"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Space Gamer #23
From the web:
Table of Contents
In This Issue
5 Invasion of the Air Eaters by Keith Gross
10 Ice Ogre by Timothy C. & Lynn Wiedel
13 Primal Man, Primal War by Glenn L. Williams
19 Soldiers in the Sky by Allen Varney
21 Starfighter by Tony Watson
22 Know Thyself by Brian McCue
23 Gunship 2000 by Nevin J. Templin
23 Attirbutes of the Deryni by Neill E. Frizzell
23 Quazar by W.G. Armintrout
26 Vikings in Melee by Ronald Pehr
27 The Valde by Ronald Pehr
28 The Harvest by J.S. Robison
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Space Gamer #21
From the web:
In This Issue
5 An Interview With Dave Arneson (by Staff)
8 You, Too, Can Run A MicroTournament by Guy W. McLimore, Jr.
10 Playing the Odds at OGRE & G.E.V. by Roland Parenteau
12 Spaceship Miniatures & Rules by Tony Watson
15 Getting More From Black Hole by Glenn L. Williams
16 The Deryni by Ronald Pehr
19 Lords of the Middle Sea by W.G. Armintrout
21 Mind War by Michael Striley
22 The Realm of Yolmi by Dana Holm
23 Stomp! by Phil Kosnett
24 Juggernaut One by Robert Chester
25 Entertainment by Warren E. McGill
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #7
From the web:
Space Gamer #7 - September/October 1993
Subtitled The Magazine of Free-Style Role-Play
Cover by Todd Pickens
Featured Game: Villains Finish First! - Playing the Comic Book Bad Guy
The internal masthead reads "Better Games' Space Gamer #7 - 92th Issue of Publication"; the spine contains the listed months.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer #6
From the web:
Space Gamer #6 - July/August 1993
Subtitled The Magazine of Free-Style Role-Play
Cover by John E. Holland
Featured Game: Where Fools Dare to Tread
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer v2 #2
From the web:
Space Gamer #2 - November/December 1992
Subtitled The Magazine of Free-Style Role-Play
Cover by Tom Dow
Featured Game: Rogue Swords of the Empire
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Space 1889 (Reprint)
From the web:
Space: 1889 is a role-playing game of Victorian-era space-faring, created by Frank Chadwick and originally published by Game Designers' Workshop from 1988 to 1991 and later reprinted by Heliograph, Inc. in 2000 and 2001. On March 24, 2009, Pinnacle Entertainment Group announced that they plan to publish a new Space 1889 campaign titled Space 1889: Red Sands, using their Savage Worlds rules system and their Plot Point campaign design model.
The name is both a parody of the television show Space: 1999 and a continuation of the GDW naming convention applied to two of its previous role-playing games, Twilight: 2000 and Traveller: 2300 (the latter of which was later renamed 2300 AD), though neither previous game had any connection to the Space: 1889 universe. The name Space: 1889 is a registered trademark belonging to Chadwick.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Sovereign Stone - Sanctuary
From the web:
The border town of Tethyst often sees visitors, being a regular stop along the river trade routes and situated near the borders of the elven kingdoms and the Caliphate of Karnu. But when a runaway prince takes refuge in Tethyst, the hunt begins as bounty-hunters and reward-seekers descend upon the trading community. Will the young heir become a victim of his enemies, or will the mysterious Trevinici barbarians of the moor offer him sanctuary?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Sovereign Stone - Old Vinnengael
From the back cover:
Two hundred years ago, the city of old Vinnengael was destroyed in a magical blast that killed many thousands and forever changed the lives of everyone in Loerem. Now players Sovereign Stone d20 System Campaign Setting can travel back in time to explore the legendary city in days before its downfall - meet its people, shop in its fabulous markets, discover its treasures, and encounter its dangers.
Old Vinnengael: City of Sorrows delves into the details of the city and its inhabitants, the mysteries of the city revealed in detailed maps, vibrant NPCs, and incredible places first introduced in Well of Darkness, the best selling first novel of the Sovereign Stone trilogy written by Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman.
Fully compatible with the d20 system, for the first time, the characters and events only described in the novel are brought to life, including the various members of the Royal Family, including Crown Prince Helmos, the Lord of Sorrows, and Dagnarus, the Lord of the Void.
Included is a chapter on adventuring in Old Vinnengael, complete with new prestige classes and magic spells, as well as a full adventure that takes place on the eve of Old Vinnengael's destruction. Old Vinnengael: City of Sorrow is a definite must-have for any fan of the world of Sovereign Stone.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Sovereign Stone
From the back of the book:
A world in peril.
A savage army marches out to the west. Its soldiers -- the monstrous and terrifying Taan -- have never before been seen on this continent. Dark rumors whisper that the army is being led by the evil Dagnarus, Lord of the Void, dead for two hundred years. his captains are Vrykyl, fearsome undead who long ago traded life for horrible immortality. The nations of Loerem -- realms of the Humans, the Elves, the Dwarves, and the Orks -- are too involved in warring with each other to pay much attention to this new threat. But throughout the world, heroes from every race have seen the dark clouds gather. They are arming themselves with sorcery and with steel to meet the coming challenge.
Join them . . . if you dare.
The Game at a Glance
- Skill based system, each skill and attribute is listed as a die type, ie: d8 in strength.
- Actions are rolled with an attribute die and a skill die. A character can exert for an extra die, but at the cost of stun points.
- Magic is rolled with an attribute die and a skill die, too. You need to achieve a number of points and the spell goes off. If you don't reach it in one turn, you add your next turn's roll.
- The world has Orks, Elves, Humans and Dwarves as player races, as well as a few new ones, and a really nasty set of villains!
- The Orks are a sea-faring race, advantaged in water magic. The Elves are a medieval Japanese-like race, advantaged in air magic. The Dwarves are a nomadic Mongol-like race, advantaged in fire magic. The Humans are mid-European medieval-like, advantaged in earth magic. The Taan, the void magic users, are just plain wicked!
Friday, October 18, 2019
Soverign Stone - Codex Mysterium
From the back of the book:
Spellcasters enter into battle wearing full armor, wielding spells that can fell cities. Wizards join together to cast spells of unbelievable might and power. Mages cast spells from memory without the need to restudy them. Players create their own spells!
The Codex Mysterium introduces new rules for magic and spellcasting, as well as a unique formula that allows players to create their own spells, all fully compatible with the fabulous d20 System. Designed for use within the Sovereign Stone (tm) world, this new magic system, new spell creation formula, and new spells may all be used with any campaign setting in the d20 System.
Within these pages, you will find over two hundred new spells for Elemental and Void mages, new prestige classes, new rules for spell creation for use with the d20 magic system, plus further information on the magic-users of the Sovereign Stone world, including the powerful battle-mages of the Temple of the Magi, the mysterious and powerful Elven Wyred, the mage guilds of Dunkarga, the devoutly religiuos Nimran priests, the rampaging Dwarven Firemages, and much more!
Open the book to uncover the mysteries of magic!
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Sovereign Stone Campaign Sourcebook (2002)
From the back of the book:
Campaign Sourcebook
- Enter the world developed by award-winning fantasy artist Larry Elmore and made famous by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman in the best-selling Sovereign Stone novel trilogy from HarperCollins Publishers.
- Sovereign Stone is a complete campaign setting for the fabulous d20 system. Included are new races, new classes, new feats, new skills, new monsters-created by some of the best known names in the RPG industry.
- Learn to cast magic in a new way in the Sovereign Stone world. A new d20 magic system lets you build points toward the casting of spells, making complex spells more difficult to cast, while simple spells are easy and quick.
- The world has Orks, Elves, Humans and Dwarves as player races, powerful Dominion Lords who fight for good against the evil undead knights of the Void.
- The Orks are a sea-faring races, advantaged in Water magic. The Elves have a culture similar to medieval Japan and are advantaged in Air magic. The Dwarves are a nomadic people similar to the Mongols, and are advantaged in Fire magic. There are a half-dozen distinct Human cultures, all advantaged in Earth magic. The Taan, Void magic-users, are a mysterious race bent on conquering the rest!
Monday, October 14, 2019
Slayers Guide to Troglodytes
From the web:
An ancient evil awaits
Troglodytes are a thoroughly foul reptilian race with all the chill mercilessness and cruelty of a cold-blooded snake. Many consider them to be as evil as the most loathsome of demons. Troglodytes inhabit the underdeep of the world for they are creatures of the dark but may also be found in the rocky peaks and passes of desolate mountains. These few tribes who live near the surface wage a constant war on nearby settlements during cold, moonless nights.
In the past many Games Masters have simply used Troglodytes as sword fodder for adventuring parties. Their skill with javelins, foul scent glands and chameleonic ambush abilities combined with large numbers make them truly lethal opponents. Up to now they have rarely been treated with the depth and detail such a race deserves. With this book, everything changes.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Slaine: The Roleplaying Game of Celtic Heroes
From the back of the book:
Kiss My Axe!
Immerse yourself in Celtic myth. Based on the legendary 2000AD comic strip saga created by Pat Mills and Angela Kincaid. Slaine is a brand new d20 role-playing game giving you background on Tir Nan Og, the Land of the Young in Celtic legend and full rules for playing the various characters found there. The innovative skill-based magic system lets all characters cast a spell or two if they wish, reflecting the superstitious beliefs of the Celts. Channel earth-power through your body, swelling to a monstrous size as you enter a warp-spasm. Learn the secrets of the feared gae bolga, a barbed and spiked spear which always causes fatal wounds, or hurl the dreaded tathlum, a concrete ball made from the brains of your dead enemies. Battle shoggey beasts, skull-swords and fomorian sea demons for the honour of your tribe. Enrage your enemies with the power of your poetic insults alone. Or throw subtlety aside and wield a flint great-axe, slaying fifty foes to the left of you and fifty to the right. You will not think it too many.
Inside you will find
Characters in Tir Nan Og
A complete guide to creating characters for use in the game - the mighty warriors and heroes of the Land of the Young, druids both wise and evil, cunning witches and wily thieves.
Over 40 new feats give you the chance to learn Salmon Leaps, Shield Growls and other Celtic battle techniques.
Full rules for naming weapons, taunts in battle, and warped warriors capable of taking on dozens of foes single-handedly.
Eyes Without Life, Sundered Heads, and Piles of Carcasses
Run mass battles of every size from a tribal cattle raid with just a hundred or so warriors on each side, right up to a full-scale Fomorian invasion of the Land of the Young.
Earth Power
Earth Power is the magic of Slaine's world, a subtle yet dangerous power derived from the land itself and frequently powered by human sacrifice.
Plus chapters on Tir Nan Og, goods and weapons, prestige classes, a complete bestiary, adventuring, gods and goddesses, and running campaigns in the Land of the Young.
Requires the use of Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Third Edition published by Wizards of the Coast
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Termana
From the back of the book:
Distant from Ghelspad, Termana is the second major continent of the Scarred Lands to be described in Gazetteer format.
Here, the wicked charduni dwarves challenge the forces of good, and exotic kingdoms rise and fall in the wake of the Divine War.
This book includes a history of the continent, and the role it played in the struggle against the titans, information on its diverse kingdoms and cultures, and an overview of its many unique geographical features.
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Termana provides sufficient information to start a campaign, or as an exotic homeland for characters and NPCs. Termana is also an excellent change of pace for adventurers from a Ghelspad-based campaign.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Spelljammer SJR6: Greyspace
From the web:
Although Oerth is the dominant world in Greyspace, it is definitely not the only cradle of life in this system. Worlds such as Kule, Borka, and Edill have their own civilizations. Each has its own secrets to entice and threaten explorers courageous enough to brave the perils of wildspace.
This book details the dragons of Edill, the undead of Gnibile, the humanoids of Borka, and many others. It describes their societies, their views of the universe around them, and their relationships to the other inhabitants of the Greyspace system.
But the planetary denizens of Greyspace are not the only challenges awating brave adventurers! There are also spacefaring companies and starborn peddlers, adventuring groups, explorers' societies, and interplanetary pirates. In addition, the crystal sphere is home to monsters totally unlike those encountered anywhere else: the porton, the skyline, and the dreaded horg.
Greyspace is a 96-page accessory for the SPELLJAMMER campaign setting. The SPELLJAMMER box set is needed to use this product. The material in this accessory will enhance any GREYHAWK campaign in which the concept of spelljamming has been (or is about to be) introduced. Your players are in for new excitement!
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Spelljammer SJR2: Realmspace
From the publisher:
The first product accessory to link the Forgotten Realms setting and the fantasy space environment of the Spelljammer universe.
This sourcebook on the Solar System of the Forgotten Realms includes information on Selune, the beholder planet, the secret of the Tears of Selune and Elminster's Hideout in the stars. This 96-page accessory also includes a full-sized map of Realmspace.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Spelljammer SJR1: Lost Ships
From the back cover:
Who among you who have dared to enter the starry deeps has not heard of the dark, drifting derelicts of earlier spacefarers? The silent, menacing lairs of monsters that may hide great treasures for those bold enough to explore them? And what space-captian plies the spacelanes who does not dream of a bigger, sleeker, more powerful ship than his present one?
Lost Ships holds the answers that bold spacefarers have been seeking:
* Monsters!
* New Spells to better arm intrepid adventurers.
* New Ships! Twenty new ship types.
* Flotsam of Space -- mini-menaces that can bring space to exciting life.
* New rules to help DMs run extended space adventures.
* New adventures galore that can make and space bound AD&D game campaign an exciting (and dangerous!) place for your characters!
Lost Ships is your first-class ticket to high adventure in space!
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
SJG - Transhuman Space
From the web:
It's the year 2100. Humans have colonized the solar system. China and America struggle for control of Mars. The Royal Navy patrols the asteroid belt. Nanotechnology has transformed life on Earth forever, and gene-enhanced humans share the world with artificial intelligences and robotic cybershells. Our solar system has become a setting as exciting and alien as any interstellar empire. Pirate spaceships hijacking black holes . . . sentient computers and artificial "bioroids" demanding human rights . . . nanotechnology and mind control . . . Transhuman Space is cutting-edge science fiction adventure that begins where cyberpunk ends.
This new Powered by GURPS line was created by David L. Pulver and illustrated by Christopher Shy. The core book, Transhuman Space, opens with close to a hundred pages of world and background material. The hardback edition includes a customized GURPS Lite - no other books are required to use it, although the GURPS Basic Set and Compendium I are recommended for GMs.
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