"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Thursday, May 31, 2018
MGP - Dragon Magic: Power Incarnate
From the web:
"Every wizard, sorcerer and bard knows deep within that his abilities are a pale imitation of the true power that dragons embody, and every new avenue of research is an attempt to find the original path of magic. Dragons continue to practice their arts, looking at the mortals trying to reach beyond their own limits with amusement, worry or admiration. Some of these magnificent beasts even teach their craft to those whom they deem worthy but they must do so with care, lest the weight of the lesson break their mortal pupils’ minds.
Even if they stumble in the dark, spellcasters have a spark that can be funneled into a raging fire and they are able to reach in the span of decades what many dragons will not learn in a couple of centuries. The power of dragon spellcasting attracts these magic users nonetheless, who seek to understand why the great magical reptiles can harness magic with such natural talent.
Dragon magic, or dracomancy, groups the disciplines that arcane spellcasters have discerned from their study of dragons. From wresting the hidden meanings behind the Draconic language to tapping into the residual magic in dragons’ bodies, they search for the key to the dragons’ might. There is still no mortal spellcaster who can claim to have mastered all, and thus achieved the pinnacle of dracomancy: to wield magic as a dragon."
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
MGP - Illusionism: Smoke and Mirrors
From the web:
"Illusionism has always been seen as a weaker form of magic, a school to be ridiculed rather than studied by most self-respecting mages. However, this book shall reveal that illusionism is neither to be scoffed at nor to be trifled with.
At its heart, illusionism is the art of deception, be it benign or malicious in nature. It alters another’s perceptions and tricks their senses. Those affected by illusions see, hear, smell, taste and feel things that are not there."
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
MGP - Enchantment: Fire In the Mind
From the web:
"You wish to study enchantment with me? Are you certain you understand what it is you ask? The school of enchantment specializes in a very powerful but very personal form of magic, making people, places and things affect the minds of others in ways that can be very intimate indeed. With this magic you can make someone fall in love, pledge devotion to a task, or defend a place with his very life.
Enchantment, by its nature, is an elitist art. One cannot be set apart from others by magic, like an enchanter is over those ensnared through charms and compulsions, without becoming a little distant. Good enchanters try to use this magic responsibly. Evil enchanters revel in their ability to enslave others and force their will upon the world.
Enchantment truly is a fire in the mind. Harness its power or prepare to get burned..."
Monday, May 28, 2018
MGP - Elementalism: The Primordial Force
From the web:
"Elementalism: The Primordial Force covers and expands on elemental magic. It provides an overview of elementalism, new spells, feats, equipment, and elemental creatures. It also includes rules for elemental mastery which differ from those offered in the WoTC sources and the Wu Jen class. Finally, there is help for game masters as they try to contend with all these new options."
Sunday, May 27, 2018
MGP - Constructs: It Is Alive
From the web:
"Constructs: It Is Alive covers everything a wizard, sorcerer, or game master needs to know about golems and other magical constructs. It includes chapters on building your construct including costs, design and powers, and on maintaining your construct."
Saturday, May 26, 2018
MGP - The Spinward Marches
From the back of the book:
"The original setting for Traveller, the Spinward Marches are an area of space right on the edge of Imperial territory. This sector is one of the most volatile to be found anywhere, with mighty interstellar wars a key part of the region's history and with no clear winner - yet. As a place of adventure it is unsurpassed within Imperial space, with enough 'special interests' to keep any group of travelers profitably employed for many years.
The Spinward Marches contains a history of the sector, with all major races and governments found there covered, allowing a Referee to include political machinations in his campaign. It also provides details on the various corporate entities that operate within the area, all of which ruthlessly compete with one another, often using violent means to ensure the bottom line will remain profitable.
All sixteen subsectors are featured, with detailed descriptions of many worlds found within them. This book offers a great reference for all campaigns and within its pages opportunities for adventure are both exciting and almost limitless.
Welcome to The Spinward Marches!"
Friday, May 25, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Gnome
From the web:
"Book 16 of the Collector Series covers additional options for playing Gnome characters. Including in this D20 supplement are alternate character progressions for existing classes, new prestige classes, new feats, new skills and new uses for existing skills.
The book also provides some role-playing tips for gnome characters and some suggestions for gnome characters."
Thursday, May 24, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Yuan-Ti
From the web:
"Chaos Amidst Order
The Yuan-Ti are often portrayed as sadistic, malevolent creatures intent on dominating the world at all costs. The very image of the scaly, humanoid reptiles with venomous fangs and wicked, yellow eyes fills most people with dread. For Game Masters, this makes them the ideal antagonists:
Alien in both appearance and motivation, they can easily, and with little explanation, be dropped into any campaign or adventure as the fiendish masterminds behind virtually every conflict the characters run up against.
They are a society of long standing tradition, placing as much value in erudition as other cultures might place in martial prowess. Players and Games Masters alike will discover a wealth of possibility hidden within the vast empire of the Yuan-Ti. For the inquisitive, there is a new culture to study; for the diplomatically savvy there are new alliances and treaties to be negotiated; and for the bloodthirsty, there are new foes aplenty to kill."
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Harpies
From the web:
"Scourges of the Storm
Harpies are cruel and vicious monsters that delight in the suffering of others. They also elevate selfishness and narcissism to new heights in their constant drive to establish their superiority over ‘lesser’ species, such as humans, dwarves and elves. Yet many Games Masters probably consider harpies no better than animals, unthinking brutes that can be used to challenge low to mid-level adventurers once creatures such as orcs and hobgoblins cease to pose a threat to them. Unfortunately, this fails to take into account the unique strengths and abilities of the harpy which, when used properly, allow them to be used as opponents for even high-level characters. The Slayer’s Guide to Harpies is designed to provide the Games Master with ideas on how to do just that.
Inside You Will Find:
- Harpy Physiology: The mere sight of these winged monstrosities is enough to cause equal measures of terror and nausea among those not experienced in dealing with them.
- Harpy Sub-species: Detailing the Aiello, Celaeno, Nicothoe, Ocypete and the Podarge.
- Habitat: Harpies are predators and, as such, prefer to make their homes in areas where there is a ready source of food.
- Harpy Society: Harpies who live together in the same area do so because they must, not because they seek out the companionship of others of their kind.
- Methods of Warfare: Harpies show an instinctual grasp of small unit tactics.
Roleplaying Harpies: A fully detailed chapter on running harpies in your games.
Scenario Hooks and Ideas: Some great ideas on how players can meet these terrible creatures.
The Caves of Thunder: A complete lair which can be placed into any campign with very little effort."
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Dragons
From the web:
"What creature has more magnificence, more savage ferocity and more sheer power than the dragon? The great wyrms stand tall as the ultimate challenge an adventurer may face. Rare is the player who does not dream of besting one of these terrible creatures, of plundering its hoard and basking in the glorious reputation enjoyed by a dragon slayer.
Whether you are a Game Master seeking to add more depth to the dragons of your campaign or a player hoping to learn the secrets of the dragon slayer we invite you to join us on a journey into the hidden world of the dragon. Along the way we will learn the secrets of these tremendous beasts, their arcane sorceries, their mating habits, methods of warfare and more. Within these pages new types of dragon are revealed for the first time and numerous lairs are described. All this is but a sample of the occult facts we will learn as we dig into this newly discovered trove of dragon lore."
Monday, May 21, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Demons
From the web:
"Evil, chaos and destruction; deprivation, insanity, unmitigated cruelty. Pain, horror and madness. The ultimate incarnations of darkness, this is what demons embody. As malignant as a necromancer or a demonologist may become, they are still no match for the limitless evil of the lowest dretch. There is no redemption for these outsiders, as they seek only the destruction and corruption of all that exists.
Within these pages you will find a wealth of information concerning demonic essence, the Abyss and other haunts where these creatures thrive and the brutal society in which they exist, giving an additional level of understanding on how these outsiders interact with the rest of the world. Players will learn how to detect and eradicate demonic influence on the Material Plane and the perils of taking the fight into the depths of a demon’s home. Games Masters are presented with guidelines on how to introduce these foul creatures into their campaigns. They will also benefit from material demonstrating how to actually portray demons to their players, thus giving their campaigns and scenarios much greater depth.
Demons fight an eternal and brutal war to impose chaos and darkness upon everyone and they have an eternity to wage it."
Sunday, May 20, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Sahuagin
From the web:
The Sea Devils
"For those that live far from the sea the sahuagin are unknowable creatures of the deep, used by parents as bedtime cautions to wilful children. Or perhaps they are told of around the campfires by adventurers, their tongues and imaginations loosened by mead, in electrifying deeds of bravado. These deeds are the product of an alert mind and an ear for a good story, for few away from the gentle lapping of the briny sea have ever met, let alone bested, the sahuagin and lived to tell such a rollicking tale.
Inside You Will Find:
- Sahuagin Physiology: Discover the sahuagin’s amazing natural senses and their ability to track blood scent through over a mile of ocean. Great concentrations of blood in the water drive them into an unstoppable frenzy that lays waste to their enemies.
- Habitat: Delve deep into the sea to find an entire kingdom hidden from the eyes of the surface-dwellers.
- Sahuagin Society: Never before seen information on how the sea devils endure day-to-day life. The religion of the sahuagin drives their culture and society, arranged into an unholy trinity dedicated to the annihilation of all life but their own. Here you will find full details on the sahuagin Royal Guard and High Priestess prestige classes.
- Methods of Warfare: Though crippled by exposure to air, sahuagin are nevertheless a lethal enemy, able to lay waste to entire coastal settlements. Beneath the waves, they are truly without equal.
- Role-Playing with Sahuagin: Games Masters are provided with complete information on who to portray sahuagin within their campaign, in a way players will never forget.
- Scenario Hooks & Ideas: A series of jumping points to introduce sahuagin into a campaign, in a manner that reflects their unique way of life and style of fighting.
- Sahuagin Village: A complete lair for sahuagin - a small part of an immense undersea kingdom, but a place lethal to any surface-dweller.
- Sahuagin Reference List: A ready to go list of characters and enemies for players to face, should they ever dare venture into the domain of the Sea Devils."
Saturday, May 19, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Orcs
From the web:
"Foot soldiers of Evil
Orcs are the foot soldiers of evil, the creatures that make up the hordes of darkness that threaten to overwhelm the good peoples and turn the entire land into a region of little else than slaughter and depravity. Most Games Masters use them as the guardians of low-level dungeons, just a slight step above kobolds as a threat. Often they are simply portrayed as evil humans and are given little more thought than that.
Inside You Will Find:
- Physiology: Whilst the life of orcs are often brutal and short there’s more to them than meets the eye
- Habitat: Where and why orcs can most often be found
- Society: From Tribe to war camp to raiding party, orcish societies are geared towards warfare
- Methods of Warfare: There are few things for which orcs are renowned, but fighting is one of them
- Roleplaying with Orcs: Breathing life into orcs as a race, including the dread Battle Shaman
- Prestige class, blessed by their gods for combat.
- Scenario Hooks: A selection of ideas on how to use orcs in your campaign
- Gruk’s Kamp: A detailed orc camp is presented
- Orc Reference List: A ready to go list of characters and enemies for players to face, when they stumble across these evil creatures."
Friday, May 18, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Hobgoblins
From the web:
"The Slayer’s Guide to Hobgoblins is the first in a new series of comprehensive sourcebooks from Mongoose Publishing. It features extensive information on the military race of Hobgoblins, from their complex tribal structure to their very efficient methods of waging war.
Games Masters will find a huge amount of new material they can incorporate into their existing campaigns, allowing them to portray hobgoblins with incredible depth. Players will find each Slayer’s Guide to be an invaluable tool for their survival, giving them that necessary vital edge."
Thursday, May 17, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Female Gamers
From the web:
"What, in truth, do we know about female gamers? Those few who have encountered them over the years have been left baffled; some even psychologically damaged by the experience. The very nature of the Female Gamer may be so inhuman, so unknowable, so terrifying that it causes mental damage, hysteria and sometimes drooling. Reports of their nature are therefore sketchy, incomplete and often written in non-toxic crayon on circles of paper. Biblical scholars of the frothy and spectacularly be-bearded bent define them as evil; citing the mythical figure Eve from the bible as proof positive they are all foul and seductive temptresses who are on this earth to lead men astray from the path of righteousness and impressionable choirboys.
Crammed full of fascinating, nay essential, information about those mysterious creatures who sometimes show up at your gaming group but who look strangely different to everybody else. Marvel as we introduce you to the Historical Role of Female Gamers; gape at the Female Gamer Physiology; prepare to be taken aback by their physical attributes and then look in awe upon the likes of Zeenar, Warrior Dyke, the Ladette and the Velvet Goldmine."
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Elementals
From the web:
"Elementals are among the most primal forces in the mythology of many cultures, raw elements given life. This in turn has gifted them a firm place in many a campaign world. Some authorities believe all matter to be made from the four elements, with even humans and other sentient creatures being possessed of an elemental nature.
Fighting an elemental is like fighting a whirlwind, a raging inferno, a mountain or the sea itself. You can try and, if you are powerful enough, possibly even succeed, but there is a certain implacable quality to the elements. All can seem unstoppable forces and the earth elemental might also be regarded as an immovable object. Anyone who battles with such powers must fear being overcome, unless they can employ similarly strong forces themselves.
The Slayer’s Guide to Elementals compiles knowledge drawn from scholarly works alongside tactics and survival tips offered by adventurers who have fought with the elementals and lived to tell the tale. Games Masters will learn many intricate details about elemental life and culture, while players themselves may learn a thing or two that might just save the lives of their characters.
Continuing this series of supplements, The Slayer’s Guide to Elementals is designed for use in all fantasy-based d20 games and takes an exhaustive look at these fascinating creatures, thoroughly detailing their beliefs, society and methods of warfare."
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Derro
From the web:
"Servants of the Tormentor
The dwarven races are quite diverse, but perhaps the most deviant, both physically and mentally, is the derro. Though seen as corrupt and malignant by most of their kin, derro perceive themselves as superior to their brethren. They scoff at their brethren naïve notion of blind obedience to kin and kith. For derro, it is power that should be respected and nothing else. Guided by this precept, the derro follow the powerful not out of any sense of loyalty toward them but because it is from them that power can be derived. This lust for power drives Derro from birth to death in a never-ending struggle for personal glory and honor.
Lurking just below the surface, derro have been, for most players and Games Masters, an unseen menace. This Slayer’s Guide shall remedy that situation. No longer shall derro be ignored as a race buried beneath the ground or an adversary caged in the caverns of the hidden world below. The sun can not keep the derro from what is rightfully theirs forever."
Monday, May 14, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Bugbears
From the web:
"Evil Cunning
Pound for pound, muscle for muscle, bugbears are stronger, sneakier and far more unpredictable than their other goblinoid cousins. They are brutal guerrillas who strike fast and fade away, bursting onto the scene to wreak terrible havoc before vanishing. If they could ever unite under a single banner, or maintain the military discipline of the hobgoblins, they would shake the heavens with their rage. Fortunately for the rest of the world, bugbears are as fractious as they are violent, driven by chaotic urges and consuming greed that prevent them from developing the social structure of more advanced races.
Inside You Will Find:
- Bugbear Physiology: Taller than all but the most extraordinary of men, bugbears cut an imposing figure in the light of day. When glimpsed dashing through the shadows, their bulging muscles and towering frames are enough to give any adventurer a moment’s pause.
- Habitat: Bugbears are capable of surviving in most environments and are equally at home in the wilderness or hidden within the cities of more civilised races.
- Bugbear Society: Full details on bugbear life including the feared Dark Rangers and the dreaded Render and Stalker.
- Methods of Warfare: Physically powerful and smart enough to formulate tactics, the bugbear is a dangerous foe on any battlefield. In skirmishes, where individual strength is a deciding factor, bugbears have a distinct advantage over the
members of most other races.
- Role-Playing with Bugbears: Games Masters are provided with complete information on how to portray bugbears within their campaign, in a way players will never forget.
- Scenario Hooks and Ideas: A series of jumping points to introduce bugbears into a campaign.
- Luurgs Warren: A detailed bugbear lair is presented.
- Bugbear Reference List: A ready to go list of characters and enemies for players to face, should they stumble across the machinations of these evil creatures."
Sunday, May 13, 2018
MGP - The Slayer's Guide to Amazons
From the web:
Hell Hath No Fury
"Throughout history and legend, amazons have always stood firm as the ultimate warrior women, the ideal of female triumph in a male dominated world. But who are the amazons, a race who counts the deepest jungles as their domain and ruthlessly slays any intruder? The Slayer’s Guide to Amazons peels back the fog of myth and legend to reveal, for the very first time, the true story of these incredible women.
With lithe, supple bodies and stunningly attractive features, the amazons are deceptive to any outsider encountering them for the very first time. Few make any mistake the second time around if they survive this encounter, for amazons are truly cruel and capricious, dedicated to destroying any influence the outside world may have upon their civilization. Far from being primitive tribeswomen, amazons have a highly sophisticated culture, devoted to the preservation of their warrior ideals at all costs. They are superb combatants, for skill in the sword, spear and bow is impressed upon each girl at an early age, and they ruthlessly protect their domain against invader."
Saturday, May 12, 2018
MGP - Sheoloth: City of the Drow
From the back of the book:
"Crouched within a vast cavern complex, the city of Sheoloth is a skeleton of stone wrapped in tortured flesh and clad in robes of woven silk. From its first beginnings as a captured fortress, Sheoloth has slowly expanded over the decades. Expansion of the city eats away at the stone around it, leaving behind thick cores of marble and basalt to support the ceiling of the city. Glittering corpse-lights wander the streets, providing illumination to both the estates of the nobility and the meanest hovel of the most poverty-stricken foreigners. It is a place of strange beauty and stark power, at once serene and filled with chaotic violence, Sheoloth is a true home to the drow.
This mighty tome details a complete subterranean city, populated by the most vicious and twisted race ever depicted in fantasy - the Drow! Adaptable to any existing campaign, Sheoloth may be used as the centerpiece to many scenarios, pitting the players against the most evil elves to rule the Underdeep, or as the scene of destructive politicking between rival drow nobles."
Friday, May 11, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Rogue
From the web:
"In Collector Series Book Two, we find new character options for Rogues. The options include variant class abilities, prestige classes, new feats, new skills, new equipment and new magic items all tailored to help make your Rogue more interesting.
The book also includes character archetypes and role-playing suggestions for Rogues."
Thursday, May 10, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Monk
From the web:
"Collector Series Book Seven presents new options for the Monk class. The book includes new character options, prestige classes, feats, skills, and spells.
It also offers new magic items and equipment tailored to help make your Monk more versatile.
There are also sections with archetypes and role-playing tips and suggestions to make your Monk more interesting.
There are also sections on gaining renown, dueling against other monks, and building your own monastery."
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Elf
From the web:
"Collector Series Book Five presents new options for Elves. The book includes new character options, prestige classes, feats, skills, and spells. It also adds new subraces of elves and some background on elves. It is drawn more from the Lord of the Rings version of elves than from the SRD.
It also offers new magic items and equipment tailored to help make your Elf more versatile.
There are also sections with archetypes and role-playing tips and suggestions to make your Wizard more interesting.
Because some of the subraces and prestige classes use flying mounts, there is a chapter on aerial combat."
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Dwarf
From the Back Cover:
"While not as pretty as an elf or as quick as a gnome, the dwarf is the heartiest of all races. His health is legendary and his resistance to poisons and spells keep him standing when others fall. Combined with the dwarven work ethic, these natural abilities make this race one that simply will not quit when the going gets tough. Forged in the dark fires far below the surface, dwarves are much more than they first appear, with great warriors among their number but also a growing population of wizards, rogues, and even druids rising to positions of power in dwarven culture. Within the pages of this book you'll find the information you need as a player to make the most of your dwarven character, allowing him to grow and develop in new and exciting ways.
Inside You Will Find:
Character Concepts
The Prestige Dwarf
Tricks of the Dwarves
Dwarven Feats
Tools of the Dwarves
Dwarven Subraces
Dwarven Magic
Mines, Smelters, and Forges
Beasts Below
Dwarven Holds"
Monday, May 7, 2018
MGP - Fey Magic: Dreaming the Reverie
From the Back of the Book:
"The fey - also known as faerie, or fair folk - are some of the most misunderstood creatures in fantasy games. Some view them as harmless sprites living in the depths of sylvan woods; others see them as vindictive creatures with limitless power who steal children and play cruel and even lethal pranks on those that cross their path. The truth, as might be expected of such an enigmatic race, is that both perspectives are sometimes accurate, although there is far more to the fey than either view would suggest.
For those looking deeper into the mysteries coiled around the fey, another area of speculation is the magic they wield. In some cases it seems quite innocuous, while in other circumstances it is nearly unstoppable in its destructive force. The fey are understandably quite protective of their gifts and the source of these powers. All that most mortals have been able to learn is its name: the Reverie."
Sunday, May 6, 2018
MGP - Conan: The Scrolls of Skelos
From the web:
"In the Conan RPG, sorcery is a subtle but powerful force. An experienced sorcerer can cast spells undreamt of by wizards in other fantasy games, but he may need to sacrifice a dozen virgins, dose himself up with black lotus, cast the spell and then rest for several days afterwards, rather than simply being able to fire off magic whenever he chooses.
During Conan’s time, the Hyborian Age, much of the most powerful magic has been lost for centuries and more. The wizards of Stygia, Khitai and Vendhya are renowned for their arcane lore, but even they would find it difficult to match the power of the sorcerers of Acheron and Old Stygia at their height many thousands of years ago.
The dedicated sorcerer can still hope to attain such heady heights, but he must work for it. Calling up demon lords, hunting for crumbling scrolls in dusty tombs, searching out fiend-haunted isles in the Western Ocean, gathering magical herbs in devil-infested swamps beyond Khitai. . . the sorcerer who desires serious magical power must do all these things and more besides. A sorcerer who has a master, coven or secret society to teach him has something of a head start over a lone scholar, but may never learn more than his tutor knows. Even he will need to quest after knowledge if he wishes to achieve his full potential.
More so than any ancient artifact or scholarly teacher, arcane books can grant a sorcerer not mere fragments of the long-lost sorcerous knowledge of the ancients, but full-blown spells, magical formulae, and the secrets of the most powerful wizards of the old times. The book of Skelos is the most fabled and sought-after volume of them all.
A number of different arcane books are mentioned in the Conan tales. The most prominent is the book of Skelos itself, but the books of Vathelos the Blind are also noteworthy for their magical lore. Even certain more contemporary sorcerers such as Tsotha-lanti of the Scarlet Citadel have written down some information of note in their grisly-looking spellbooks bound in human skin.
The Scrolls of Skelos are twofold; both the volume you hold in your hands and that written by Skelos himself. This book is named for its most ancient forebear, and forms the first supplement for the Conan Roleplaying Game. Here you will find information on rounding out sorcerous characters in the game, whether run by players or the Games Master.
This includes additional sorcery styles and spells; full rules for creating permanent magic, including magical weapons and other sorcerous items; and a large section on the creatures of sorcery, whether the demons called up by scholars, the demon lords who act as their patrons, the strange monsters some wise men find in the wilderness and train as servants, or the weird aberrations crafted by certain sorcerers in their quests to make life itself.
The book is rounded out with a number of non-player character profiles covering those prominent sorcerers of the Hyborian Age who have not already been dealt with in the main rulebook, an overview of some of the weird religions practiced by certain wizards, new sorcerous feats and a sprinkling of scholarly prestige classes. There is also a Games Master’s section giving advice on handling characters’ relations with their demonic patrons, allies and servants, among other useful tips."
Saturday, May 5, 2018
MGP - Babylon 5 RPG and Fact Book: Signs and Portents
From Back Cover:
"Featuring the space station that changed the destiny of an entire galaxy, this all new roleplaying game allows players to take the role of characters on board the Babylon 5 station and travel to the many stars and planets seen in the award-winning television series. From lowly lurkers and smugglers through to brave Earthforce officers and members of the Minbari warrior caste, a whole galaxy awaits to be explored!
Inside You Will Find:
Characters on Babylon 5: A complete guide on creating characters for use in the game, from disgruntled dock workers and small-time smugglers, to the brave Earthforce personnel who have sworn to place themselves in harm's way and defend their world from any threat.
Skills and Feats: A complete breakdown of all the skills and feats featured in the Babylon 5 roleplaying game, allowing characters to specialize in different areas of expertise.
Combat: Full rules for engaging in combat are contained within, allowing a character to face an enemy with his fists, a PPG, or even a Starfury space superiority fighter.
Equipment and Vehicles: Covering everything from simple ground cars to the immense star freighters that ply the stars and Minbari war cruisers, players are introduced to all the vehicles present within the galaxy.
Telepaths: Humans who manifest telepathic abilities are rare and ruthlessly hunted down by the agents of Psi Corps, while telepaths from alien races have access to incredible mind-bending powers.
All Alone in the Night: A detailed look at the station, studying its history, design, locations and personnel.
And the Sky Full of Stars: A tour of the galaxy, highlighting the major locations featured in the television series in addition to the Babylon 5 space station.
Signs and Portents: The entire first series of Babylon 5 is detailed within this rulebook with a timeline of events, as well as covering all major characters and conflicts that took place in 2258."
Friday, May 4, 2018
MGP - Skraag: City of Orcs
From the Back of the Book:
"Home to over twenty-five thousand rampaging orcs, Skraag is a city of pure brutality, a place of nightmare that even the bravest adventurer will fear to tread. Built from the ruins of an ancient dwarven stronghold the orcs themselves destroyed, the hordes of Skraag range for miles in every direction, bringing slaughter and misery to any community unfortunate enough to be within range of their predations."
Thursday, May 3, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Psychic Warrior
From the web:
"Collector Series Book Nine presents new options for the Psychic Warrior class originally presented in the WoTC Psionics handbook. The book includes new character options, prestige classes, feats, and skills
It also offers new magic items and equipment tailored to help make your Psychic Warrior more versatile.
There are also sections with archetypes and role-playing tips and suggestions to make your Psychic Warrior more interesting."
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
MGP - The Quintessential Cleric
From the web:
"In Collector Series Book Three we are presented with new options for the Cleric class. The book includes new character options, prestige classes, feats, skills, and spells.
It also offers new magic items and equipment tailored to help make your Cleric more versatile.
There are also sections with archetypes and role-playing hints and suggestions to make your Cleric more interesting."
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
MGP - Demonology: The Dark Road
From the web:
"Demonology: the Dark Road details additional rules and options for summoning and binding demons through magic in the d20 system. It includes new rituals, feats, magic items and demons as well as lengthy chapters on the process of summoning and binding demons. There is also a chapter with help for the gamemaster"
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From the side of the box: Wizards, priests, and other characters who carry a small arsenal of magical items can not keep all the operator...
From the back of the book... Well met traveler! Welcome to the latest in the popular series of guidebooks penned by Volothamp Geddarm. ...