Different Worlds #32
The Magazine for Adventure Role-Players
Ancient Cultures Special Issue
Jan/Feb 1984
Cover price: $3
Cover: Brad Foster
* "The Cliff Dwellers: Indians of the Classic Pueblo Period" by Ken Rolston
* "Lost Ball Games of Meso-America: Deadly Sport of the Indians" by Ernest Hogan
* "The Kabbalah and Fantasy Role-Playing Games: Mystical Books of Judaism" by Simcha Kuritzky
* "RQ3 Preview: RuneQuest Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure" by Greg Stafford
* "Make Love, Not War: Sex and Romance in Traveller" by Terrence McInnes
* "Threat of the Nighthaunt: A Superhero Adventure for Superworld and Champions" by Jon Mattson
* My Life & Role-Playing
"Starting Young" by Sandy Petersen
* "Sword Of Hollywood" by Larry DiTillio
* Game Reviews
Villains And Vigilantes (FGU)
Enemies, Enemies II (Hero Games)
Death In Dunwich (TOME)
Merc, Merc Supplement 1: In Country (FGU)
Prison Planet (GDW)
* "Superworld Errata" by Steve Perrin
* "Adventure by Design: Adapting Published Fantasy Role- Playing Materials for Your Own Campaign" by Ken Rolston
* Film Reviews
Yor, The Hunter from the Future
Space Hunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
Never Say Never Again
* "A Letter from Gigi" by Gigi D'Arn
Published by Chaosium Inc.
48 pages + 8-page module stapled to center of issue.
Luck of the Dice
Level: Third
Range: None
Duration: 4 Rounds
Area of Effect: Caster
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 Segment
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the magic user is able to call upon higher powers to enhance their chances or performing actions for a period of time. The amount of help will be totally random and up to the luck of the dice.
The round after the spell is cast and for three more the caster will have a pool of luck (points) to call upon. They can only use the points once per round and they must be used on an action or save that the caster is trying or called upon to make. The points are universal and they can be used to affect saving throws or the number of creatures affected (though the maximum possible as defined by spells etc are still in effect).
The DM will roll a d4 each round and that will determine the type of dice for number of points 1=d4, 2=d6, 3=d8, 4=d10. The DM will then roll the appropriate dice and make note of it. The caster can use those points for anything in that round. Points not used in a round can not be carried forward are lost. If the caster is of any chaotic alignment then the DM should add a another 1d4 points each round.
The material component of this spell is a set of small polyhedral dice. The set will need to be made of either a precious metal or gemstones. The dice are not destroyed with the casting of the spell and may be reused.
Disclaimer: The spells that you will see, for how ever long the write ups last, were all written up or conceived of back in the 80's so the terminology may not appropriate for anything other than 1e and depending on how well I did back then it may be slightly off for that as well. If there is any duplication of spells that exist now it is most likely I wrote mine first :) Please feel free to comment on them but try not to be too hard on me. If anyone wishes to use these in anything they print please let me know in advance and all I ask is proper credit.
"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Sunday, November 27, 2011
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