revised to the GURPS Fourth Edition rules. The oldest material included here dates back to the first edition of GURPS Space; other material was revised from the GURPS Third Edition versions of GURPS Ultra-Tech, GURPS Ultra-Tech 2, GURPS Cyberpunk , GURPS Psionics, GURPS Robots, and Transhuman Space. The softcover reprint contains the same material as the earlier print run (updated for the latest errata, of course!), with black-and-white interiors and a lower price.
From the edge of tomorrow to the star-flung future, GURPS Ultra-Tech can equip your characters and your campaign!
Friday, February 3, 2017
GURPS - Traveller
From their website:
"The universe of Traveller is one
of the most fully realized game settings ever created. Adventures take
place against the background of a vast, star-spanning empire, with a
history dating back over a thousand years. Locales can range from a
crowded spaceport to a lonely frontier outpost. Characters can be
merchant princes, diplomats, soldiers, politicians, criminals . . . or
all of them at once. Political intrigues, trading schemes,
mind-wrenching alien enigmas, mercenary raids, wars . . . almost
anything is possible.
In the 1116th year of the Imperium, Emperor Strephon was assassinated by a rival, and the Third Imperium split into several factions. This change brought excitement to many campaigns, but other players and referees felt that the universe was exciting enough without an empire-wide civil war. It is for these people that an alternate history has been created, where Strephon, the 43rd Emperor of the Third Imperium, lives and the Rebellion never happened.
This is not to say, however, that all is well with the universe. A story without conflict is about as interesting as a telephone directory. So, expect things to happen in this universe . . . changes will occur. The undercurrents and discontents that led to the Rebellion are still unresolved. The vast scope of the Traveller background will become available to GURPS players and GMs, without the destruction and dislocation caused by the Rebellion."
Thursday, February 2, 2017
GURPS Traveller - Starports
From their website:
"Anchors of the Imperium
Patrol, trade and Xboat routes are the lifelines of the Imperium, and starports are the anchors to which they are tethered. Serving as trade centers, customs offices and outposts of civilization, starports play a central role in the lives of starfarers, and are a crucial source of goods, wealth, and information for even the most planetbound of souls. At the same time, they are havens for smugglers, fugitives and black marketeers.
Starports classifies standard starports and describes their facilities, organization and functions. It includes plans of typical spaceports from the Spinward Marches (including Mora, Graniff Field on Raydrad, Rech, Dhian, and Alell) and guidelines for starport adventures and encounters. There are also character templates for starport denizens, descriptions and floor plans of key locations, and deck plans for customs, liaison, and emergency spacecraft and some common starport ground vehicles.
Starports is designed to complement the Far Trader and Starships supplements, and offers a rich and detailed setting for a wide variety of adventures and campaigns in the GURPS Traveller universe"
"Anchors of the Imperium
Patrol, trade and Xboat routes are the lifelines of the Imperium, and starports are the anchors to which they are tethered. Serving as trade centers, customs offices and outposts of civilization, starports play a central role in the lives of starfarers, and are a crucial source of goods, wealth, and information for even the most planetbound of souls. At the same time, they are havens for smugglers, fugitives and black marketeers.
Starports classifies standard starports and describes their facilities, organization and functions. It includes plans of typical spaceports from the Spinward Marches (including Mora, Graniff Field on Raydrad, Rech, Dhian, and Alell) and guidelines for starport adventures and encounters. There are also character templates for starport denizens, descriptions and floor plans of key locations, and deck plans for customs, liaison, and emergency spacecraft and some common starport ground vehicles.
Starports is designed to complement the Far Trader and Starships supplements, and offers a rich and detailed setting for a wide variety of adventures and campaigns in the GURPS Traveller universe"
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
GURPS Traveller - GM's Screen
From their website:
"Put the Third Imperium at your fingertips with this fact-packed GM's screen. Two screens contain all the charts, tables, and other essentials for the GURPS Traveller Game Master. And, since every GM needs a tavern to start the adventure off right, here's a poster-sized floor plan for Brubek's, the starport bar . . . and a sheet of new Cardboard Heroes miniatures showing typical patrons."
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