"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Seven Cities
From the web:
New in town?
No more generic innkeepers! Out with the bland blacksmith! Now Seven Cities brings you a wealth of vibrantly populated places to use in your D20 System fantasy campaign. Whether you're looking for a convenient refueling station after a hard day of plundering the local dungeon, a circumspect place to pawn hard-fought-for riches, or a quiet little town to call home, Seven Cities provides communities chock full of politics and intrigue, love and hate, life and death.
Seven Cities features:
- An introduction offering rules and insights for generating fantasy cities of your own, delving into the politics, commerce, geography, history, power centers, and population that make a city come to life.
- Seven discrete chapters each detail a specific size of city; a thorp, hamlet, village, small town, small city, and even a large city are all described not only with dozens of maps, but also with unique personalities that guarantee PC interaction.
- Later chapters refer to earlier ones, so that some of the inhabitants of the thorp show up in each of the larger communities, playing similar roles in every instance. This makes it easy to pick the size of city you want and make use of as much of Seven Cities as possible.
- Seven Cities is also designed to help tailor any city to work better in your campaign; add new life to it, and let it throb with the pulse of the people who make it their home.
Like all Penumbra products, Seven Cities is written to provide you with material adaptable to any fantasy campaign, whether it be a published setting or a world of your own creation!
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Serenity RPG
From the web:
The Serenity Role Playing Game lets you re-create the action of the 'Verse, the unique and exciting science-fiction setting created by writer/director Joss Whedon in the television series Firefly.
Everything you need to get started is in this book. Add dice, friends and your imagination. Fly a ship out into the Black, take jobs as they come, and make sure you get paid!
Features 3 difficulty levels for adventures (depending on the experience of the characters and their players): Greenhorn, Veteran, Big Damn Heroes.
From back of book:
- A self contained role playing game. All the rules are provided for both players and Game Masters!
- Full character creation rules, plus fifteen sample characters, including the crew of Serenity.
- Complete details on spaceships, guns, and technology.
- Emphasis on story, action, and character development with easy-to-learn rules.
- Game details, descriptions of the characters, and settings from the film!
Monday, July 29, 2019
Serenity RPG - Game Master's Screen
From the web:
A valuable resource for anyone running the Serenity RPG. While displaying the space-battle scene from the film on the side, the inside displays four panels worth of charts and tables commonly used while running the game. Also included is a miniatures-scale poster map of Serenity -- with the ship Aces & Eights depicted on the alternate side.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Secret Liason
From the web:
Scenario where the characters guard a caravan traveling through a dark forest, while the complications mount and their employer's motivations become more inscrutable.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Second World Sourcebook
From the web:
Occasionally a person steps around the corner of an alley, finds a hole in the back of their closet, takes a shortcut down a wooded road at night, or simply turns their head at just the right moment to watch a falling leaf and then finds himself elsewhere. These people are called Exiles; they step or turn out of our world, the world of crowded freeways and glittering convenience stores and into the Second World, a place of magic, mystery, danger, and more than a little bit of terror. There are two worlds you see, separated by a roiling gulf of chaos called the Forge.
The Second World Sourcebook bridges the gap between modern day adventuring and traditional fantasy roleplaying. It provides a "campaign template" for running a dual-world game. By combining the sourcebook with your own favorite setting you can take your fantasy characters and run them through a modern day scenario, or take your modern characters and run them through one of the many fantasy modules currently available. Most modern settings already describe the impact of fantasy elements on them and include rules for handling magic. But what would happen if people from the modern world regularly trafficked with those in a more traditional fantasy world? What impact would it have if powerful wizards originally studied computer science at UCLA? What would the social institutions look like if the progress of ideas and politics we've seen in our world carried over to a place where electricity and gunpowder simply didn't work, but magic and divine power did?
The Sourcebook supports both the d20 Modern Rules and the standard d20 rules and provides a complete set of genre and technology rules for customizing the way reality works in the two worlds, in alternate planes, or even in your own game world. Over 200 powers spread across 8 prestige classes (with an alternate, feat-based system)are detailed. Each class gets to pick one ability per level from a list of at least 25 special powers; this provides maximum customizability in character development. It also includes a complete set of influence rules with over 30 organizations and 100 favors to request; this system provides a nifty method for adding crunch to the political aspect of a game. The Second World Sourcebook also provides a basic campaign setting designed to show off the full potential of genre jumping.
The electronic version has been updated to the 3.5 rules and includes, as an appendix, The Pact System.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sahuagin: Sea of Blood
From the web:
The deep sea holds many perils - some known, some secret, some merely hungry...and some evil. Those who live on dry land speak in whispers of the dreadful City of Abiding Hunger, where sea devils cavort in the court of their king, awful rites pay homage to a brutal shark god, and desperate refugees from above the waves dream of the sun they will never see again.... In Sea of Blood, adventurers attempt to overcome the mortal threats contained in the City of Abiding Hunger and the Throne of Teeth before finally coming face to face with their true enemy - the Deep Mother. Sea of Blood can be played as a stand-alone adventure, or it can serve as the finale of the sahuagin adventure trilogy that started with Evil Tide and continued in Night of the Shark.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Sea Devils
From the back cover:
Evil Denizens of the Depths: The Sahuagin.
The sahuagin are known by many names. Some call them the Devil Men of the Deep; to others, they are simply the Sea Devils. This deadly race of aquatic beings has remained a mystery to surface dwellers—until now. This fully illustrated 96-page accessory details the highly organized structure of sahuagin society, offers insight into the workings of the predatory sahuagin mind, and examines the worship of Sekolah, the dark sahuagin deity. The Sea Devils also includes a full description of a typical sahuagin village easily usable in any campaign setting, new spells that are granted to sahuagin priestesses, and a color poster detailing the sahuagin in all their variety.
This book is the second in a series of accessories that focuses on some of the most popular monsters in the AD&D® game. DMs and players alike should also look for Evil Tide, Night of the Shark, and Sea of Blood, a trilogy of Monstrous Arcana™ adventures centered around the Sahuagin.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Star Drive - Star Compendium
From the web:
The Star*Drive® Campaign Setting sweeps Alternity® game adventurers into one possible future: a bright galaxy shining with humanity's accomplishments but cursed with all its flaws. The galaxy's attention centers around the Verge, a region a mere one hundred light-years across that is home to thousands of stars awaiting exploration by heroes. The Star Compendium brings to life more than a dozen of those star systems.
This accessory includes:
* An updated map of the Verge, accompanied by an overview of the state of the region and its future, as well as a primer on how the Verge colonies relate to one another, and a discussion of how visitors and natives get from place to place.
* An in-depth look at six systems, fleshed out to the level of detail of the major systems in the Star*Drive book, offering a mixture of settled worlds (Karnath and Dewi), lost colonies (Vieron and Tychus), fledgling outposts (Talbott), and virgin territory (Eldala).
* Adventure hooks and opportunities to entertain, challenge, and reward the brave and the clever.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Silent Death: Sigurd Archdiocese
From the web:
Sigurd Archdiocese details the Church of Odin’s rise to power in the Next Millennium. In this supplement, 6 new ships & technologies of the Sigurd Archdiocese are used in over a dozen conflicts deciding the future of mankind. NOTE: For use with ST# 7200 Silent Death: The Next Millennium Deluxe Box Set.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Scared Lands Gazetteer: Termana
From the web:
Distant from Ghelspad, Termana is the second major continent of the Scarred Lands to be described in Gazetteer format.
Here, the wicked charduni dwarves challenge the forces of good, and exotic kingdoms rise and fall in the wake of the Divine War.
This book includes a history of the continent, and the role it played in the struggle against the titans, information on its diverse kingdoms and cultures, and an overview of its many unique geographical features.
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Termana provides sufficient information to start a campaign, or as an exotic homeland for characters and NPCs. Termana is also an excellent change of pace for adventurers from a Ghelspad-based campaign.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Scared Stiff: The B-Movie Horror Game
From the web:
Experience Horrible Horror and Terrible Terror! Get Scared Stiff!
Scared Stiff provides the horror rules for the RPG-13 B-Movie Game System. It is the first release of several standalone games that will cover dozens of genres in depth. Won't pay $30 for a set of rules for a less popular genre you might not play too often? Pay a smaller amount and get 4, 8 or even 12 genres covered in-depth. At only a couple bucks apiece it makes it a great deal to start gaming a wide variety of genres. You don't even have to risk the single dollar per genre because you will be able to play all of these before they are out. You can start with Scared Stiff right now!
Many games copy schlock horror movies but miss the point. Scared Stiff is unique because it models the INADVERTENCE of the art form's failure. Bad horror is not comedy with vampires and werewolves but poorly executed horror that is accidentally funny. The Scared Stiff RPG allows players to play real horror with a straight face and the game design handles the inevitability of inadvertent escapades for them. The innovative design makes the campy glory of b-movie cinema unavoidable but play is enhanced rather than forced by the style of the design.
The game is written in a light style that causes many people to laugh aloud at the humour every few pages. Even although play is "serious" games should be fun to read. Although played deadpan, too many gamers spend more time reading games on the way to their grandmother's cottage than playing them at their weekly picnics. A carefully modelled genre model boasts fun mechanics, a light style of writing makes for a fun read, a full colour cover, dozens of black & white interior illustrations, 146 pages and no risk or guesswork before you buy it makes the Scared Stiff RPG a must have.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Silver Age Sentinels: Roll Call 2
From the web:
I know you want to find a sidekick. After all, everyone's doing it. All the cool superheroes have them. Hey. . . I'll even give you your first one for free.
Come on kid, take one. You want people to like you, don't you?
Roll Call 2: The Sidekick's Club presents a dozen bold adventurers and their stalwart companions that you can drop into any Silver Age Sentinels campaign.
Includes character bios, dual-stat write-ups for the Tri-Stat and d20 Systems, and game seeds to kick-start your creativity.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Silver Age Sentinels: Emergency Response
From the web:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Especially a woman with superpowers.
Emergency Response is a thrilling two part adventure set in Empire City that you can drop into any Silver Age Sentinels campaign.
Inside you'll find a twisted mystery full of intrigue and action, new characters stats, and a "how-to" section on designing your own death-traps.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Silver Age Sentinals: Criminal Intent
From the web:
'Criminal Intent' is the book on villains for Silver Age Sentinels. It features dual stats for both d20 and Tri-Stat Systems. As the definitive handbook for villains, it explores the facets of playing an anti-hero, from the qualities of the dastardly to the formation of dark cabals. It covers a villain's methods, including dealing with other villains, disposing of heroes, and undermining with the law. Everything is tied together in a discussion of archetypes, with new character examples from the world of Empire City.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Saga of the Witch Queen
From the web:
Drawn into a series of adventures spanning the north, the heroes take up arms against the sinister machinations of Kyleth, the Witch Queen. Beginning in the miserable bog known as the Great Swamp, the heroes are called to thwart Kylethís plot to create sinister artifacts of unholy blight. But the Witch Queen is a tenacious foe, protected by wicked dweomers and ancient rites. Running their prey to ground, the heroes must navigate the perilous halls and torturous caverns of the Lost Passage of the Drow. Their epic quest comes to a head in a battle that stretches across the icy reaches of the Northlands and to the stygian demesne of Baba Yazoth herself!
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Sacred Ground
From the web:
The Blessings of the Gods Come Not Without a Price
Continuing in the tradition of Seven Strongholds, and Seven Cities, Sacred Ground presents four plug-and-play holy sites useful as PC home bases, or as adventure settings, or as lairs for the character's next adversary. it features:
- GABRIEL"S AERIE: A small, verdant island of earth floats one mile above the surface of the world, supporting a temple dedicated one of the myriad spirits of the wind and air. Its marble domes shine resplendently in the sunlight, and winged creatures drift lazily around the temple on warm air currents, while temple priests don membranous frames - artificial wings - in order to join them.
- RETREAT OF THE WARRIOR SAINT: The oldest surviving temple to the Warrior Saint - a minor deity who once led the common people against their oppressor - is a training school for those who would return to fight against tyranny by using common tools and their own bodies.
- SUMMER'S BARROW: Each autumn, the Summer God comes to a secret location and dies, his body lying in a massive burial mound guarded by his faithful until his spirit returns to reanimate it in spring.
- THE NECROPOLIS: A vase, barren necropolis island is maintained by the Order of the White Rose - servants of the god of Death. These priests must carefully weigh every decision to raise or resurrect a mortal who dies within their purview.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Sacred Ground 2
From the back cover:
Unearth the Divine Secrets of the Gods...
...in these four sacred sanctuaries. Sacred Ground 2 presents four more holy sites to use as PC home bases, as settings for your next adventure, or as lairs for your character's most powerful enemies. Each entry provides location maps and fortifications, NPC stats and backgrounds, and plot ideas to bring the site to life.
This plug-and-play sourcebook includes:
- HAI SHEN GONG: A vibrantly colorful Middle Kingdom temple sits atop a wind-blasted cliff overlooking the crashing waves of the dark sea below. The head priestess personally attends to the fiery beacon that warns ships away from the dangerous shoals - and from sacred creatures hidden within the cliff itself.
- CRECHE HOSPICE: A small country estate houses an unfinished temple complex and the headquarters of the Creche Knights. The hospice is a pilgrimage sit, hospital, garrison, and inn all at once, but is also a prison for an entity called the Blasphemer, which prophesies that other creatures like itself will soon rise to plunge the religions of the world into chaos.
- THE ORACLE: This ancient mountain tower is kept by mystics dedicated to the Lady of Fate, and is home to the goddess's oracle. At the request of supplicants, this young girl can plumb the depths of history and unravel the threads of destiny itself.
- EARTHBLOOD GROVE: On the edges of civilization is an old-growth stand of hardwood trees with the reputation of being haunted and filled with strange fey creatures. Those concerned with such things know the secret of the forest: it is a druidic grove with a powerful natural relic hidden in its heart.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
S2 - White Plume Mountain
From the web:
A classic adventure for characters from fifth through tenth level. The players are set with a riddle that references Wave, Whelm and Blackrazor. To win these treasures they must set out in expedition to White Plume Mountain and there descend into the treacherous dungeon below. There they battle the traps and guardians set in place by the wizard Keraptis.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
S1-4 - Realms of Horror
From the web:
Realms of Horror is a large scale adventure module for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons RPG. It revises four previously published modules: Tomb Of Horrors, White Plume Mountain, Expedition To The Barrier Peaks, and The Lost Caverns Of Tsojcanth. The adventure is designed for Intermediate level characters, and the revisions are to make it easier for "a gung-ho, let's-do-it-all-at-once campaign".
The pack contains an 80pg booklet, a 48pg illustration booklet (handled by a variety of artists and styles), and a 16 page booklet of maps and inscriptions, all in B&W, wrapped in a colour cover slip. The modules present detailed and complex dungeons to explore, using all the classic elemnts of AD&D. The third module was originally written for an unpublished Sci-Fi RPG and presents the PCs with robots and computers.
Friday, July 12, 2019
S1 - Tomb of Horrors (GW Printing)
From the front cover:
In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister TOMB OF HORRORS. This labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demi-Lich. This module was originally used for the Official ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® tournament at Origins 1. The author wishes to thank Mr. Alan Lucien who was kind enough to submit some of the ideas for this dungeon. Included herein are background information, the Legend of the Tomb, and possible locations for the tomb on the WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ map. Also included are DM notes, characters specially designed for the module, and numerous illustrations to be shown to the players.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
S&S - Shelzar: City of Sins
From the web:
City of Pleasure and Peril
In Shelzar the Wicked, every desire can be fulfilled for those able to pay the price. Said to be half as old as Scarn itself, Shelzar has survived conquest, catastrophe and chaos to emerge as the continent's capital of decadence and sin. This volume contains a complete history of Shelzar, details for its inhabitants, locations, and culture, as well as adventures to challenge the most jaded of player characters.
Venture to the most decadent city of Ghelspad, learn it's secrets and partake of its pleasures, but never let your guard down, for death comes quickly as delight in Shelzar's smoke-filled chambers and shadowed alleys, and the hand that delivers a soft caress one moment can hold a poisoned dagger the next. Desire and danger are one in the City of Sins.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
S&S - Hallowfaust: City of Necromancers
From the web:
Lords of the Dead
In the shadow of a dormant volcano crouched the dead city of Sumara. Wandering necromancers rediscovered it in the wake of the Divine War, and from the bones of that slain nation, the wizards fashioned a new realm: Hollowfaust, City of the Necromancers. Today, this city-state grows and prospers, defended by legions of undead warriors and ruled by a secret society of powerful spellcasters. On the surface, there exists a curious culture that embraces both the joy of life and the inevitability of death, but 'deep below, in tunnels beneath the city, the necromancers delve into the secrets of mortality and the undead. Welcome, then, to Hollowfaust - one of the strangest cities in all of Ghelspad. Enjoy your visit. And don't die.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
SLA Industries
From the back of the book:
On Mort, the rain never stops. This is the black jewel in the rotten crown of the World of Progress, where serial murder, empty style, corporate treachery and prime-time violence are top career options.
The heart of SLA Industries, Mr. Slayer's office building dominates SLA corporate HT, set in the gleaming splendor of the district known as Central. Only SLA's corporate employees and Operatives can be found here. Elsewhere, criminal gangs, maniacs and nervous civilians scuttle through the filthy, labyrinthine streets of Downtown and the revolting spaces beneath. Outside the city walls lurk the hellish Cannibal Sectors, terrifying areas of devastation packed with deadly inhabitants.
For you, the Operative, it's just like the adverts. You're a hero, a media darling, saving the world and living the golden life of hedonism and fame. But that means following Mr. Slayer's Big Picture and oh, what a picture it is. Life is so "pleasant" for most people that SLA has employed you as part of its special troubleshooting forces. There are millions of you in Mort City alone, elite agents trusted to make sure that everything runs smoothly, and the Company isn't... embarrassed.
The capital of SLA Industries is resplendent in its decaying glory, a planet where a struggle to survive is the only wan of living. Life is cheap here, but knowledge will cost you more than you can imagine.
Guns kill, but so does the truth.
Monday, July 8, 2019
Ruins of Adventure
From the back cover:
A great evil force descended on the town of Phlan years ago. The townspeople were all either killed or driven away, and Phlan became (literally) a ghost town. Fifty years later, the survivors are ready to reclaim their town. But they need a band of strong and brave adventurers to lead the fight—they need you.
Ruins of Adventure is a set of connected short adventures written by James Ward, David "Zeb" Cook, Steve Winter, and Mike Breault—four names familiar to all AD&D® game fans. It uses the same setting, location, and characters as the computer game Pool of Radiance by Strategic Simulations, Inc. In fact, many of the scenarios here in Ruins of Adventure will provide important clues to the successful completion of Pools of Radiance.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Raven Star - Get Fitted for the Frontier
From the web:
"With the increasing influence of the Underworld syndicate in Raven Star, the black market now allows anyone with the right price to acquire any contraband desired, including restricted military equipment. This results in situations where the chance for survival definitely favors the one who is best equipped with the latest high-tech weaponry and cutting-edge cybernetics.
Get fitted for the Frontier is a catalogue of gear and cybernetics which can be acquired by player characters to enhance their ability to survive in the wild Raven Star frontier. The sourcebook also features new weapons and the best in cutting-edge cybernetics.
The equipment, vehicles, and cybernetics featured in this sourcebook are designed for Raven Star but they can easily be used for other role-playing systems."
Saturday, July 6, 2019
RS1 - Red Sonja Unconquered
From the back cover:
If you but have the will Sonja, you may use your strength to make the world your home. You may become a wanderer, the equal of any man or woman you meet. (The Ring of Ikribu) Red Sonja #1
Steel met steel as Sonja slashed wildly before her. Sparks flew into the air; the mercenary's sword flew to the ground. Her arms vibrated with the contact and her hands grew numb as she tightened her grip on the mighty sword. Still they came - only four in all, but with deadly intent shining deep within their hungry eyes.
What do these men seek? Why would they rather die than run?
Friday, July 5, 2019
RR3 - Van Richten's Guide to Vampires
From the web:
Horror and vampires are synonymous. Players can now meet new and more powerful vampires. Complete descriptions of many different kinds of vampires and other undead. Everything you ever wanted to know about vampires but were afraid to ask. This accessory includes many new vampire personalities for your gaming experience.
From the back of the book:
At last some means of combatting the ultimate undead, vampires, have found their way into print. Within these pages, Dr. Rudolph Van Richten shares his vast background as one of Ravenloft's most formidable lore masters and vampire hunters. Decades of research and experience have been compiled into discussions which define the very nature of those "kings of the undead," and help put them at a disadvantage to mortals, whom they consider to be "mere cattle."
Dr. Van Richten has detailed vampiric powers, weaknesses, feeding and sleeping habits, even their varied relationships with others of their own kind. Old myths are dispelled, new facts are uncovered, and the experiences of both vampires and those you hunt them are recorded for your safety and enlightenment.
Quickly! Soon the sun sets and the dead will rise! The vampires of Ravenloft know no mercy, and you must be prepared before the darkness engulfs you.
96 pages - Recommended for All Character Levels
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Wyrms Footprints
From the web:
This is a collection of articles from the out-of-print Wyrms Footnotes magazine produced from 1976 to 1982. Being a magazine that started as support for the White Bear and Red Moon boardgame and only later became a RuneQuest magazine, the material presented does not contain any stats or game rules save for some character write-ups that are intended for Arduin and not RuneQuest. The largest section of the book is a discussion of the gods and goddesses of the various Gloranthan mythologies.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Wyrms Footnotes #13
From the web:
Table of Contents:
Editorial - Charlie Krank
What's New at Chaosium
Advice from Rurik edited by Steve Perrin
Wyrms Friend-Notes
Pantheons of Glorantha by Greg Stafford
Geography: Questworld by Lynn Willis and Greg Stafford
The Riddle Man
Personality of Glorantha: Rurik Runespear
Dragon's Past
History of the Lunar Empire - the Third Wane by Greg Stafford
Rune-Glitch by Tom Holsinger
Outworld Characters in Theves' World by Eric Goldberg
What it Takes to "Convince the Examiners" by Greg Stafford
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Wryms Footnotes #11
From the web:
Editorial Ramblings by Charlie Krank
What's New at Chaosium- news of ongoing projects
RuneQuest Variant Training System by Lee Gold
Advice from Rurik edited by Steve Perrin
Plunder by Rudy Kraft
Lunar Name Generator by Paul Jaquays
Dragons Past- stories of our house RuneQuest campaign by Greg Stafford
Personality of Glorantha- Londra of Londros by Ken Kaufer
History of the Lunar Empire- part two - the First Wane by Greg Stafford
Geography of Glorantha the sea of Neliom by Charlie Krank
The Riddle Man by Morgan Conrad
Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha- gods of light - Yelm by Greg Stafford
Gateway Bestiary- monsters for RuneQuest Campaigns
Monday, July 1, 2019
Wyrms Footnotes #8
From the web:
Table of Contents:
Editorials, Greg Stafford and Charlie Krank
In the Works, Greg Stafford
New Rules for Dragon Pass, Bob Corbett
King Arthur's Knights Expansions, Stephan Abbot
Rambling RuneQuestions, Steve Perrin
Spirits of the Sea, Greg Stafford
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