"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Sunday, September 30, 2018
PB Rifts Underseas: World Book Seven
From the web:
"Rifts Underseas is a fabulous world as unique and expansive as any Rifts Dimension Book! Fans may be surprised at the scope of characters, abilities and adventure available to them, both undersea and on dry land.
Highlights Include:
10 O.C.C.s including Marines, Ocean Wizards, Sea Druid, Sea Inquisitor, and the Salvage Expert.
20 R.C.C.s including the Whale Singer, Sea Titan, Amphib, Dolphins, Horune Pirates, Mutants, D-Bees and others.
Over 40 ocean magic spells, 20 whale songs, plus dolphin magic.
Underwater bionics, power armor and weaponry.
Submarines, submersible aircraft carriers, mini-subs, aircraft, robots and more.
Tritonia, the New Navy, and other kingdoms, each with its unique history, technology, and O.C.C.s.
The Lord of the Deep and his terrible minions.
More on Triax™, Atlantis and other places.
Gene-Splicer™ creations, ley line mutants, Dead Pools, and an entire world of adventure as strange and wondrous as any alien world awaits you in Rifts Underseas!"
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Palladium Books South America: Worldbook Six
From the web:
"Explore the jungles of South America and discover the secrets of biomancy, living power armor, anti-monster cyborgs, bio-modified female super-warriors, reptilian D-Bees, pincer warriors, voodoo priests, and dark conspiracies. Plus, pirates, insectoid D-Bees, dragons, new weapons and equipment, magic, adventure and more!
Highlights include:
Over 20 new O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s including the Amazon warrior, Monster Hunter, Lizard Men, Flying Tigers, Felinoids, minions of Inix, pirates, warriors and more.
Biomancer O.C.C., bio-weaponry, and Biomancy magic.
Voodoo magic, priests, spirits and characters.
New Kittani power armor and weapons, plus other high tech and magic weapons and equipment.
World information includes legendary El Dorado, Pyramid City, The Land of the Lizard Men, The Splugorth of Atlantis, The Pirate Kingdom, vampire wars, slavers, D-Bees and monsters."
Friday, September 28, 2018
Palladium Books - RIFTS Sourcebook
From publisher blurb:
"This book uses the first edition revised rules.
- A nightmare villain from Earth's past.
- Robot monstrosities.
- Creating Robot Characters (Optional R.C.C.).
- Weapons and equipment from Triax Industries and others.
- The Minion of Splugorth and other monsters.
- More data on the Coalition and the world.
- Questions and Answers.
- Adventures, Rifts style!!"
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Palladium World Book 12: Psyscape
From the web:
"Enter the world of Psyscape, the stuff of myths and legends revealed at last! The history, power and key figures of this mysterious realm.
New psychic O.C.C.s like the Nega-Psychic, Psychic Nullifier, Psi-Slayer, Zapper and others.
CS Psychic operatives.
New psychic powers like ecto-plasmic disguises.
Cybernetic psi-implants and side effects.
Notable factions, villains, and heroes.
Coalition death squads, spies and trouble.
D-Bees, aliens & dark secrets.
World information, maps and adventure ideas."
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Palladium PhaseWorld Sourcebook
From the web:
"The exciting companion book to Phase World, with more alien races, weapons, armor, space ships and adventure. Plus more about the Kreeghor Empire, the Cosmic Forge, Naruni Enterprises, and Cosmo-Knights.
Highlights Include:
Over a dozen new O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s, including Oni Ninja, T-Zee aliens, the Invisible Guardsmen and others
Micro-missiles, plasma cartridges and other weapons.
Solid energy space ships and body armor!
Galactic adventure as only Palladium can provide!"
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Palladium Rifts Japan: World Book Eight
From the web:
"Four pre-Rifts cities suddenly materialize from a pocket dimension. For them, three days have passed since the Great Cataclysm began, for the rest of humankind its has been 300 years! Pre-Rifts Glitter Boys, people, and technology clash with anti-technology traditionalists, magic, and oni demons! Traditional O.C.C.s like the Samurai, Mystic Ninja, Yamabushi Priest and Warrior Monks, blend with high tech marvels like the Dragon-Borg, Ninja Juicer, and Cyberoid.
Highlights Include:
Dragon Cyborgs and new bionics and implants
Japanese dragons, demons, monsters and magic.
Japanese body armor, robots, power armor and weapons.
Over 20 new character classes including the Demon Queller, Samurai, Mystic Ninja, Juicer Ninja, Glitter Boy Marine, Tengu Birdmen, and others.
The "living" samurai sword — a rune weapon.
Mysticism and martial arts.
World information about Japan and surrounding areas. Lots of insight and info about the high-tech Republic of Japan, the anti-technologists of the New Empire, the evil Otomo Shogunate, the monster ridden Zone and more."
Monday, September 24, 2018
Palladium Books - Africa Rifts World Book Four
From the web:
"Rifts Africa outlines key places, people, customs, and societies located in the wilderness of Rifts Africa.
The demonic Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse threaten to destroy all life on Earth. Once life has been obliterated on Earth, the monsters will use the dimensional Rifts to carry their destruction throughout the Megaverse! If they can be defeated one at time, the Earth and the entire Megaverse may be spared. Failure means oblivion.
Highlights Include:
Nine new O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s including the powerful African Medicine Man, Rain Maker, Priest, Tree People, Pygmy Hunter, and others.
Mind Bleeder R.C.C. and new psionic powers!
Necromancy and the Necromancer O.C.C.
Character stats for Erin Tarn and Victor Lazlo.
The return of Egyptian Gods and their minions.
New weapons, vehicles, and magic.
The Phoenix Empire (Egypt) inhabited by monsters and ruled by the Pharaoh Rama-Set, an evil Chiang-Ku Dragon.
The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse! Four of the most powerful monsters ever presented!
Africa mapped and outlined."
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Palladium Role-Playing Game (Revised Edition)
From the web:
"A fantasy RPG written at the time of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons that tried to overcome some of the limitations of that system. To that end, some of the unique features of the Palladium RPG at the time were:
- Several more player races including Troglodyte, Troll, Ogre, Orc, Kobold, Wolfen, Changeling, Hobgoblin, & Goblin
- Expanded character class system that included 8 martial (fighting) types, 6 magic-user types, and 4 clergy types
- A primary and secondary skill system
- An expansive magic system that includes traditional wizardry (spell) magic as well as witchcraft, elemental magic, circles/symbols, demonology and illusions
- A unique protection system in which armour degrades as it is used (Structural Damage Capacity (SDC))
- A religion system that borrowed heavily from H.P. Lovecraft as well as Egyptian mythology"
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Palladium RPG - Book II: Old Ones
From the web:
"The second book in the Palladium (Fantasy) RPG adds:
- Two new character classes: Monks, Illusionists
- Extensive detailed information and maps for the Timiro Kingdom and its cities, towns, and forts
- Eight adventures / scenarios
- Information on the Old Ones: evil entities that are the source of all magic"
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Palladium Books - Ninjas & Superspies
Publisher Blurb:
"Forty-one (41) forms of martial arts combat as you have never seen them in any other role-playing game.
Oriental combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. But that's not all! The superspy section includes spies of all kinds, cyber agents, gadgeteers, secret organizations, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, cybernetic implants, and more. Plus don't miss Mystic China, an action packed sourcebook of ancient magic and mystery.
Completely compatible with Heroes Unlimited, Villains Unlimited, Ninja Turtles, Rifts, and the entire Palladium Megaverse!
Highlights Include:
- 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
- 40 types of hand to hand combat - effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
- 48 mystic martial art super-powers.
- Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
- Bionic implants, disguises and attachments.
- Weapons, equipment, gimmicks and creating super-vehicles.
- Secret identities and spy agencies.
- Rules for creating Secret Organizations.
- Compatible with Heroes Unlimited, TMNT, and the entire megaverse. Adaptable to high powered RECON campaigns too. "
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Palladium Books - Mutants of the Yucatan
From the publisher:
"Mutants of the Yucatan covers the wonders and horrors of the Yucatan Peninsula, that mysterious and exotic geographical flange just off the Gulf of Mexico. Includes mutant animals and insects, rampaging army ants, the enigmatic gene-molded cats, killer flamingos, the power of the Quantum, and the sinister Empire of Humanity.
Over twenty new mutant animals peculiar to the Yucatan Peninsula (new types of snakes, bats, etc.).
Absolutely grotesque mutant insects!
Jungle tribes, nations of the Yucatan, adventures, and Aztec Land -- the latest in theme amusement parks, built right before the Big Death (and it holds a secret the Empire of Humanity will kill for)!
New weapons and equipment for the Empire of Humanity.
Rules and scenarios governing lush tropical rain forests, gloomy swamps, and perilous jungles."
Monday, September 17, 2018
Palladium - Macross II : Deck Plans Volume Two
From the web:
"Second of three "Deck Plans" Sourcebooks to use with the Macross II RPG universe.
Deck Plan 2 features deck plans, layouts, and cutaways for UN Space Corvette, Battleship, and Command Carrier, Zentraedi Flagship and Carrier, and Marduk Scout Ship, Dreadnought and Destroyer.
Also includes a short scenario."
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Palladium Books: Macross II - Deck Plans Volume One
Publisher's description:
"Macross II: Deck Plans Volume One
- Ship to ship combat rules.
- Floor plans for the Emperor's giant Marduk base ship - the size of a small moon!
- Floor plans for the U.N. Spacy Macross Cannon and Escort Carrier.
- Floor plans for the U.N. Spacy Zentran Destroyer, Command and Scout Ship.
- The Marduk Flagship, Battleship, Shuttle and giant base.
- Size chart, space combat and Zentran alphabet.
- A short scenario and adventure ideas.
- Tons of great artwork, more information and excitement!
- Compatible with the entire Palladium Books® Megaverse®!"
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Pathfinder - The Skinsaw Murders
From the Back of the Book:
"The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path continues! A sudden string of brutal killings terrorizes the town of Sandpoint, and the killer's mark bears a familiar shape. Investigation leads to the Lost Coast's most notorious haunted mansion, a dilapidated ruin that has become the lair of a monstrous murderer. Yet this killer is but one of many, a member of a group of fanatic cutthroats calling themselves the Skinsaw Men. To defeat the cult, the PCs must travel to the bustling city of Magnimar to unravel the sinister source of these murders before they become the Skinsaw Men's next victims!
This volume of Pathfinder includes:
- "The Skinsaw Murders," an adventure for 4th-level characters by Richard Pett.
- Details on Magnimar, the City of Monuments, by F. Wesley Schneider.
- Information on the church of Desna, goddess of dreams, stars, and travel, by Sean K Reynolds.
- The second installment of the Pathfinder's Journal, by Jason Bulmahn.
- Six new monsters by Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Richard Pett, and F. Wesley Schneider."
Friday, September 14, 2018
Pathfinder - Burnt Offerings
From the Back of the Book:
"The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path begins here, in the small coastal town of Sandpoint. Five years after a tragic fire and spate of brutal murders, the people of Sandpoint eagerly anticipate the Swallowtail Festival to commemorate the consecration of the town's new temple. At the height of the ceremony, disaster strikes!
In the days that follow, a sinister shadow settles over Sandpoint. Rumors of goblin armies and wrathful monsters in forgotten ruins have set the populace on edge. As Sandpoint's newest heroes, the PCs must deal with treachery, goblins, and the rising threat of a forgotten empire whose cruel and despotic rulers might not be as dead as history records.
This volume of Pathfinder includes:
- "Burnt Offerings," an adventure for 1st-level characters, by James Jacobs.
- An exploration of your PCs' new hometown of Sandpoint, by James Jacobs.
- A history of the ancient empire of Thassilon, by Wolfgang Baur.
- The first installment of the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Erik Mona.
- Six new monsters by James Jacobs, Richard Pett, and F. Wesley Schneider."
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Paranoia - Vulture Warriors of Dimension X
From the Back Cover:
"This dual duty adventure/campaign pack contains the WERDA (West End's Recommended Daycycle Allowance) of the following essential situations and plot twists
- A fully developed, wholly realized in-depth treasury of facts and factoids about the High Programmers' most secret of all secrets - the Collapsacave!
- The brilliant, essential "Bogus GM Screen," featuring all the tables you need for Post-Crash Alpha, suitable for taping over your current screen!
- Hordes - count 'em, hordes - of stupendously sickening stories, suggestions, and scenarios for running your very own Vulture Warriors Of Dimension X campaign!
- Vulture Warriors Of Dimension X also contains the long-awaited answer to the question: How many clone replacements does it take to get to the center of a leaky nuclear reactor!"
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Paranoia - The R&D Catalog
From the back of the book:
"At last, the High Priests of Risirch and De'Sann present the latest from the lab! The bounty of the beaker! Magnificent, modernized, murderous mechanical mutations for missions and parties."
From the web:
"All the do-dads and explosive widgets that a Troubleshooter with the intelligence (and lifespan) of a lemming could ask for. Page after page of sales pitches for various items of questionable value that will please a sadistic GM to no end. Not only that but also contains a nifty adventure for you to use all this junk with, too!"
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Paranoia - Second Edition Rulebook
From the web:
"The Roleplaying Game of a Darkly Humorous Future"
The Second Edition
The first edition of Paranoia is perfect and without flaw in every respect. The Computer says so. The Computer says the second edition is even more perfect. Do you doubt The Computer?
In the second edition, citizens will find streamlined rules, better organization, improved graphics, and oodles of staging hints and gamemastering tips."
Monday, September 10, 2018
Paranoia - Paramilitary
From the web:
TENN-HUTT, friend Citizen!
AH right, you vat food spillage, you're in the Armed Forces now! Forget all that pansy Troubleshooter trainin' and fall in for special duty! This handbook's gonna learn you how to fight an' die for the glory of The Computer, Alpha Complex's own beloved Commander-in-Chief!
Take your favorite clones beyond the mayhem and mur der of regular Troubleshooting. Induct them into the Armed Forces for some real action. With all those other bad guys out there - Alpha Base, Alpha City, Alpha State and the Dungeon to name a few - there's no end to the threats to Alpha Complex.
Now, line up for inspection and give me twenty! Paramilitary Includes:
Full briefings on training and mission duties! Life in Fort RAN! Rules for BattleMICs! More short adventures than you can throw a cavbot at!"
AH right, you vat food spillage, you're in the Armed Forces now! Forget all that pansy Troubleshooter trainin' and fall in for special duty! This handbook's gonna learn you how to fight an' die for the glory of The Computer, Alpha Complex's own beloved Commander-in-Chief!
Take your favorite clones beyond the mayhem and mur der of regular Troubleshooting. Induct them into the Armed Forces for some real action. With all those other bad guys out there - Alpha Base, Alpha City, Alpha State and the Dungeon to name a few - there's no end to the threats to Alpha Complex.
Now, line up for inspection and give me twenty! Paramilitary Includes:
Full briefings on training and mission duties! Life in Fort RAN! Rules for BattleMICs! More short adventures than you can throw a cavbot at!"
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Paranoia - Mad Mechs
From the back cover:
"The Computer and everyone else in Alpha Complex is in trouble. Real Trouble. Big Trouble. Real Big Trouble.
An alien spaceship threatens to destroy Alpha Complex unless the Troubleshooters can solve the mystery of its alien message. To do so, they must travel to the "Down Under Outdoors." They must fight mystic aborigines, mutated animals, and GMRAMs. The Troubleshooters must win a former Commie mutant traitor away from the Infamous "Mad Mechs." They even have the unforeseen burden of:
Bringing him back _alive_!"
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Paranoia - HIL Sector Blues
From the back of the book:
"Rejoice citizen! Your friend The Computer has chosen you to become a HIL Sector Internal Security Blue Trooper!
It's a Campaign Pack!
In HIL Sector Blues you get a fantastic compendium of facts, innuendos, and outright lies about HIL sector. You also get a new transportation system, the latest in police equipment from R&D, and vatloads of useful information on the ever-popular Internal Security.
It's a Bunch of Mini-Adventures!
In HIL Sector Blues you also get mini-adventures and adventure hooks which introduce characters to the mind-boggling fun and brain-warping excitement of police work in Alpha Complex.
It's Cardstock Commies & Miniatures' Rules!
In HIL Sector Blues you also get a set of 'Cardstock Commies' stand-up figures, and rules (well, suggestions, actually) for using them. These exciting, full-color figures allow you to determine precisely where every character is at the exact moment of his or her demise! Plus, you get detailed instructions on how to use common household items - paper towel tubes, blenders, small pets - for tactical displays!
It's a Dessert Topping!
Well, okay. It isn't a dessert topping. (False advertising and all that.) But HIL Sector Blues is a righteous PARANOIA campaign pack and death-fest that will amuse, enlighten, and terminate one and all!"
Friday, September 7, 2018
Paranoia Flipbook: CTV & ParaNormal
From the web:
"This flipbook contains 2 unconnected adventures in the usual humorous Paranoia stile:
ParaNormal revolves around vampires and zombies in Alpha-Complex
CTV revolves around the media in Alpha-Complex.
It is the only Paranoia flipbook (a book which can be read from both sides) published up to now."
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Paranoia - Form Pack
From the web:
"Contains multiple copies of three Alpha Complex forms in triplicate (real carbon paper!), and a short bureaucratic adventure, A Hole in The Complex, which revolves around filling and filing these forms.
The forms are:
- Form Request Form 2212/HHK (10x)
- Equipment/Weapon/Vehicle Request Form (4x)
- Equipment Complaint Form B4379-10(398)/7R (4x)"
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Paranoia - THE DOA Sector Travelogue
From the back cover:
"The DOA Sector Travelogue contains
- 96 pages of extravagant text including almost 20 different DOA Sector locations, written by nine or more of the brightest, funniest, most creative writers in the field today (we're not sure which field however).
- A poster-sized full-color map that shows DOA Sector in all its goriest - er glorious, detail.
- The never-before-published-but-long-awaited Random Pipe Contents and Random Bureaucracy tables. Don't get them confused!
- Enough adventure hooks and NPCs to keep your Paranoia campaign up-and-running for the next million billion years (well - the next six months or so, anyway)
- Plus hints, clues, scenes, and innuendos, concerning the ultra-secret Secret Society Wars that are about to heat up Alpha Complex like never before (the pitiful little on the subject found in these pages is only the beginning!)"
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Paranoia - Creatures of the Nightcycle
From the web:
"A super-duper-sized adventures in the Complex of Dimness, the dark reflection which shows Alpha Complex clones just how lucky they really are.
Source material on running other adventures in the Complex of Dimness.
New secret societies such as the SABot, GIA's Warriors, the TechnoCrappy, and the GammaVilla.
The all-important rules for running vampclones PCs in Paranoia, from Tantruming to nifty powers,
Near-Death Experience Points, and the personal horror of letting out your Manatee Within.
Two secret, nifty, special songs hidden in the adventure, plus fashion and style tips for your vampclones' appropriate atmosphere.
Over fifty-thousand words, and not one of them is "angst."
Monday, September 3, 2018
Paranoia - Crash Course Manual
From the back cover:
"The Computer is Dead! Long Live...Anybody?
The Computer has accessed its last microchip; merged its last datafile; blown its last circuit. it doesn't matter why. It doesn't matter how. What matters is what the clones of Alpha Complex are gonna do about it now.
Post MegaWhoops Alpha Complex: dark Computer monitors, corridors dimly illuminated by emergency power, Tech Service, and Power Service personnel struggling valiantly to...do something. Anything. Meanwhile, clones rise up and destroy CPU HQ, while Secret Societies come out of hiding and start taking control. Alpha Simplexes spring up and declare their independence from the rest of the Complex. Somewhere, rumor has it, there are vast stockpiles of supplies, and maybe even a sector where The Computer still works. Mercenary Troubleshooter teams are hired to find out the truth..THIS IS POST-CRASH PARANOIA!
Crash Course Manual contains:
* 96 pages of gloom, doom, and dark designs -- not to mention more info about MegaWhoops Alpha than anyone could ever want to know!
* Paranoid fiction that will knock your jumpsuit off -- nearly 40 pages of stories and songs about everything from the "Moment of MegaWhoops" and "Tales From the Vulgar Scrubot" to "The New Fear and Ignorance."
* Capsule adventures, capsule adventures, and more capsule adventures - and a modestly brilliant mini-adventure, "A passage to NDA Sector" - to get you started in the Post-Crash Complex!
* The most treasonous document ever printed in any Paranoia adventure or supplement (no, really, we mean it this time). At last, "101 uses for The Dead Computer" can be revealed to the public!"
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Paranoia - Clones In Space
From the back of the book:
"Space-the final frontier. These are the voyages of some unenterprising Troubleshooters, their mission: to seek out strange new life, new civilizations ...and terminate them...to boldly go where no clone has any business going.
Welcome once again to the darkly humorous world of PARANOIA. Instead of the daily humdrum life-or-death routine of Alpha Complex, in this adventure the Troubleshooters get to do something really exciting-explore Outer Space (Where the ceiling would be if the Outside had one).
These eager Troubleshooters get to enjoy the exciting, slightly gut-squashing effects of lift-off. The survivors get a lesson in weightlessness and a lucky few learn about the curious effects of hard vacuum. So much fun hardly seems fair.
All this leads to a question-What do you get when you mix together:
• Deranged computers in space stations (no relation to a 2001-year-old science fiction flick)
• Ravenous flesh-eating aliens
• Sneezes in zero-G
• Some low-budget special effects
• Really impressive extraterrestrials (out to conquer Earth, of course)
• And no less than 36 clones? Answer: A disgustingly fun mess!"
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Paranoia - The Bot Abusers' Manual
From the web:
"Yes, back before the Big Whoops, bots were created to serve and protect the loyal Citizens of Alpha Complex. Well, we know what happened then ... those annoying mechanical monstrosities have haunted the back terminals and corridors of Alpha Complex for so long, they´ve earned a place in Alpha Society.
So now, because of their persistent and diligent nagging..err "performance," bots have been included in the wonderful world of Paranoia. Aren´t they just so lucky?
Besides, they have big guns too, you know."
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