"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Role Aids: Crystal Barrier
From the cover:
"For the first time...
Dragon fights Dragon, and the outcome is uncertain. The Dragons' brutal civil war has been costly for both sides and the Blue Dragons will stop at nothing to win.
Their Ultimate Weapon,
a paralyzing drug called phandroot, has been decimating the opposing forces. Now an ominous hooded figure appears to a group of adventurers and summons them into the fray. Their actions will
Change the Destiny of The Dragonlands.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Role Aids: Clockwork Mage
From the back cover:
Many years ago, two mages became engaged in a struggle of power. Humbert, a wizened wizard and architect of the interdimensional villa, vied against Kasin, a lovely enchantress and commander of a powerful dragon.
Attempting to prove their superiority, the mages began playing practical jokes on each other until one day, one of them went too far.
Now your small band of adventurers, led by a Bard, must search for the mage. With little to go on, you begin the adventure exploring the villa shaped by Humbert's strange and mysterious sense of humor.
Looking over your shoulder for the shadow of a dragon, you avoid many tricks and traps while searching for the...
A fantasy role playing adventure for 4 to 6 characters with skill levels 2 to 5. Introducing a new monster class - THE SIMS!
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Role Aids: Beneath Two Suns
From cover:
A flash of light and a crack of thunder
wake you from a sound sleep. You realize that you are not in your room but are instead in a canal-riddled city where a political power struggle has reached its peak.
As you sit in shock, a number of other people appear close to you, in the same manner you appeared.
Make your way through dungeons and city byways, defeating city wardens and bizarre monsters.
If all goes well, you will become Jiktar in the land
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Role Aids: Angry Wizard
From the back cover:
At the beck of Fez, a time traveling Wizard, you begin an adventure unlike any other. No matter how courageous are you characters, they will view the dread challenge through different eyes. Claw your way through opponents and hazards on a mission for ANGRY WIZARD.
He has guaranteed each hero or conjurer the time of their lives, soon you realize that it may be the time of your death instead. Ah, but the wealth and magic beckon you forward.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Role Aids: Elven Banner
From the back cover:
The Elven Banner, the only thing that might save the kingdom, is in ashes. Drogar of the Black Helm is massing his marauding army on the outskirts of the realm.
The king sends out an impassioned plea for brave adventurers. They must go back in time, to before the destruction of the flag, and bring it to the present. If they are not careful, They will...
There is no time to waste. The adventurers have only 48 hours to complete their mission.
A role playing adventure for 4-8 characters of skill levels 2 to 4.
Friday, January 25, 2019
R3 - Rappan Athuk: The Lower Levels
Publisher Blurb:
To What Depths Will You Sink?: Undaunted by the decimation of your party, the imprisonment of your wizard and the corruption of your priest to the service of Orcus, you still want more! But do you possess the courage to enter a level of Hell itself? Can you survive the White Corridor or the Pit of the Salamanders? And do you dare learn what lies beyond the legendary Mithril Gates? You must to descend into the darkest depths of Rappan Athuk to find out.
Destruction and Damnation?: Rappan Athuk The Lower Levels is the culmination of the most famous and feared dungeon in all the lands. Designed for characters of 12th level and higher and published for the D20 System, Rappan AthukThe Lower Levels is the last in the three-part R series of modules.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Quest of the Ancients
From the back of the book:
Looking for the best Sword & Sorcery product of the 1990's? This may be it. QA features:
8 Fighter professions: The Cossack, Gladiator, Knight, Legionairre, Rogue, Saracen, Viking, Woodsman.
5 Trickster professions: The Assassin, Bard, Cutpurse, male & female Gypsies.
5 Spellcaster professions: The Druid, Dwarven Earth Priest, Necromancer, Sorcerer, and the ultimate Witch, featuring over 250 spells!
Magic Items: More than 50 unique Potions, Weapons, & Artifacts of Power.
Spells: Over 500 to choose from!
Monsters: An assortment of Animals, Demons, Devils, Golems, and Undead.
Campaign background: An overview of the world of Islay.
Game rules: Covering everything from character generation, to spellcasting and combat, with guidelines for adaption into various types of role-playing systems. Features three optional combat systems, so gamers can use their favorite die or dice.
If you've enjoyed the author's past gaming articles, you'll love Quest of the Ancients!
Monday, January 21, 2019
Pyramid #6
From the web:
The Way of Fist and Fang: Cinematic martial arts for Vampire the Masquerade and GURPS Vampire
Preview: Shadow Knight
Principia Discordia Contest
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble: Witchcraft for Champions
Alchemy at Al Amarja
Sidebar Silliness!
The Protectorate-American War, Part III
Pyramid Picks
- Mutant Chronicles
- Rache Bartmoss' Guide to the Net
- Once Upon a Time
- Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny
I in the Pyramid
SJ Games News
Second Sight
Industry News
Upcoming Releases
X-ray Specs (in selected copies)
Creatures of the Night
(We're Reading Your Mail.)
Murphy's Rules
Q & A
Convention Schedule
Advertisers Index
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Pyramid #5
From the web:
Roleplaying By the Sword by Greg Costikyan
Into the Moonlit Night by Bob Schroeck
Jumping and Falling by John Hurtt Underground Designer's Notes by Ray Winninger
Destroy All Ogres! by John Hurtt
The Cheese College by Andrew Hartsock
Pyramid Picks
- Iron Helix
- BattleSpace
- Creatures and Cultists
- Shapeshifters
- Dungeon Maps
Taking Gaming To The Mat by M. David Clark
Clear Ether, Chum! by Sean Barrett
Postcard(s) From Europe by Steve Jackson
Regular Features
I in the Pyramid
Second Sight
SJ Games News
Industry News
Upcoming Releases
Treasure Map (in selected copies)
Creatures of the Night
(We're Reading Your Mail.)
Q & A
Bruno! Pyramid Subscription Form
Murphy's Rules
Convention Schedule
Advertisers Index
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Pyramid #4
From the web:
The GenCon Experience by Derek Pearcy
Cover Story: Castle Falkenstein by Mike Pondsmith
GURPS Book of the New Sun by Michael Andre-Driussi
Pyramid Picks
- The Masquerade
- Lost Souls, 2nd Ed.
- Cybergeneration
- Magic: The Gathering
- The Unspeakable Oath
- V for Victory: Market Garden
Under the Southern Cross by Steve Jackson
The Renaissance in Roleplaying by Tom Grant
Dream Event, Nightmare Battle by Steve Jackson
Cloning, the Law and You by Tim Jacques
Regular Features
I in the Pyramid/Second Sight
Industry News
Upcoming Releases
Creatures of the Night
(We're Reading Your Mail.)
Q & A
Murphy's Rules Pyramid Subscription Form
Convention Schedule
Advertisers Index
Friday, January 18, 2019
Pyramid #3
From the web:
GAMA Report by Steve Jackson
Origins Report
Designer's Notes
- GURPS Vehicle by David Pulver
- GURPS War Against the Chtorr by C.J. Carella
GURPS Tech Magic by S. John Ross
Pyramid Picks
- Earthdawn
- Kult
- Archmagic
Envoy by Peter Adkison
Regular Features
I in the Pyramid
SJ Games News and Release Schedule
Industry News
Upcoming Releases
Creatures of the Night
Caption Contest Results
(We're Reading Your Mail!)
Q & A
Bruno! Pyramid Subscription Form
Murphy's Rules
Convention Schedule
Advertisers Index
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Pyramid #2
From the web:
- "Designer's Notes: GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade; Plumbing the Depths of Darkness" by Jeff Koke
- "PBM: The Infancy of Cyberspace" by Bob McLain
- "The Future of Gaming, Featureing Steve Jackson, Mike Pondsmith, Eric Wujicik, et al."
- "More Maximum Metal" by Craig Sheeley
- "Running the Perfect Campaign" by Mike Stackpole
- "OGRE: The Factory States" by Mike Naylor and David Graham
- "Pyramid Picks"
- The Journeyman Project
- Underground
- Traveller: The New Era
- Quick Picks
- "Cyber Paper Dolls" by Dan Smith
- "Primary Sources: A Fire Upon the Deep, by Vernor Vinge" by Derek Pearcy
- "Creatures of the Night" by Scott Paul Maykrantz
- "Designer's Notes: GURPS Bestiary, Extras" by Chris McCubbin & Bob Schroeck
I in the Pyramid
SJ Games News and Release Schedule
Industry News
Upcoming Releases
(We're Reading Your Mail)
Q & A
Caption Contest!
Pyramid Subscription Form
Murphy's Rules
Convention Schedule
Advertisers Index
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Pyramid #1
From the web:
Space Knights: A Sneak Preview by Loyd Blankenship
Designer's Notes: GURPS Atomic Horror by Paul Elliott
Primary Sources by David J. Hanes
The Hole by Jeff Koke
Godzilla 2072: Atomic Monsters in the World of Ogre! by John Hurtt
Voodoo: Roleplaying Background for Magic and Horror by Derek Pearcy
Protectorate-American War Part 2: A Car Wars Campaign by (Tim Jacques and) Craig Sheeley
News Report: Lead Ban by Steve Jackson
Pyramid Picks
- The Primal Order (by Loyd Blankenship)
- Wizardry VII: The Dark Savant (by Chris McCubbin)
- Quick Picks
Regular Features
I in the Pyramid
SJ Games News and Release Schedule
Industry News
New Releases
Arena Watch (by Tim Ray)
We're Reading Your Mail!
Q & A
Subscription Form
Murphy's Rules
Convention Schedule
Advertisers Index
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Pulp Dungeons - Uninvited Guests
From the web:
A collection of three adventures written to be easily adapted to any fantasy RPG system. From the publisher:
Jolly Jongleurs by Gary Gygax
The Jolly Jongleurs are a fun-loving band of bards and entertainers who make their home in a clearing off to the side of Grimfens Low Road...or are they? What darker purpose could they and their brightly painted caravans conceal?
The Brimming Stein by Lester Smith
An old friend greets you as you enter the gates to the city and invites you to stay at his new inn - free of charge, of course. But what have you gotten yourself into? What could that menacing eye that stares at you in your dreams possibly mean? Finding out means the difference between life and death not only for you and your friends, but possibly the world!
Baron Mikrut's Tomb by Bryan Winter
Invading hordes gather near the ege of town and you and your companions are called upon to raid the resting place of Baron Mikrut in order to recover his legendary amulet. A simple enough request until you find out what is protecting the Baron and his family tomb!
Monday, January 14, 2019
Psionics Handbook
From the back of the book:
Masters of the Mind
Adventurers speak of a rare breed of heroes who can bend the laws of nature to their bidding through sheer force of will. This mental manipulation is not magical, nor is it the stuff of superstitious gossip. It is the art of psionics.
This supplement for the D&D(r) game provides psionic character classes and prestige classes, psionic skills and feats, a psionic combat system, and a plethora of psionic powers, itmes, and monsters -- everything you need to include psionics in your campaign.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Planescape - Well of Worlds
From the back cover:
Clueless? The majesty and the dark got you down, cutter? Don't know how to lead a green prime to water? Then worry no more! The Well of Worlds is the answer to every basher's pleas for introducing gamers to the planes. The chant is:
Nine new adventures; a poster map of the planes (depicting Avernus, the first layer of Baator); a slew of magical items; and excitement!
Face off against a crazy king or steal a factol's better weapon--The Well of Worlds gives hours of play. It's designed for any plane-traveling party, with adventures for low-, medium-, and high-level characters. (An' if that ain't enough for ya, then pike it, berk!)
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Planescape - The Deva Spark
From the web:
The Deva Spark is a Planescape adventure for a party of four to six characters of 5th to 9th levels. From the blasted pits of the Abyss to the peaceful forests of Elysium, the heroes track a barmy bebilith who holds the key to saving the life of a dying deva. Can your characters handle the fire of the deva spark?"
Friday, January 11, 2019
Planescape - Something Wild
From the web:
Something Wild is a PLANESCAPE adventure for four to six characters of 4th to 7th levels. When Sigil falls prey to disturbing nightmares and outbreaks of violent fury, the heroes must follow bloody trails to the treacherous peaks of Carceri and the savage jungles of the Beastlands. An ancient terror threatens the planes anew, and only the player characters can stop it from feasting on the flesh of the multiverse.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Planescape - The Planewalker's Handbook
From the web:
Feeling overpowered by the infinite possibilities of the multiverse? Wondering how to role-play a tiefling, what spells to memorize, and how to manipulate portals? Here's the dark of it: The Planewalker's Handbook is the essential manual for survival on the planes - a Player's Handbook for the PLANESCAPE setting! This 160-page book, written for players and Dungeon Masters alike, builds on material from the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set, presenting new information crucial to anyone playing or running a PLANESCAPE campaign.
This definitive full-color guide features new illustrations by DiTerlizzi and contains:
• All the information needed to create and customize characters, including new races, archetypes, proficiencies, equipment, and a Planewalking kit designed for each character group;
• A taste of the multiverse: a look at each of the planes, with commentary and helpful hints by noted planewalker Tarsheva Longreach;
• A guide to planar travel, from portals to conduits to the Great Paths;
• Tips on surviving and profiting in PLANESCAPE campaigns, from dealing with specific races to the rundown on the factions of Sigil;
• An overview of how magic really works (or doesn't!) on the planes;
• New spells and magical items useful in exploring (and surviving) the planes; and
• A special section on the power of belief, and how it can change the multiverse - including a new rules system that allows player characters to actively affect the planes around them!
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Planescape - On Hallowed Ground
From the web:
No ordinary tome can hold the powers of the planes, berk. That's why On Hallowed Ground is two books in one. In the first chapters, learn what divine compacts keep the gods from tearing the multiverse apart. Get the dark on turning player characters into proxies. Find out what happens when a spellslinger brings a petitioner back to life. And tumble to the awesome prestige - and awesome danger - of walking the Great Ring as a priest.
The second part of On Hallowed Ground delivers the chant on hundreds of AD&D game powers, from Aasterrinian to Zivilyn - and just about every high-up in between. More than a summary of old material, it updates the AD&D game's gods for the PLANESCAPE campaign setting, featuring their trusted proxies, their brash rivalries, and their hard-won roles in the cosmos.
Written for Dungeon Masters and players, this 192-page, full-color book includes:
• 20 separate pantheons detailing the powers worshipped by humans, demihumans, and monsters (including the deities of the AD&D game worlds). Zeus, Sung Chiang, Gruumsh, Takhisis - they're all here, based on chant from Legends & Lore, the DEITIES & DEMIGODS book, Monster Mythology, and AD&D game world sources.
• New ideas and rules for priest characters on the planes.
• Tips on creating, visiting, and surviving divine realms.
• A look at powers favored by factions and planewalkers.
• Comprehensive appendices listing gods by pantheon and portfolio.
• Full-color maps of realms glorious and infernal.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium Appendix
From the web:
This MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM appendix includes a broad spectrum of monsters from the Inner, Outer, Astral, and Ethereal Planes - all geared to provide hours of adventure in the PLANESCAPE campaign setting. Replacing the original Outer Planes Appendix, this new and enlarged compendium includes full-color illustrations, reintroducing many of the best mulitplanar monsters from a wide variety of out-of-print sources.
Monday, January 7, 2019
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium: Appendix III
From the web:
Things are different on the Inner Planes. Oh, some bashers might say they're deadlier, or harsher, or just plain weirder, but this truth is, they're merely different. And on planes full of nothing but searing magmas, swampy ooze, glittering mineral, utter desolation, or life incarnate, is it any wonder that a body'd find creatures as alien as any the multiverse has ever seen? Things that eat color, leaving a victim fully transparent. Beasts that spread life like a virus, animating all things around them. Spirits that form bodies by forcing hundreds of smaller animals to act as one. It's enough to make a sod long for a pit fiend.
Liven up any PLANESCAPE or AD&D campaign with the MOSNTROUS COMPENDIUM Appendix III, which features 128 pages of monsters that lurk on the Inner Planes, the Astral Plane, and the Ethereal Plane - some of the strangest and most inhospitable environments in the multiverse. Most of the critters are brand new, though a few old favorites have been updated. This book also provides a detailed look at the ecology of the planes in question, not to mention an appendix of inner-planar creatures that're more like animals than monsters. And, of course, all-new illustrations vividly bring each of these exotic beings to life.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Planescape - Monstrous Compendium: Appendix II
From the web:
Don't matter if you're a blood's blood or a leatherhead with a lot to learn - this book's for you. The planes are full of critters that'd just as soon kill a berk as look at him, and plenty more that like to rattle their bone-boxes for nothing more than the sheer pleasure of it. What a cutter needs is a book like this one - something that tells the real dark of what's waiting out there, just on the other side of that portal.
This MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM appendix contains nearly 100 new monsters from the Outlands and various Outer Planes, and a few updated creatures that haven't seen print for quite some time. The aasimar, a new player character race, awaits your discovery - along with eladrins, hollyphants, rilmani, new tanar'ri, and more!
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Planescape - In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil
From the web:
Welcome to the Cage! That's Sigil, City of Doors - realm of the Lady of Pain, gateway to all planes and possibilities. It's the most coveted burg in the multiverse, and this tome is the key to unlocking its secrets.
Now DMs and cutters alike can discover:
• Little known facts about Sigil's sites and personalities
• A guide to major portals maps of famous locales, fiendish and divine
• Evocative illustrations by DiTerlizzi, Dameron, Ruppel, and Berry
• An all-new, full-color, poster-sized map of the city, pinpointing place heretofore unseen
Which pubs cater to the clueless, and which're quick to put a sod in the dead-book? Where do folks gather to catch an "Execution by Wyrm"? For whom do the Bells of Baphomet toll? Exposing both the low life and glittering highlights, In the Cage is an essential guide for any blood who plans on exploring Sigil's streets - especially any blood who plans to leave under his own power.
Friday, January 4, 2019
Planescape - In the Abyss
From the web:
In the Abyss is a Planescape adventure for a party of four to six characters who are of levels 8 to 10. A simple errand to salvage the lost ship of chaos allows the player characters their first opportunity to explore the most notorious plane of them all. Of course, complications are as inevitable as the tanar'ri!
The Planescape Campaign Setting and Planes of Chaos boxed sets, as well as the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix are required to run this adventure."
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Planescape - Harbinger House
From the web:
Harbinger House is a PLANESCAPE adventure for four to six characters of 4th to 7th levels. From Sigil to the Outlands and back again, the heroes must piece together a puzzle that could shake the Cage to its foundations. A dark secret of the multiverse waits to be discovered in the lunatic asylum called Harbinger House, and only the player characters can shape its power - for good or ill.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Planescape - A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
From the Back of the Book:
Within the Ethereal Plane, demiplane islands and creatures both odd and dangerous float in an endless field of possibility. Canny folks know that the Ethereal also leads the way to the Inner Planes, infinite arenas of elemental fury. See, it's more than just a backdrop to other adventures - the plane itself offers wonder and opportunity for those with courage enough to explore its limitless expanse. This guide includes the following information:
- Ethereal environments and conditions - including methods of getting there in the first place.
- How the alien medium of the Waveless Sea affects combat and magic.
- New spells, magical items, and proficiencies dealing specifically with the Ethereal Plane.
- The chant on demiplanes - islands in the Deep Ethereal that obey no rules but their own - including information on old and new demiplanes, plus DM guidelines for creating these unique "pocket dimensions."
- A complete listing of the creatures of the Ethereal, including several new monsters and an Ethereal Encounter Table.
- Two new Ethereal-based player character races: nathri and renegade nethlings.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Planescape - A Guide to the Astral Plane
From the Back of the Book:
Most berks think the Astral Plane's an empty place, serving as nothing but a cosmic highway connecting all the other places in the multiverse. Canny planewalkers know differently, though. Here are just a few of the 'secrets' of the Silver Void that this book explains:
- It is the backdrop of the multiverse, where phenomena such as space and time are so vastly different from 'normal' that only a true blood knows his way around.
- When he's on the Astral Plane, a basher moves, fights, and acts solely with his mind.
- It is the closest thing the multiverse has to a 'plane of magic,' where sorcery and spells are not only more powerful, but are palpable, tangible objects.
- The primary inhabitants are the infamous githyanki, an ancient race of wizards and warriors who know the dark of many secrets forbidden to others.
- The Astral Plane is literally the dead-book of the gods.
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