"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Judges Guild: The Mines of Custalcon (2nd Printing)
From the web:
"A booklet with full-color cover includes Mini-dungeon, Histories, Descriptions, NPCs, Maps, and Tables for two villages and 476 square miles of wilderness. The first of a new "Wilderness Series" of playing aids that maps in great detail the Judges Guild's City State wilderness area, using the Campaign Hexagon System. Twenty-two five-mile hexes, covering over 476 square miles of wilderness, are mapped out, as are the two villages in this area, Byrny and Trollslore. Keyed shops, inns and taverns, as well as histories and ways of life of these villages are provided. Wilderness encounter tables and a three-level mini-dungeon in the ancient mines of a lost civilization beneath Trollslore are also included."
Monday, October 30, 2017
Judges Guild: Maranantha-Alkahest Sector
From the web:
The fourth and final Traveller sector completes the Judges Guild Gateway Quadrant Campaign background. The map gives Steller Location, political Divisions and Jump Routes in the sector. The reverse of the map has eight significant planets of the Sector mapped in detail with historical background and statistics on each. The Guidebook details each of the 392 systems. Background history of each of the 16 sub-sectors is provided as well as Political and Military information on the nine significant interstellar states, empires, sultanantes, and einarchys located here. Complete events, Rumors, and Encounter Charts are provided for the Judge in this product.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Judges Guild - Wilderlands of the Magic Realm (2nd Printing)
From the web:
"There are over 300 islands detailed on the maps and described in the accompanying book, which also covers the area's resources, wilderness monster lairs, villages and castles, technological levels, civilizations and more. The third of the wilderness series, the Magic Realm covers the settlements of Oricha and Chim and extends the areas already covered to the south, far into the vast reaches of the Sea of Five Winds. The four maps (2 Judge, 2 Player) include with the 2nd and 3rd printings are: Campaign Map #11: Ghinor / Campaign Map #14: Ament Tundra and Campaign Map #12: Isles of the Blest / Campaign Map #13: Ebony Coast."
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Judges Guild - Ley Sector (2nd Printing)
From the web:
Ley Sector is a supplement for Traveller. A 32 page guidebook includes 16 subsector maps describing 411 planets, encounter tables, rumors, and news. Also included is a 22" x 34" full-color sector map with 8 planetary maps on the reverse side.
The Guidebook goes into detail on each of the 16 Sub-Sectors with full statistics on each system, and gives Encounter and Rumor Charts and Table. The Map gives Stellar Location, Jump Routes, and Political Divisions. The reverse of the Map has detailed Maps of eight significant Planets along with the statistics and complete historical background of each.
Note that Ley Sector was redefined in GDW's The Atlas of the Imperium.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Judges Guild - Lara's Tower
From the publisher:
"This Scenario features a Tower once owned by a beautiful Magic user, but presently inhabited by a foul horde of evil creatures, monsters and treasures abound throughout the Tower. Are you brave and strong enough to regain Lara's Tower, or will you succumb to the evil luring there?"
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #21 (June/July80)
From the web:
Jocular Judgements | 03 | |
A report on Novacon. | ||
A Day in the City State by Ronald Pehr | 05 | |
The story of one Drfaf and his first day in our fair City. | ||
How to Cross a River Without Losing Half the Party by Bill Paley | 10 | |
A few simple tips for survival. | ||
This Is the Way Heroes Die by Thomas McCloud | 11 | |
The first two chapters of a new serial concerning this hijacking | ||
of spaceship Fountainebleu. | ||
The Alternative Combat System by Michael A. Dodge | 15 | |
A table of monster attacks for use with the Alternative Combat | ||
System. | ||
Call Me Friend by Bob Pryor | 15 | |
A tale of revenge by a "Friendly" thief. | ||
Shrewd Slants from the Sagacious Sap | 17 | |
The Sage reports on our adventures at Michicon. | ||
Survey Replies: The Guidmembers Speak | 21 | |
A selection of comments sent in by you, the readers. | ||
Fraternity for the Eradication of Armored Riffraff By Bill Paley | 22 | |
A group designed to put a little Fear into your players who | ||
insist on wearing plate armor. | ||
The Black Prince by Wilbur Ochiltree | 23 | |
The story of Veron Kereg, a man to whom evil deeds are the | ||
spice of life. | ||
Dungeon Contest Winners | 27 | |
At long last, a listing of the winners in TGJ - BO - TSO - | ||
TWFAG DCC - C -C. | ||
The Misadventures of Erroneous Grog | 31 | |
The further adventures of our fearless hero. | ||
Quests in AD&U by David Fkaag | 32 | |
Suggestions for spicing up your quests. | ||
Multiple Mage Magics by Geoffrey O. Dale | 34 | |
Have you ever wanted to form a chain of mountains? Hurl | ||
insect plagues at entire nations? Cause a tidal wave? Geoffrey O. | ||
Dale supplies the means. | ||
The Wreck of the Titan by Stephen H. Domtsnan | 39 | |
Our adventure offering, this month involving a trading ship | ||
wrecked on a coral reef. | ||
Random Character Weapons by Tom Jones | 43 | |
Charts to individualize your NPC parties. | ||
The Swamp Rats by Bill Paley | 50 | |
Ever needed a small band of brigands? Bill Paley outlines a | ||
tiny band of the outlaws. | ||
Two Voluble Equipment Items by James Young | 58 | |
Two simple pieces of equipment to use in place of your 5th | ||
level spells. | ||
Prodigious Platemail | 59 | |
The Mountain Lions by Bit Paley | 61 | |
A detailing of an NPC group of kidnappers in the Cloudwall | ||
Mountains. | ||
Convention Watch | 62 | |
Tips from the Tower | 63 | |
Quick review of our new products. |
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #20 (Apr/May80)
From the web:
Shrewd Slants From the Sagacious Sage by Chuck Anrhell | 02 | |
Omniscient Opinion. "Scroll Determination Chart" by Scott Arndt | 16 | |
Conventionwatch | 22 | |
Jocular Judgements by Chuck Anshell | 31 | |
The Magical Staff | 32 | |
Features: | ||
City State of the World Emperor Additional Shops | 02 | |
"Traveller Merchants: An Expanded Character Generation | 03 | |
System" by Patrick Larkin | ||
Larkin provides as much detailing for the merchant service in | ||
Traveller as has been done for the army, navy, marines and | ||
scouts in the Traveller supplements. | ||
" 'Chivalry & Sorcery' Conversion Tables" by Jack L. Webb | 06 | |
Webb provides a complete conversion system to integrate | ||
ideas and weapons from C&S into an existing D&D campaign. | ||
"Campaign Use Of 'City State Of the World Emperor' " - by Dave | 14 | |
Sering | ||
Sering provides full details of the relationship of the Immortal | ||
City of Viridistan to other playing aids for the Judges Guild | ||
wilderness campaign. | ||
"The Halls Of Theorat" by Robert Bowes | 35 | |
A bit richer in treasure than most of our offered dungeons, | ||
Bowes' work is also much larger - six complete dungeon levels. |
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #19 (Feb/Mar80)
From the web:
Omniscient Opinions by Bryan Hinnen | 01 | |
Prodigious Platemail | 03 | |
Tips From the Tower by Mike Reagen | 05 | |
Conventionwatch | 06 | |
The Die Is Cast: "Review Star Trek: The Movie" by Bryan Hinnen | 21 | |
Dungeon Dilemma by Kevin Siembieda | Inside Back Cover | |
Features: | ||
"A Melee System" by Lenard Lakofka | 09 | |
"Martial Artists Errata" by Brian Wagner | 15 | |
"Class Consciousness" by Bob Pryor | 16 | |
"Witches" by Geoffrey Tolle | 17 | |
"Doors" by Bill Paley | 19 | |
"Who Cares If Magic-Users Are Equal To Fighters?" by Bob Pryor | 20 | |
"An Adjusted Dexterity Table" by Scott Fordyce | 22 | |
"A New Wargames Rating System" by Bob Bingham | 23 | |
"The Dungeon Vlademor" by Bill Peschel | 24 | |
"Lord Foul's Demondim Spawn" by Louis Soldano | 47 | |
"Poisons Types and Reactions" by David Mackenzie | 49 | |
"Falling Accidents" by James Masianka | 51 | |
"Beating, Bashing and General Mugging" by David Parker | 53 | |
"Estimating Power" by Thomas A. McCloud | 54 | |
"Players' and Judge's Flowcharts" by Bill Paley | 59 |
Monday, October 23, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #16 (Aug/Sep79)
From the web:
Tips from the Tower by Chuck Anshell | 01 | |
Prodigious Platemail | 02 | |
Under Toe | 08 | |
New Contest Announcement | 09 | |
Our Magical Staff: Kevin Siembieda | 27 | |
Features: | ||
Ancients Column by David Petrowsky | 10 | |
Survival of Fittest Explanations and Map by Michael Mayeau | 12 | |
G Modules by Richard Forster | 14 | |
Encounters in D&D by Ronald Pehr | 18 | |
Writing Good Computer Games by Rev. George Blank | 24 | |
Daymark by Dean Kunigisky | 28 | |
Generals of the City State by Bill Paley | 29 | |
Whitestone Castle by Eric Hill | 30 | |
Black Lotus by Bill Paley | 33 | |
White Lotus by Bill Paley | 35 | |
The Escaping of Monsters and Traps by James Ward | 36 | |
Thieves: Two Views by Bill Paley | 37 | |
Dungeon Contest Winners Announced! | 40 |
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #15 (June/July79)
From the web:
Tips from the Tower | 01 | |
Prodigious Platemail | 02 | |
Conventions | 05 | |
Whitestone Castle by Eric Hill | 08 | |
Shrewd Slants from Sagacious Sage | 15 | |
The Rage by Wilbur Ochiltree. Jr. | 27 | |
Turtledragon Castle by Steve Huff | 38 | |
Magical Staff | 41 | |
What do you Want? by Thomas McCloud | 47 | |
Features: | ||
Ancients Column by David Petrowsky | 07 | |
Creating Good Computer Games by Rev. George Blank | 11 | |
Planning Ecology by Bill Paley | 16 | |
Fantasy Music by Mark Holmer | 17 | |
Inn-naming by Bill Paley | 18 | |
Random Magic by Eric Olson | 19 | |
Aha! by Bill Paley | 29 | |
Systematic Magic by Robin W. Rhodes | 30 | |
Intership Combat: A Game Error? by Bill Paley | 41 |
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #14 (APR/MAY79)
From the web:
Jocular Judgements by Chuck Anshell | 01 | |
Tips from the Tower | 03 | |
Of Skulls & Scrapfaggot Green Errata | 10 | |
Wilderlands of the Magic Realm Designer's Notes by Mark | 15 | |
Holmer | ||
Comic by Rusty Lamont | 16 | |
Con Listings | 22 | |
Dungeon Contest Rules | 26 | |
Features: | ||
Runic Scrolls & Translations by Bryan Hinnen | 04 | |
Using Slings by Kevin Dautremont | 14 | |
More NPCs by Ronald Pehr | 18 | |
Occupational Chart by Paul Pruett | 24 | |
Letters of Marque by Bob Bledsaw | 28 | |
Details by Tom Holsinger | 29 | |
A Clarification of Character Types by N. Morgan | 30 |
Friday, October 20, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #13 (FEB/MAR79)
From the web:
Jocular Judgements by Chuck Anshell | 03 | |
Prodigious Platemail | ||
By Ronald Pehr | 04 | |
By Tom Nelson | 05 | |
Dungeon Contest Rules | 06 | |
Tips from the Tower | ||
By Michael Rowsey | 07 | |
By Dean Kunigisky | 07 | |
By Michael Rowsey (again) | 07 | |
By Scott Arndt | 08 | |
By W. L. Roberts | 08 | |
By Earl Gessner | 24 | |
Features: | ||
Contest Winning Dungeon Levels | ||
6th level - 3rd place by John Pugh | 09 | |
Missing 4th level map of Henry Veldenz (from Journal U) | 23 | |
Ancients Column by David Petrowsky | 12 | |
The Misadventures of Erroneous Grog by Greg MacKenzie | 22 | |
Omnicient Opinions by Steven Huff | 25 |
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #12 (DEC78/JAN79)
From the web:
Publishers Statement | 02 | |
Jocular Judgements | 03 | |
Dungeon Creation Contest Winners | 04 | |
Kevin Garbelman - Levels 2-3 | 05 | |
Henry Veldenz - Levels 3-6 | 11 | |
Charles Sagui - Levels 1-6 | 18 | |
Jay Miller - Levels 1-5 (2-4 missing) | 31 | |
Robert Gallasch - Levels 1-3 | 35 | |
Rusty Lamont - Levels 1-6 | 44 | |
Booty List | 54 |
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Judges Guild Journal #4
From the web:
This eight page publication from 1977 contained the following articles and items of interest.
Jocular Judgements
Shrewd Slants from the Sagacious Sage
Demented Demography
Religion and the Justification for Magic
Economics and Technology
Booty List
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Judges Guild: Island Book 1 (First & Second Printings)
From the web:
"This booklet includes 48 pages of small island groups and atolls for adventuring: passing ships, damaged by storms, may drop anchor here for repairs or be breached on the rocks, marooning their crewman; or it may be the stronghold of pirates, the sanctuary of a secret religion, or a coven of witches. Included are three pages of charts for generating island terrain, natives and encounters, mysterious finds, and even volcanic eruptions. Ideal for insertion into a campaign expanding into maritime traffic and trade, the islands are mapped on hex grids in light gray for additions and changes by the Judge."
From the web:
"A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy island. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate island attributes such as:
- Soil Type
- Size, Elevation
- Features, Landmarks
- Weather
- Volcanoes
- Inhabitant type, population
- Mysterious Finds
- Encounters
and so on.
The majority of the book is comprised of island layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System."
Monday, October 16, 2017
Judges Guild - Inferno
From the author's Foreword:
"Inferno is based primarily upon the poem "Inferno" by Dante and is also fitted as a scenario into my campaign, Nidevellir. My purpose in writing it is twofold -- first, to answer the perennial question of Judge's when the party finds a cursed scroll: "GO DIRECTLY TO HELL!!" now what do I do? And secondly, to provide a power base to the evil immortals in the campaign. There may arise occasions in which an irate Cleric will geas some poor fighter into returning something that is on the Devil's plane and this allows the character somewhere to go for the adventure."
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Judges Guild: House On Hangman's Hill
From the front cover:
"What is the Secret of the House on Hangman's Hill? Only the Dead know, and They aren't Talking. This 32-page book contains maps, tables and guidelines for use with AD&D in this Haunted House Adventure. BOO!"
From the web:
"This Scenario pits a party of explorers against the secrets of an old and deadly fortress Manor. House on Hangman's Hill contains room descriptions, monsters, encounters, and treasure for the taking. Can you clear this house of evil, or will you die trying?"
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Judges Guild - Booklet K
From the web:
"This installment featured information on the area surrounding the City-State of the Invincible Overlord with particular mention made of NPCs and the living conditions of the areas including guides to the baronies and the trade economy of the surrounding areas."
Friday, October 13, 2017
Judges Guild - Booklet J
From the web:
Additional charts, rules and background data for Thunderhold and the Sunstone Caverns. The installment includes Ready Ref Chart J-5.
Additional charts, rules and background data for Thunderhold and the Sunstone Caverns. The installment includes Ready Ref Chart J-5.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Judges Guild - Booklet I (Second Printing)
From the web:
"Additional charts, rules and background data for the City State such as NPCs, rules on social level, ads, crimes and trials, etc. (first book of three to the original City State)."
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Judges Guild - Glimmerdrift Reaches
From the web:
"Glimmerdrift Reaches is the second entire Traveller Sector produced by Judges Guild. The three-color map gives Stellar Locations, political Divisions and Jump Routes in the Sector. Eight significant planets are mapped in detail on the back, along with complete historical background and statistics on each. The Guidebook contains details on each of the 16 Sub-Sectors with complete statistics on each of the hundreds of systems, Background history is given on the current political situation, as well as Rumor and Encounter Charts for the Referee."
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Judges Guild - Frontier Forts of Kelnore (Both Printings)
From the web:
"This book provides a basic, modularized map of a border fort (all Kelnore forts were designed to these specifications). Since their construction, the forts have been populated by various monsters and tables are provided to put in random groups of creatures and individualize the forts on these basic designs. There are three sample forts, filled out according to die rolls on the tables, to illustrate their application. Using them, the Judge can easily create on the same basic map a different "dungeon" every time his players get together; this provides the maximum playing time with a minimal investment of the Judge's money and design time."
Monday, October 9, 2017
Judges Guild - The Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor
From the web:
"An adventure in the
wilderness stronghold of a band of brigands that includes the background
and statistics of an evil local deity, plus history, maps, and keyed
room descriptions of a five-level dungeon carved out of the side of a
mountain. The first three levels are fairly easy and suitable for
breaking in new and inexperienced players; but the lower two are far
tougher, and include a cavern that has a series of four dragon dens,
indicative of the difficulty of the lower levels."
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Judges Guild - The First Fantasy Campain (First Printing)
From the web:
"The book details the assorted baronies, citadels, leaders' histories and development of the original fantasy role-playing campaign, and the entire Blackmoor Dungeon. Herein are many new guidelines on lair generation, character interests and vocations (hunting, farming, fishing, trapping, etc.), the resources and manpower of the various feudal holdings and nomadic hordes of this landmark in war gaming, and much more. Carefully mapped are the twelve levels of Blackmoor Dungeon beneath the five levels of Blackmoor Castle, the village of Blackmoor, the home of Mello the Halfling, and the tower of Svenson's Freehold. Included with the book is the First Fantasy Campaign Maps (Judge, Player)"
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Judges Guild: Fifty Starbases
From the web:
This playing aid provides the essential Starbases necessary to any space faring culture. Extensive tables are provided to detail the facilities of each starbase as well as the services available to Star travelers in the nearby area.
More from the web:
On top of 50 starport maps and keys, the module includes additional rules for using this resource which cover:
- Starport Size Table
- Starport Service Summary
- Survey Beacon
- Berthing Fees
- Consumables Replacement
- Refueling
- Armament
- Repair
- Annual Maintenance
- Starship Construction
- Passenger Traffic
- Transportation Technology
- Cargo
- Orbital Facilities
- Orbital Docks
- Orbital Stations
- Orbital Ports
- Starport Working Craft
- Starport Generation Tables
- Warehouse and Cargo
- Technical Guilds
Friday, October 6, 2017
Judges Guild: Field Guide To Encounters
From the front cover:
"Two huge volumes containing rules and guidelines for the new role playing system, 600 familiar and not-so-familiar monsters, provisions for godhood, and intelligent character monsters. Good for hours of intriguing fun!"
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Judges Guild - November 1979 Fantasy Catalog
From the web:
Clocks in at 96 pages and was originally free. Light
blue page 1/mail cover.
Product list is
titled "Booty List" with the highest number being 115.
Descriptions are given for products
with the highest
number being
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Judges Guild - The Fantasy Cartographer's Field Book
From the front cover:
"Complete fantasy mapping system. Four different mapping grids. Special map key & record pages."
From the web:
"The Fantasy
Cartographer's Field Book is the Judges Guild solution to many of the
Fantasy role-playing mapping problems. This book provides a set of
comprehensive mapping symbols that can be used to mark all features and
encounters. Four separate types of Mapping Grids are provided plus Map
Key and Record pages. Gamers are sure to find this book useful for
record keeping and mapping their own campaigns. The increasing number of
gamers who are writing magazine articles, designing products, and
submitting contest adventure scenarios will find this book invaluable."
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Judges Guild: Fantastic Wilderlands Beyonde
From the web:
The second supplement in Judges Guild's Wilderness series. It details the villages, castles, citadels, lairs, islands, ruins, and terrain in a section of the "Wilderlands of High Fantasy" campaign setting. It consists of a 32-page book and four double-sided 17" x 22" maps (2 for the judge, 2 for the players):
Campaign Map #7: Desert Lands
Campaign Map #8: Sea of Five Winds
Campaign Map #9: Elphand Lands
Campaign Map #10: Lenap
Monday, October 2, 2017
Judges Guild - Wilderlands of the Fantastic Reaches (2nd or 3rd print)
From the web:
The fourth and final supplement in Judges Guild's Wilderness series. It details the villages, castles, citadels, lairs, islands, ruins, and terrain in a section of the Wilderlands of High Fantasy campaign setting. It consists of two 16-page booklets (one 32-page book in later printings) and two double-sided 17" x 22" maps:
Campaign Map #15: Isles of the Dawn
Campaign Map #16: Southern Reaches
Campaign Map #17: Silver Skein Isles
Campaign Map #18: Ghinor Highlands
The fourth and final supplement in Judges Guild's Wilderness series. It details the villages, castles, citadels, lairs, islands, ruins, and terrain in a section of the Wilderlands of High Fantasy campaign setting. It consists of two 16-page booklets (one 32-page book in later printings) and two double-sided 17" x 22" maps:
Campaign Map #15: Isles of the Dawn
Campaign Map #16: Southern Reaches
Campaign Map #17: Silver Skein Isles
Campaign Map #18: Ghinor Highlands
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Judges Guild - Fantastic Personalities
From the web:
"This compilation details 78 fantastic personalities for use in any fantasy campaign. Each character comes complete with background information, religious inclinations, personal quirks, magic items, favorite tactics, spell knowledge, and much more. Many character classes are represented, such as Assassins, Thieves, Warrior-Priests, Fighters, Bards, Monks, Wizards, Illusionists, Rangers, Clerics, and Druids, as well as the various races (Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, etc.). Characters range in power from the totally inexperienced to the Elven Prince of 2,000 years old. Included herein are such notables as Aeschulas the gambling wizard, Rivera the happy-go-lucky Thief, Sheila the she-wolf, Cherliy the Rotund, Tina of Tergonis, and Rita Nimblefingers. The personalities are keyed to the Judges Guilde Campaign Maps, but they can be used in anyone's world. This is a must for any serious Judge who recognizes the importance of fantastic personalities with which the players can interact."
Note: The cover say 85 characters but I am not sure which is right.
"This compilation details 78 fantastic personalities for use in any fantasy campaign. Each character comes complete with background information, religious inclinations, personal quirks, magic items, favorite tactics, spell knowledge, and much more. Many character classes are represented, such as Assassins, Thieves, Warrior-Priests, Fighters, Bards, Monks, Wizards, Illusionists, Rangers, Clerics, and Druids, as well as the various races (Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, etc.). Characters range in power from the totally inexperienced to the Elven Prince of 2,000 years old. Included herein are such notables as Aeschulas the gambling wizard, Rivera the happy-go-lucky Thief, Sheila the she-wolf, Cherliy the Rotund, Tina of Tergonis, and Rita Nimblefingers. The personalities are keyed to the Judges Guilde Campaign Maps, but they can be used in anyone's world. This is a must for any serious Judge who recognizes the importance of fantastic personalities with which the players can interact."
Note: The cover say 85 characters but I am not sure which is right.
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