"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Judges Guild - Escape From Astigar's Lair
From the web:
"Escape from Astigar's Lair is a scenario,\ for AD&D. It was the official Michicon VIII AD&D tournament dungeon. Two very detailed pre-rolled characters are provided; tournament players are judged on how well the characters are role-played. The PCs have one hour to escape from an evil wizard's stronghold.
Escape from Astigar's Lair is a module designed for tournament use, but it can be played out of that setting if desired. Players are given sixty minutes to escape from the halls of a bard, Egad, before he destroys them for following him in. Two characters are provided: a druid and a ranger. Their characteristics are given in full in the back. The Dungeon Master awards points or subtracts them for various feats performs of mistakes made.
This dungeon was designed to be a limited-time (real-time) dungeon with the players being allowed only an hour to complete their characters’ quest. Because of this limited time the dungeon is also set up to use its own very simplified initiative system."
Friday, September 29, 2017
Judges Guild - The Dungeoneers Journal #25
From the web:
"The Dungeoneers Journal #25
Feb/Mar 1981
Sea Devils: A fantasy story about Sahuagin by Bill Daley
The College Option in Traveller: Higher education for the Traveller Character by Charles M Cook
Monster Matrix:
Guardian Mist by Harold Kahn
Cannibals by Harold Kahn
Puff Balls by Harold Kahn
Jesters by Harold Kahn
Sphinx Rock Lions by Steve Marsh
Sand Lizard by Harold Kahn
Willows by Harold Kahn
The Red Ones by Bill Pixley
Fuzzies by Harold Kahn
Ulug by Harold Kahn
Targ by Harold Kahn
Lycanthropy: Other kinds of lycanthropy by G. Tolle
Martial Arts: Charts for the use of martial arts in D&D by Jon Reinecke
Convention Compendium
The Amazing Disappearing " ": "?"...intelligence by Mike Billington
Political Intrigue Guidelines by Tom Jones
Shalizar's Tower: 8 page mini-dungeon by David Dougher
Awards Announcement: Awards procedures reorganized
Official Origins Awards Ballot
Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design: Official membership guidelines
The Essence of a Good Wargame: What makes a good game? by Lewis Pulsipher
Shopping For Armor: Reflection on armor by Terrance Mikrut
Harahalat The Dragon: Challenge for Dragon Hunters by Kevin Garbelman
In the Tesseract: 6th dimensional room by Donald L Spidell
The Booty Bag:
Helm of Door Opening by Clayton Miner
The Heroes' Gauntlets by Clayton Miner
Coffer of Endless Food Supply by Clayton Miner
Dagger of Enrichment by Ron Lagerstrom
Boots of Halfling Stomping by Clayton Miner
Runemasters by Chaosium: Reviewed by Clayton Miner
Rain on Iran by Steve Jackson Games: Reviewed by Ron Lagerstrom
Plunder by Chaosium: Reviewed by Clayton Miner
The Thespian Judge: Advice to the good Judge by David Emigh
Some Words on Funny Chemicals: Drug use in D&D by Geoffrey O. Dale"
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Judges Guild - The Dungeoneers Journal #24
From the web:
"The Dungeoneers Journal - Issue #24
December 1980/January 1981
The Lab'Oratory
Random Village Resource Determination Charts
Tips from the Tower
A Trip To The Underworld
Designing TSR Approved Products, A Few Unofficial Suggestions
War Robots
Aha! Oho!
Monster Matrix
The Booty Bag
Striek Hollous
Magical Staff
The Pilgrims
Astrology and Astrologers"
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Judges Guild: The Dungeoneer #19/ The Judges Guild Journal #22
From the web:
"The Dungeoneer/The Judges Guild Journal
Issue #19/Issue #22
September/October 1980/August/September 1980
The Dungeoneer #19 and The Judges Guild Journal #22 issued as one magazine.
The Lab' Oratory
Tips from the Tower
Prodigious Platemail
A Trip To The Underworld
Using Klutz Factors
Weapon Masters
Critical Hits and Fumbles On Non-Humans
This is the Way that Heroes Die
Words & Whips
Dungeon Diseases
The Five Lens
Booty List
Monster Matrix
Monday, September 25, 2017
Judges Guild - The Dungeoneer: The Adventuresome Compendium of Issues 1-6
From the inside cover, 1st paragraph:
"I would guess that the whole idea behind the publishing of a magazine is that someone has a concept that they would like to market and make money off of before somebody else thinks of it. Unfortunately, that's the way with most things in life. It's probably even one of the ideas behind this magazine, mercenary as it may seem. However, a lot of people publish magazines because they have an interest in something that inspires them enough to write about it and publish it. I hope that that's what you'll see in this zine. We here at The Dungeoneer want to put out a magazine that is purely a DM's publication, dealing with D&D, working it as sort of an optional supplement and as a place for the discussion and clarification of rules as we and others see them."
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Judges Guild - The Dungeoneer #17 (May/June 1980)
From the web:
Brimstone's Brew by Diana Harlan
Interview with Greg Stafford by Rudy Kraft
Potion Tables by Ree Pruehs
Expansion of Psionics by Geoffery Tolle
30,000 Magic Swords by Paul Britt Garcia
Aging in D&D by Glenn Kuring
Computerized AD&D by David Dougher
Some Additional Thoughts on Mystics by Jon Mattson
Columns & Serials:
The Laboratory (editorial) by Chuck Anshell
Photo Follies
The Archane Elders by J. Mark Hendricks
Monster Matrix
The Orp by Diana Harlan
Beholder Creation by Jon-Pierre Pazevic
Carnivorous Sheep by Jim Williams
Hobblegoblins by Robert Plamondon
Swamp Apes by Brian Wagner
Killgazer by Brian Wagner
Lazer Wolf by Brian Wagner
Fog Demon by Brian Wagner
The Die is Cast
Review of Swordquest by Mike Reagan
Nose Wet? or No Sweat
by Dennis DeJarnette
By Randolf King
Under Toe - Current Happenings
Booty Bag
Zotz by Dennis DeJarnette
Dungeoneer Depths (mini-dungeon)
Solo Matrix by E. Al Hattlestad, Jr.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Judges Guild - Druids of Doom
From the web:
"The House of Euklidies, a temple to Astokph the Diety of Travel and Transporter of the Dead, is asking for a group of adventurers to recover three lost magical items of the temple. Adventures must pass through the portal and enter the Druid's Keep to recover them. Contains 6 maps, 5 new monsters, and over 60 NPCs. A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement by Bill Pixley and Diane Mortimer."
Friday, September 22, 2017
Judges Guild - Dra'k'ne Station
From the web:
"A 64-page booklet detailing a vast alien research station hollowed out of an asteroid. Sabotaged, with its crew either dead or in cold storage, it drifts through the void awaiting the incursions of players, still protected by its automated defense systems and one surviving alien. A complete, massive 12-level adventure for Traveller, the first of its kind, this playing aid is profusely illustrated by Kevin Siembieda and includes insights on the culture, language, and history of the weird, reptilian Dra'k'ne aliens. This is a complete, well-detailed scenario, with several different types of research labs, repair shops, spare parts depots, recreation areas and more."
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Judges Guild - Dragon's Hall
From the front cover:
"This 16-page booklet features rules, guidelines, monsters and much more for playing ease. It can be used as a solitaire dungeon or can be made part of an exisitng campaign. A solo dungeoneer's delight!"
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Judges Guild - Demons of Dundurn
From the front cover:
"An eerie silence greeted the dawn at Riverside House the morning after the wedding feast of Arnulf and Gunda. As the day wore on concerned villagers appealed to Oskine to gather some of the guests at the Feathered Serpent Inn and investigate. Oskine instructed the group of guests to proceed ahead and said he would join them later. The guests crossed the empty threshold to discover..."
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Judges Guild: Darthanon Queen
From the web:
"Science-Fiction adventure in the Ley Sector
From the Introduction:
All (3) scenarios in this adventure take place on board the Darthanon Queen, a standard Type M subsidized Merchant currently in the service of the Val'Tor Lines, on the Jumhuriyah to Gheelis run."
Monday, September 18, 2017
Judges Guild: Darkling Ship
From the Introduction:
"This scenario is the third in a special series of connected adventures set in the Judges Guild Gateway Quadrant of the Traveller™ campaign universe. The Border Prowler series is designed to provide a Judge with a ready-made mini-campaign. Set up in tournament format with handout sheets of information, equipment, and pre-generated characters, this particular scenario can be accomplished with only a portion of the resources available in the crew and equipment of the Hrunta. Other crew members and other equipment will be called upon in subsequent scenarios. Each scenario is designed to be run independently. The Mission Briefing Statements on the handouts give sufficient background information for the play of that particular scenario."
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Judges Guild - Dark Tower (D20 version)
From the back cover:
"An Ancient Evil has overtaken a once holy shrine. Thus, a sleepy mountain hamlet becomes a focal point for mysterious disappearances and even stranger legends of what lurks beneath the village.
Would any group of adventurous souls dare to probe the facts that lie behind the myths, or seek to right ancient wrongs, rescue secreted artifacts, or . . . even attempt to exterminate the source of evil itself?
This is no quest for the weak of spirit or strength. Beyond the cellars of Mitra's Fist lie strong allies and strange enemies, undead and undying, each seeking to involve the unwary in a titanic battle of good against evil, which can only end in destruction.
Riches, Power, Glory and Death!
All are in Dark Tower"
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Judges Guild: Dark Tower
From the back cover:
"An Ancient Evil has overtaken a once holy shrine. Thus, a sleepy mountain hamlet becomes a focal point for mysterious disappearances and even stranger legends of what lurks beneath the village.
Would any group of adventurous souls dare to probe the facts that lie behind the myths, or seek to right ancient wrongs, rescue secreted artifacts, or . . . even attempt to exterminate the source of evil itself?
This is no quest for the weak of spirit or strength. Beyond the cellars of Mitra's Fist lie strong allies and strange enemies, undead and undying, each seeking to involve the unwary in a titanic battle of good against evil, which can only end in destruction.
Riches, Power, Glory and Death! All are in Dark Tower"
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Judges Guild: City State Deluxe Map Set
At some point I picked this up. I don't recall when, where or how but it was in the 2000's as I recall. Not sure if it was an original official offering but it is a deluxe set of the City State of the Invincible Overlord City Maps.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Judges Guild: Crucis Margin
From the web:
"Traveller sector with a 22"x34" three-color stellar map and a 32-page detailed guidebook. The map gives Stellar Location, Political Divisions and Jump Routs in the Sector. The reverse of the map has eight significant planets of the Sector mapped in detail with historical background and statistics on each.
Part of the Gateway Quadrant Campaign, this product links the Ley Sector, Glimmerdrift Reaches, and Marantha-Alkahest Sector. The Guide book details each of the hundreds of systems. Background history of the political and military is given.
Campaign setting that describes a star sector, covering 16 subsectors in brief and focusing on eight planets. The Margin is outside the Imperium, adjacent to the Glimmerdrift Reaches. Includes encounter tables and rumors."
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Judges Guild: Corsaies of the Turku Waste
From the web:
"This Scenario details exciting adventures involving space pirates and their prey. Three new Corsair-type starships are included, along with five scenarios ranging from ship-to-ship combat to a salvage mission. Pirate crews and their leaders are described, as well as merchant crews and their ship."
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Judges Guild: City State of the World Emperor
From the web:
"Another detailed fortified city in Judges Guild's Wilderlands campaign world. This one is known as Viridistan, the City of Spices, or the Immortal City. This campaign supplement is comprised of:
- Guidebook to Map 6: a 48-page book detailing the lands around the city state (villages, ruins, religions, cultures, politics, etc.)
- Guidebook to Shops: an 80-page book of all the shops within the city state
- Guidebook to City: an 80-page book detailing all of the bars & taverns in the city state, available rumors, military layout, etc.
- City Map: a 34" x 22" map of the city state
- Campaign Map 6: two 17" x 22" maps (Judge, Player) for the section of the Wilderlands of High Fantasy that contain the city state"
Friday, September 8, 2017
Judges Guild: City State of the Invincible Overlord (Revised - First Printing)
From the web:
"The revised book covers the myriad shops, taverns, inns, temples, and barracks of the classic City-State plus 4 dungeon levels under the City and five levels of Sunstone Caverns. Also shown in all its Dwarven glory is Thunderhold, one of the northern allies of the Overlord with Judge and Player Maps for it too. Incredibly detailed right down to the statistics and character of each barmaid and the latest rumor she has heard. The large maps depict the great walled city, while the smaller maps depict Thunderhold (Judge/Player)."
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Judges Guild: City of Lei Tabor (Runequest)
From the front cover:
"Complete fantastic Runequest city.
All inhabitants, shops, cults, temples, inns, politics, thieves, treasures, adventures, 96 pages."
From the wesite:
"A huge book describes the feudal Duchy of Lei Tabor, a semi-independent seat of power and religion and the first complete City for Runequest. Ruled by the Duke and his clan, it is the last vestige of a once mighty empire and still dominates the area. Book includes maps, shops, cults, temples, inns, politics, inhabitants, treasures, plus adventures."
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Judges Guild: Citadel of Fire (Fourth Printing)
From the web:
*Fourth printing. I am not sure there is any difference other than the cover and perhaps the Booty List. Not sure that this cover is an improvement on the original though.
"Enter the Stronghold of Yrammag!
This is a the ancient stronghold of Yrammag with six tower levels and five dungeon levels. A 32-page booklet of a very tough D&D scenario. It is designed for very advanced characters, and includes encounters with everything from giant rats to a Minotaur and a demon. Tables have been provided for the random location and activity of the great Trammag, so that it will be a surprise each time the dungeon is entered by the adventurers. The surrounding wilderness is mapped out according to our Campaign Hexagon System, and Yrammag's spells are listed to provide a complete and detailed dungeon adventure, created and officially approved for use with D&D."
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Judges Guild - Citadel of Fire (First Printing)
From the web:
"Enter the Stronghold of Yrammag!
This is a the ancient stronghold of Yrammag with six tower levels and five dungeon levels. A 32-page booklet of a very tough D&D scenario. It is designed for very advanced characters, and includes encounters with everything from giant rats to a Minotaur and a demon. Tables have been provided for the random location and activity of the great Trammag, so that it will be a surprise each time the dungeon is entered by the adventurers. The surrounding wilderness is mapped out according to our Campaign Hexagon System, and Yrammag's spells are listed to provide a complete and detailed dungeon adventure, created and officially approved for use with D&D."
Monday, September 4, 2017
Judges Guild - Character Codex
From the website:
"A 96-page book of AD&D tear-out sheets to keep statistics on the player's characters. Includes spaces for character's title, age, history, class, level, hit points, experience points, divinity, background, and characteristics and their effects. Also provided are a blank shield for designing the character's coat of arms and a detailed AD&D equipment list with costs. Each character sheet has a small illustration of the character class by Paul Jaquays; sheets are perforated for easy removal from the booklet. The playing aid has been especially designed and approved for use with AD&D."
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Judges Guild - Caves and Caverns
From the website:
"A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy cave/cavern/burrow. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate attributes such as:
- Cave type, terrain, size, number of entrances
- Features: underground rivers, lakes, vaults, geothermals
- Occupants: number, type, hit dice, abilities
and so on
The majority of the book is comprised of cave layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System.
Part of Judges Guild's generic "Universal Fantasy Supplement" line for any fantasy RPG - though clearly targeted at D&D/AD&D."
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Judges Guil - The Caverns of Thracia
From the back cover:
"They Have Been Waiting.
For over a thousand years the things that lurk beneath the waters, skulk in the darkness and lie hungrily in dank crypts have been patient, while all around them men and monsters bicker among themselves, bold enough to traverse the dark caverns' depths, but afraid or perhaps wise enough to leave the forgotten vaults and hidden passages alone.
And still, they wait, undisturbed. They are waiting for you!"
Friday, September 1, 2017
Judges Guild - Castle Book 2
From the website:
"A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy castle. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate castle attributes in addition to those from Castles Book 1 such as: castle condition, invasion status, age, inhabitants, encounters, finds, and castle names.
The majority of the book is comprised of castle layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System. Part of Judges Guild's "Universal Fantasy Campaign" line of products."
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