"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Monday, February 17, 2025

GameMaster Publications (Issue 5 - Feb 1987)

From the web:

This was the last issue of GMPubs.


The Rod of Serraillian: A complete 40-page adventure for 6-9 characters of levels 6-8.

Traveling long distances is the constant lot of the adventurer. This time, their quest will take them across the sea, and deep into the interior of a country they know little about, to retrieve an artifact stolen by one bunch of clerics from another. Now, we all know that meddling in the affairs of the Gods can be a hazardous affair, but this time the Gods haven't been worshiped for hundreds of years, and their clerics slaughtered each other in a great battle back in the distant past. Maybe this is that adventure we've all been waiting for, where the treasure is just sort of sitting there, and all we have to do is go and get it...
Background information for the Pelinore campaign is presented on page 55.
Inside front and back covers have maps for this adventure


Reaching A Certain Level: It's a long way to the top

Pelinore Campaign World
- The City League: Questions & Answers

News, and Reviews


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