"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Friday, September 30, 2016
Greyhawk - The Star Cairns
From the back cover:
"The Lost Tombs, Volume 1
Derro swarm in the Abbor-Alz. The Doomgrinder windmill's blades approach their zenith. Strange sightings in Hardby and rumors of a bandit empire in the mountains have commoners and nobles concerned. The Circle of Eight hopes that the key to averting this disaster can be found in the mysteries of a group of five ancient crypts, the Star Cairns. But first someone has to find the fifth cairn....
Five separate adventure sites playable individually or linked together, The Star Cairns can provide a diversion for treasure-hungry adventurers - or can be used as the seeds for an extensive campaign. Although the adventures are designed for four to eight characters of levels 5-8, each section can be adjusted for weaker or stronger groups.
The Lost Tombs series continues with The Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad (Voume 2) and The Doomgrinder (Volume 3)."
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Greyhawk - The Doomgrinder
From the back cover:
"The Lost Tombs, Volume 3
The Doomgrinder, a mysterious stone windmill many leagues east of the City of Greyhawk, has for centuries been a source of rumors, frustration and fear. The rumors say that vast treasures are stored inside - all cursed. The frustration belongs to hundreds of adventurers who over the years have attempted to enter the windmill and failed. The fear is felt by those who believe the world will end when the stone sails of the Doomgrinder turn again. In the City of Greyhawk, powerful spellcasters read bad omens for the future, and the Doomgrinder is part of them. Some see no future at all, good or bad.
In this GREYHAWK adventure, a group of brave heroes may finally learn the truth about the Doomgrinder. Designed for characters of level 4 through 8 but adaptable to any level, the adventure can be played on its own or as the climax to the Lost Tombs adventure series. It also offers countless opportunities for spin-off adventures, potentially providing the foundation for entirely new campaign directions, and months of exciting game sessions."
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Greyhawk - The Adventure Begins
From the back:
The year is 591 CY. The World of Greyhawk has changed a lot, as nations topple and leaders plot. Whole realms are "lost"; others have crumbled; still others have advanced, becoming new powers in the Flanaess. So where are you going to find all the news?
And more to the point, where in the City of Greyhawk can you find some interesting gossip, cheap but good ale, and fellow adventurers to share it with?
A Dungeon Master's dream, this 128-page guide gives you what you need to start a Greyhawk campaign - or to update an existing one:
- Extensive histories of the Flanaess and the Domain of Greyhawk
- A place-by-place description of the City of Greyhawk
- A 16-page map booklet with new and updated maps of towns and adventuring sites in the central Flanaess
- Updates on famous people - good and bad
- The seeds for thousands of new adventures
The World of Greyhawk is back - and it's better than ever!
For players of all levels."
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Greyhawk: Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
From the back cover:
"The Lost Tombs, Volume 2
"The lich Lyzandred: a madman, an undead archmage, a survivor of the twin cataclysms that destroyed two great empires. His name invokes fear in the hearts of the smallest children, the bravest warriors, and the wisest sages. Like a malicious cat, the lich toys with all who stumble into his maze, tormenting them with strange puzzles and obscure riddles, monsters and demons, weird traps and dangerous magics. All who enter the crypt of Lyzandred find themselves scarred with his rune, proof of their visit - and of their folly.
But there is a method to the madness of Lyzandred, a purpose to his twisted games. If you're lucky, you might even live to learn about it.
The Lost Tombs series begins with Star Cairns (Volume 1) and concludes with The Doomgrinder (Volume 3). Each adventure is playable separately or they can be linked to form an epic-length story."
Monday, September 26, 2016
Goodman Games - DCC 20.5 The Mask of Death
From the Publisher Site:
"Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are there somewhere.
This module is a special limited edition produced exclusively for Gen Con Indy 2005. It presents chapter one of an adventure that chronicles the hilarious escapades of the hit film The Gamers: Dorkness Rising. The King needs the heroes' help! The vile necromancer Mort Kemnon has uncovered the Mask of Death, an artifact of unspeakable evil. He plans to summon an army of undead to attack the King while the divine powers of the realm are weak. Can the heroes recover the Mask of Death and put a stop to Mort Kemnon's evil plans once and for all?"
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Goodman Games - Etherscope
From the publishers website:
"Enter Etherspace
In 1876, Harold Wallace discovered something that changed the world: Etherspace. The might of Victorian industry drove forward, breaking down the frontiers of technology. Steam engines became smaller, weapons became more powerful, and cybernaughtics replaced limbs lost in bloody imperial wars. Then mankind learned to step into Etherspace itself.
Cyberpunk Victoriana
Now it's 1984. In this alternative world of out-of-control technology, Etherspace is the new frontier. Punk scope riders fight evil industrialists while occult investigators war against Etherspace demons. Mysterious System Agents lurk in the shadows as treasure hunters raid Lemurean ruins for lost secrets. Jack in, scope up, and get ready, because the options for an Etherscope game are endless!
Etherscope is a complete OGL role playing game containing everything you need to create a character, play an adventure, start a campaign, and explore Etherspace!
Rules Set: Etherscope (d20 Modern variant).
- Nominee, Best d20 Game, 2006 Gen Con ENnie Awards"
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Werewolves
Publisher Blurb:
"One shapechanger stands above them all as the ultimate source of fear and cunning. For centuries, werewolves have been staples of folklore worldwide, spreading terror in the night while hiding amongst mankind in the day. Now the Complete Guide to Werewolves brings this historical monster into your d20 game. Grounded in folklore from multiple cultures, this thorough and imaginative sourcebook gives you everything you need to engage the world's most dangerous shapeshifter.
The Complete Guide to Werewolves takes a comprehensive view of its legendary subject. With material based on mythology, it offers new options for werewolf characters, including not just the usual assortment of feats and prestige classes, but also rules for breeds, lunar influence, and weaknesses or "thorns." Every aspect of the lycanthropic process is examined, from life stages to mindset to new lyncathropic diseases, and the book includes a selection of powerful NPCs and new monsters ready to be inserted into any campaign.
The Complete Guide to Werewolves is 100% world-neutral and stand-alone, and can be easily integrated into any campaign."
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Wererats
From the Back of the Book:
"Imagine a race of lycanthropes so devious, so cunning, and so insidious that they conquer entire kingdoms without ever being seen. These are the wererats. Their secretive broods infiltrate key posts in the government, military, and guilds, ensuring political protection from their enemies. When fighting can't be avoided, the mystic Council of the Flesh unleashes its horrific cross-bred monsters, which never give a hint as to their wererat origins. When nothing else works, the hard-hearted Weavers spread filth and disease, eliminating entire cities with a single contaminated breath. Kingdoms fall, power changes hands, and the enemies of the wererats are exterminated, without a single outsider ever knowing how.
The Complete Guide to Wererats is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about wererats. It includes:
Detailed background material on wererat broods and their insidious plans, including social structure, cultural habits, and combat tactics. Details on the secretive Council of the Flesh and their lycanthropic madness, including stats for the horrible creatures they have created.
New feats, classes, and skills for wererats and other shapechangers."
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Vampires
Publisher Blurb:
"Vampires are the product of unnatural concentrations of negative energy generated through war, famine, cannibalism, or great injustice. The standard vampire that we know as the common variety is far removed from this first cause, but it still thrives on the same negative energy. Vampires have a natural sensitivity to places where negative energy pools, and this is why they are often found at the center of wars, revolutions, and corruption.
But there is more to this story. Unbeknownst to all but the most erudite sages, vampires are a necessary byproduct of the natural order of things. The process that forms a vampire spawn from a creature slain by a vampire actually sucks ambient negative energy out of the prime material plane, concentrating it in the undead life force of the newly revived spawn. Vampires act as living conduits of negative energy, channeling it into themselves through their own actions, then feeding off it and destroying it in the process.
Thus, the deities that govern good and law allow vampires to exist. Their followers are sent to defeat the vampires, but the scales can never tip too far. By their very nature, vampires act as lightning rods for negative energy; as they feed off it, they reduce its concentration in the world, and they absorb the foul byproducts of human conflict that would otherwise attract far greater evils.
A few vampires gain true insight into their natural position in the world. These arch-vampires do not accept that the gods should "allow" vampires to exist. The most powerful arch-vampires become demi-gods and travel to the outer planes, where they direct armies of minions and sponsor other arch-vampires.
For generations, the old gods regarded the arch-vampire demi-gods as a natural correction mechanism, much like wolves who feed on overpopulated deer. But now the wolves seek to become king. The vampire armies are becoming more active, and the forces of good have stepped up their efforts against them. For the first time, the scales are tipping toward the vampires' favor.
The Complete Guide to Vampires takes you into this world of bloodlust and power in an exploration of the greatest monster of all time. Learn of the many varieties of vampire, the strange energy that connects them all, and the greater implications of their presence in the world."
Monday, September 19, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Treants
From the Back of the Book:
"What happens when a forest dies? Its treant swears vengeance. Learn about the dark side of treants: fury, hatred, revenge, and the charred, undead creatures left behind when a treant burns...
The Complete Guide to Treants is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about treants. It includes:
- Detailed background material on treants, including their various groves, the guild-like brances of the Vine of Tales, their cosmology, the deep treants of the underdark and more.
- Stats and background on the dark side of treants: shadowed treants, who resort to great evils to protect their trees; forsaken trees, driven insane by the loss of their forest; the blasted, treants killed with fire then animated to walk again as undead; and more.
- Full stats for treants as a character race, including four new prestige classes: Treeherd, Woodwarden, Firesworn and Leafsinger."
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Rakshasas
Publisher Blurb:
"At the dawn of creation, the rakshasa openly ruled all the world. Greatest among them was one called Ravana, acknowledged by even the most egotistical rakshasa as their rightful king. He had been born into the world many times, growing in power with each incarnation, until finally he brought all mortal races under the power of rakshasa.
However, Ravana's rule was destined to end. He overlooked one particular mortal hero, who was reincarnated time and again, thwarting Ravana's schemes whenever he appeared. Finally, as Ravana was closing his grasp around the last few creatures who resisted his rule, this hero was born into the world one more time.
Under the name Ramachandra, this hero battled Ravana's allies and armies, overcoming them every time with his lethal archery and iron courage. What followed were battles that lasted years and filled the oceans with blood, but finally Ramachandra's bowmanship overcame Ravana's might, and the rakshasa lord was slain.
Rakshasas hold that when they die, they are judged by their great king Ravana. Those who possessed great power and cunning are reborn as even mightier individuals, and the greatest rakshasa will someday return as Ravana. In fact, before his last battle Ravana foretold that he would be reborn one more time into the world, prepared to enslave it forever with his wickedness. But he also warned that his ancient nemesis would return, wielding a flaming sword and mounted on a white horse as noble as himself.
The Complete Guide to Rakshasas takes you into this world of ancient myth and unbridled ambition in a journey where each adventure is merely one episode in an eons-spanning quest. Become a rakshasa undertaking grand schemes in the hopes of returning as Ravana. Hunt Ramachandra in whatever form he may take. Or simply take the reins of power and rule for a century or two . . .
- True revelations of the history, lore, and goals of the malevolent rakshasa.
- Rules for playing rakshasa and yaksha (half-rakshasa) as player characters.
- Rules and background for those who would defeat the rakshasa: the new yogi base class, the Hunter of the Firstborn prestige class, and organizations such as the Order of the Asthra and The Shattered Gate.
- Extensive DM guidelines on how to play a rakshasa to maximum effect. How do reincarnation, immortality, infinite patience, and absolute deceit manifest in game terms?
- New equipment, feats, magic items, and monsters to round out the rakshasa pantheon.
- And much more, all of it compatible with the 3.5 revision!"
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Liches
From the publisher:
"Do traces of humanity remain after a spellcaster's transformation into a lich? The answer is yes. This guide to liches humanizes the evil monster that has traditionally been relegated to the lowest levels of dank, dark dungeons.
Necromancers pursue the path to lichdom for many reasons. Some are truly evil with dark plans that will take centuries to complete. But others are looking for nothing more than immortality. The transformation to lichdom is shrouded in mystery and secrecy, and few who undertake the process fully understand all the implications. Many are completely unaware that the enigmatic rituals that promise immortality may have sinister side effects. Thus it is possible that some liches were once paladins pursuing a centuries-long plan of good, or researchers who only wanted a few more years to complete their studies. Over time, the necromantic energies of the creation rituals corrupted them, and now they are evil liches... but the spark of humanity remains.
The Complete Guide to Liches introduces the concept of the redeemed lich, who has sloughed off his undead life of evil, and the philolich, a mortal lover reanimated by her lich companion to keep him company as he whiles away his centuries. The "typical" lich is examined in detail, along with several new varieties, including the monstrously powerful drowlich and the time-challenged novalich (whose more limited creation rituals give him but one year to complete a specific task).
The Complete Guide to Liches is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about liches. It is the seventh volume in the Complete Guide series. Each Complete Guide is exactly what it sounds like: a complete guide to playing a given kind of monster. As a GM, you'll learn how to run that monster, both in combat and role-playing situations. The Complete Guide to Liches can be inserted easily into any fantasy setting."
Friday, September 16, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Fey
Publisher Blurb:
"The fey races are known for their magic and mystery -- but now, for the first time, they'll be known for what they truly are. The Complete Guide to Fey presents a groundbreaking rules system for tying all the fey races together. Using feats, templates, hosts, and completely new rules, it breaks down all the Monster Manual fey races, rebuilds them, and then ties them into a comprehensive overarching plot where the fate of all the known worlds hangs into the balance. Readers will learn the place of all the fey in this eternal drama, as well as how to craft their own fey races that tie into the ongoing plot. The Complete Guide to Fey is 100% world-neutral and stand-alone, and contains dozens of new monsters, spells, and characters."
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Drow
Publisher Blurb:
"Drow are the most feared denizens of the underdark, and with good reason. Since the civil war that first exiled the dark elves under the earth, they have been forced to fight for survival on a daily basis. Watched over by dark gods with cruel ambitions, the drow have spent thousands of years evolving into scheming, power-hungry warlords. This book tells their story.
The Complete Guide to Drow is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about drow. It focuses on aspects of the drow that escape coverage in conventional sources."
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Beholders
From publisher blurb:
"Behold: the ultimate resource for the ultimate monster. With enough material to sustain a campaign for years, the Complete Guide to Beholders offers a completely new perspective on this misunderstood monster. Far more than simply a book of new options, this work is a transformation of the beholder. It expands their social structure and cultural life in new ways, forever changing the way you play them. Inside you will find:
- A comprehensive look at the different varieties of beholders, including the nation-like Dominions by which they separate themselves, the differing ideologies of each Dominion, and stats for more than a dozen variants, including the Eyetouched template.
- An eye-opening look at beholder cultists and their infiltration of humanoid civilizations, including everything you need to play a cultist or one of the beholders' corrupted eyekin servants.
- A detailed guide to creating memorable beholder encounters, adventures, and long-term campaigns, covering tactical advice for combat, maps of common beholder lair designs, and new classes, feats, equipment, and magic items just for beholders.
- New player options for fighting against beholders, including new classes, spells, and organizations.
- And much more, all of it compatible with the 3.5 revision, with free bonus material available online."
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Goodman Games - The Complete Guide to Doppelgangers
From the Back of the Book:
"What if everyone around you were a doppelganger... and only you didn't know?
The Complete Guide to Doppelgangers is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about doppelgangers. It includes:
- The true origin of these bizarre creatures.
- Background on doppelganger social structure, including their various life stages and their relationship to mimics.
- Details on how the doppelgangers have penetrated human society.
- New feats and skills for doppelgangers, plus the dreaded Protean Warrior class.
- Unique campaign ideas centered around doppelgangers.
- New monster stats for intriguing variations on the standard doppelganger.
- Supplemental material online."
Monday, September 12, 2016
GDW Twilight 2000 - U.S. Army Vehicle Guide
From back cover:
"Serving as a comprehensive future projection of current armored vehicle design trends it includes:
Eight pages of color plates; thirty-six full color vehicles in all.
Complete game statistics for all combat vehicles in U.S. service in the year 2000.
Global U.S. order of battle as of the summer of the year 2000. Every division and separate brigade; its manpower and combat vehicle strengths, and its current loyalties."
Sunday, September 11, 2016
GDW Twilight 2000 - The Ruins of Warsaw
"Warsaw was levelled by six NATO nuclear devices in 1997. The city, even in its current state, provided some protection against the bandits who ruled the countryside. Baron Czarny moved into the city, taking as his own the former Palace of Culture and Sciences. From this new Twierdza Czarny (black fortress) the evil Baron commands his horde to pillage and subjugate everyone in and around the city.
The player characters have become involved in the battle for Warsaw, between the baron and the Milicya. They will play leading roles -- commanding troops, ambushing convoys, contacting other communities, and trying to survive in the rubble and debris of Warsaw.
Also are complete macro combat rules for Twilight: 2000. Now battles involving hundreds of men and vehicles may be resolved quickly, easily, and realistically.
Includes map of Warsaw and Twilight Miniatures Rules: Draft edition (also published as a supplement to Challenge issue 25)"
Saturday, September 10, 2016
GDW Twilight 2000 - The Free City of Krakow
"From back cover: An adventure module for Twilight: 2000. Krakow has been spared the worst of the war's devastation and has declared itself a free city.
Background material includes street maps with points of interest noted, from Wawel Castle to the "Wojo" munitions plant. Over a dozen important non-player characters are described in detail...
The module lays out several adventures which can take place in or around Krakow.
Finally, the module contains rules for incorporating helicopters into Twilight:2000 Krawkow's defense forces have an operational Mi-17 Hip (Krakow's "flying carpet")"
Friday, September 9, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
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