"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
NG - R1: Rappan Athuk - The Upper Levels
From the back cover:
"Enter the World's Most Legendary Dungeon: From the nefarious black skeletons to the lair of the arch-lich Zelkor, Rappan Athuk is the most famous and feared dungeon in all the lands. Do you seek the mithril gates? Or perhaps the ring of the sorcerer Akbeth? Does your quest take you to Hell itself? Then you have come to the right place. A pity you wont be staying long.
Death and Despair: The first in the R series of D20 dungeon modules by Necromancer Games, Rappan Athuk 1: The Upper Levels is the grand-daddy of all dungeon crawls! These caverns, passages, traps and hidden chambers defy even the most experienced adventurers. Rappan Athuk 1 features six levels of this infamous multi-level dungeon, including monsters your characters have never imagined in their worst nightmares. Need a new dungeon to go with those dragons? Rappan Athuk awaits!"
Monday, July 30, 2018
NG - R3: Rappan Athuk - The Lower Levels
Publisher Blurb:
"To What Depths Will You Sink?: Undaunted by the decimation of your party, the imprisonment of your wizard and the corruption of your priest to the service of Orcus, you still want more! But do you possess the courage to enter a level of Hell itself? Can you survive the White Corridor or the Pit of the Salamanders? And do you dare learn what lies beyond the legendary Mithril Gates? You must to descend into the darkest depths of Rappan Athuk to find out.
Destruction and Damnation?: Rappan Athuk The Lower Levels is the culmination of the most famous and feared dungeon in all the lands. Designed for characters of 12th level and higher and published for the D20 System, Rappan AthukThe Lower Levels is the last in the three-part R series of modules."
Sunday, July 29, 2018
NG - D1: The Tomb of Abysthor
From the website:
"Enter the catacombs near the desecrated Temple of Muir, Goddess of Paladins, and search for the lost Tomb of Abysthor. Can your heroes survive long enough to discover the secret of Abysthor's Tomb? Details the wilderness surrounding the desecrated shrines and the nearby nine level dungeon, including new monsters, new monster races, new magic items and new spells. For 4 to 6 characters level 2 to 8 and higher!"
Saturday, July 28, 2018
NeverWorld - Culturebook: Neuonians
From the back of the book:
"Culturebook: Neuonians includes:
- Turbo PC Maker
- Society Generator: Don't call it a night, create that town in 10 minutes!
- 50 new careers covering cultists, entertainers, fighters, law-makers, mages, priests, rogues, scholars, seafarers and smiths.
- Neuonian Wizardry, with 135 new spells
- Channeling powers, endowments, rituals, and politics of the Church of Morning Light, as well as their secret enemy: the Cult of Derimidos.
- Wizard sodalities and Knights leagues, to give advanced characters something to strive for.
- Details of the seven city-states, told from the Neuonian perspective.
- Neuonian weapon and armor charts, with each weapon described.
- Unique cultural skills, including Corner, Desire, Endure, Mind Guard, Sympathy, and Synergy.
- Stats for the Cymerial Warrior: legendary evil of Neuon and borderland guardian.
- The continuing adventures of Daphne, Victor, and Mustaka, in "And Magic to Guide Them By"
Friday, July 27, 2018
NeverWorld - Culturebook Hourani
From the Back of the Book:
"Culturebook: Hourani includes:
- More than 8 careers for each of the 9 houses of Hourani
- The Hourani Wizardry magic system with the first 60 spells
- Priestly endowments, rituals and channeling powers of the Fidel Draconus religion - the dragon worshippers!
- History, Politics, Resources and detailed locations of the 7 city states of Neuon - complete with adventure ideas.
- Hourani Weapons and Armor charts
- Cultural Skills including the metamorphing skill
- Stats for the Legendary Beast known as the Krulak that hunts Hourani in the night.
- Independent descriptions for female careers, politics, history, religion and the third metamorph form for females only - predator form!
- "Night of Secrets" solo adventure by Scott R. Cohen introduces you to the City State of Cortez and teaches you the rules of the game in minutes!
- Quick generation templates to make Hourani generation simple, fast and fun."
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Neo-Anarchist's: The Guide to North America
From the back of the book:
"Take a tour of North America with the slightly warped. Learn the ins and outs of major cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas/Forth Worth, New York, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. Make your next vacation an exciting one, one they'll never forget.
The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America details the countries, states, and politics of Shadowrun's North America. This sourcebook covers the laws, relative costs of goods (what to smuggle and to whom), corporate activity (who's bought whom, and just what are they really up to), and life in general (and how to screw it up in style!) across the continent in 2050."
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
N4: Treasure Hunt
From the back cover:
"The island of Viledel, the mighty Sea King, was sacked by a pirate army 60 years ago. Its destruction was so complete that even the location of the island was lost and forgotten. Despite the rumors of immense treasures still hidden in the ruined stronghold, no one ever found the Sea King's island again.
Until now. Through the cruel twist of fate, a small band of unwilling adventures is washed ashore on a small, barren island, and discovers what remains of the Viedel's settlement. But they aren't alone; marauding orcs and goblins have found the island, too, and are frantically searching for the lost hoard. In this desperate treasure hunt, the real payoff may be survival.
Treasure Hunt is different from other AD&D game adventures. The player characters begin the game at 0 level, without choosing a class, and must work their way up to the 1st level. It is perfect for a group of beginning players or experienced players looking for a new and different challenge,"
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
N2: The Forest Oracle
From the cover:
"The land lies under a curse. Fruit drops to the ground, its pulp black and rotten. Leaves curl and wither on the branches. Animals flee the parched vale, or starve.
Long ago, the Downs prospered under the care of Druids. But the priests of nature have retreated deep into the woods and rarely show themselves. One old man claims that the Druids have the power to save the valley, if only someone could find their Oracle to seek help. Will you reach the Forest Oracle of the Druids in time? And if you do, can they really lift the curse?
Or does the answer lie elsewhere?
Only the most daring and cunning adventurers will save the Downs. For character levels 2-4."
Monday, July 23, 2018
MZ3 - Tower Chaos
From the back cover:
"Ersille's loyal subjects say that it was the Queen's death which drove King Ovar to the brink of madness, to reopen the slave pens, to order the mass executions, to persecute the good but misled people of the kingdom, and to ignore the fact that he was no longer a king but a beast!
Four stalwart characters are charged with assassinating King Ovar. They must penetrate TOWER CHAOS and at the right moment strike Ovar dead!
TOWER CHAOS includes several scenarios, some which expand upon Prisoners of the Maze and Dimensions of Flight. Included herein are trend-setting tower encounter systems and schedule matrices, plus a mystery complete with an ironic twist...
This module adventure is recommended for advanced player characters of skill levels 9-12. It is compatible with the most popular ADVANCED FRP game system(s)."
Sunday, July 22, 2018
MZ2 - Dimensions of Flight
From the back cover:
"A door is easily unlocked isn't it? And isn't the key always under the mat?
The assassins have become the pursued and the intended victim is now the victimizer. The characters have failed to assassinate King Ovar. They now flee for their lives, for four keys, for their only future in the world of the sane. Through desert climes, up mountain peaks not of the world, to a land with blue and black snow, and onto a not so happy Happy Hunting Grounds -- they flee, and fight!
Dimensions of Flight is a FRP adventure for 4-6 characters skill levels 8-12. This adventure can stand alone or is usable with its three companion modules in the MAZE OF ZAYENE series. It is compatible with the most popular ADVANCED FRP game system(s)."
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Mythic RPG
From the web:
"Most Role-Playing Games operate under the principle that there are players and there is a Game Master. The GM prepares all the details of an adventure, and then "runs" the players through that adventure. This usually requires a great deal of preparation on the part of the GM.
Mythic is different in that it requires no preparation from the GM. Mythic adventures are meant to be played off the cuff, with perhaps a few minutes of brainstorming to come up with the initial setup. Mythic can also be played entirely without a GM. The same mechanics in Mythic that allow a GM to run an adventure without preparation also allows a group of players to do without the GM.
In a Mythic adventure, the GM (or players sans GM) can start an evening's entertainment with about five minutes of preparation. As the adventure unfolds, the GM is just as surprised by the twists and turns as the players are.
There are various ways in which Mythic can be used:
- No GM, multiple players: Players decide on an opening scenario, and perhaps a few details or two, and Mythic takes it from there. All action is decided through the asking of yes/no questions and the application of logical principles. By answering questions, the adventure moves along, with the occasional random event throwing players a curve ball. The action is broken into scenes, just like in a movie, to keep everything straight.
- No GM, one player: Mythic can be used to go solo. There have been many solo systems in the past. But let's be honest, they weren't so great. Solo play in Mythic works the same as group play. You're just alone.
- One GM, any number of players: For those who like to be a GM, we have something for you, too. The same tools that allow Mythic to automatically generate adventures on the fly without a GM also work with a GM. This means very little to zero preparation, if you don't want to prepare. Simply create an opening scenario (hey, you can come up with that on the drive over!) and follow Mythic as it guides you along. Mythic will throw in its own twists and turns, so the GM will be just as shocked as the players.
- Mythic, stand-alone: Mythic can be played as a complete role-playing game. The same logic-based tools that guide an adventure along can also answer other questions, such as "Did Boltar's sword hit the goblin?" On its own, Mythic is a free-form and interpreted system. Much of the details defining a campaign world will come up as the adventure proceeds.
- Mythic with other RPGs: Mythic's main strength is the ability to generate dynamic, unfolding adventures on the fly. Mythic can replace the GM even if you're playing another role-playing game and not using Mythic rules as the core rules for your campaign. Mythic takes the place of the GM, but the main RPG's rules still handle character creation, combat, task resolution and everything else. Questions that players would normally ask the GM are now asked to Mythic, instead."
Friday, July 20, 2018
Mystara - Monstrous Compendium Appendix
From the back of the book...
"Rare dragons, wondrous giants, bizarre humanoids . . . For years such creatures have filled classic D&D campaigns set in the world of Mystara, along with the exotic hivebrood, rakasta, thoul, and many more.
Now, for the first time ever, more than 100 of Mystara's unique and most popular creatures have been devel¬oped and defined in AD&D game terms! This must-have volume will delight and horrify players of the new AD&D MYSTARA campaign as well as any fan of the all-time favorites within."
Thursday, July 19, 2018
MWG - The Final Chapter (Part One)
From the back cover:
"The game that appeals to the lowest common denominator is back! The game that would not die has yet another supplement! They said it couldn't be done! They said it shouldn't be done! They were probably right! We did it anyway! The Final Chapter is here, with new maps, scenarios, rules and counters for Macho Women with Guns! There's more exciting stuff too, but we've reached our quota of exclamation points, and so we can't tell you about it!
"And, as a bonus, you also get the complete rules to Walker Wars, the game of senile savagery, where you, the 90-year-old survivors of WWIII, must battle to the death for the vital supplies necessary for survival in a hostile world. But don't fall down, you might break a hip..."
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
MV1 - Midnight on Dagger Alley
From the back cover:
"As darkness presses into the narrow, muddy alleys of Goldstar, silent shadows slip out of hiding. Now is the hour for cutpurses and cutthroats to creep into the night to do their work. Would-be victims bar their doors and lie sleepless in their dingy hovels waiting for dawn.
Your task sends you into this dismal, dangerous place after sundown. No moon lights your steps as you scurry past yowling cats in smoke, fog-filled alleys. Above you and beneath you lurk unseen encounters. Somewhere ahead in the despairing gloom lies your goal, if you can survive Midnight on Dagger Alley.
This module uses the 'Magic Viewer' (a red cellophane window) to obfuscate content for solo play."
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Mutazoids - 2nd Edition
From the back of the book:
"Mutazoids 2nd edition is a post-holocaust role-playing game. It takes place in a dark future with political and racial overcasts caused by governmental suppression of the mutant majority. Players create Enforcers - the futures equivalent to police officers who carry out laws passed by the cruel government known as the Second Republic.
Mutazoids 2nd edition contains 30 more pages than the original game. These pages include more information on secret political organizations, new equipment, a beginning scenario... plus a lot more.
The year is 2173, one-hundred and sixty years after an accidental virus was released into the earth's atmosphere. It caused death to over 80 percent of the world's population. The majority that survived are mutated, and society is slowly crumbling. It is up to you to keep chaos from prevailing. That is your job... you are an Enforcer!"
Monday, July 16, 2018
Mutants Down Under
From the web:
"The game's story is set in a post-apocalyptic Australia, where mutant animals form the predominant societies. Tasmania is the bastion of technologically advanced civilization, while the mainland is largely under the sway of the aboriginal Dreamtime philosophy. Invading forces from Jakarta, comprised primarily of human and mutant Water Buffalo forces, threaten both ways of life. It includes rules for many species of native Australian and southeast Asian animals, as well as riding insects, and various airships."
Publisher blurb:
"This thrilling sourcebook takes you to the fabulous outback of Australia. It is a very different world than the savage Americas. Man and animal live in peace, but a new threat from the north threatens that peace.
The Jakartan government from Malaysia has invaded. Their airships rove the skies, seeding the outback with horrible, mutant, man-eating plants, while their army of humans and mutant water buffalo roam the land.
• 20 great, new Australian mutant animals.
• New skills and psionic powers.
• Riding giant mutant insects.
• Airship construction and combat rules.
• Compatible with Heroes Unlimited and the Megaverse."
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Mutant Chronicles: The Techno-Fantasy Roleplaying Game
From the back of the book:
"It all began in the darkness of the void.
We freed ourselves from the hell we had created on Earth, but freedom had a price.
The weak and the poor fell victim to the Corporations, who rule the solar system.
Driven by their greed, the Corporations laid claim to the tenth planet and woke the sleeping
beast, may its name be forever despised.
Thus did the Dark Legion descend on us, howling for our death and destruction.
Now is the time to conquer our fear and stand up against the tidal wave of the Dark Symmetry.
Now is the time for heroes."
Saturday, July 14, 2018
MegaTraveller - Referee's Manual
From the book:
"The Referee's Manual. This book is intended as a rules reference for the Traveller referee. It includes coverage of vehicle and starship design, starship combat, world and star system generation and description, animal encounters, trade and commerce, detailed task resolution, and administration of adventures.
Other Traveller Rules Books. This book is part of a three-book set which provides basic rules and background for playing the game.
The companion Players' Manual is a basic compilation of Traveller rules and concepts for the individual player. It includes coverage of character generation, combat resolution, psionics, and tasks.
The companion Imperial Encyclopedia is a basic reference for both players and referees. It includes historical essays on the Imperium and other interstellar empires, descriptions of starships and vehicles, lists of equipment and prices, maps of territories, and other information valuable to players and referees.
Traveller is a role-playing game. MegaTraveller is the name of this Traveller rules system set against the background of star-spanning rebellion in the Imperium."
Friday, July 13, 2018
MegaTraveller - Players' Handbook
From the back of the book:
"In less than a minute, the fortunes of the Imperium have turned. An assassin has cut down the emperor and his heirs in one bold strike, throwing the largest interstellar empire in history into chaos. There are many candidates for the empty throne, and without agreement on their qualifications, the worlds of the Imperium are divided in their allegiances. The assassin himself controls three rebellious sectors. The emperor's nephew has assumed the throne. Fleet battles rage throughout the empire. Alien forces, sensing weakness, have crossed the Imperium's borders. Sector after sector falls to the chaos of rebellion.
Traveller sets an ongoing drama of role-playing adventure in this shattered Imperium. Players travel between star systems, taking sides in the rebellion, fighting for their cause while fighting to stay alive. The dangers of space and the dangers of a shattered Imperium provide never-ending excitement in the far future.
The Player's Manual: This book is a basic compilation of Traveller rules and concepts for the individual player. It includes character generation, combat reolution, psionics and tasks (the key to using all of Traveller's rules systems)."
Thursday, July 12, 2018
MegaTraveller - Imperial Encyclopedia
From Back Cover:
"This book is a reference for both players and referees. It includes essays on the Imperium and other interstellar empires, descriptions of starships and vehicles in common use throughout known space, lists of equipment available on the open market and its prices, maps, and other information valuable to players and referees alike.
This book is part of a three-book set which provides the basic rules and background for playing the game."
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
MSH MX3: Reap the Whirlwind
From the back cover:
"You've been hounded by jack-booted, white-shirted vigilantes. You've been hunted by killer robots.
You've lived like an animal.
You've had enough.
Now it's time for mutants to fight back, time for the hunted to become the hunters. You've learned to survive, to thrive, by striking from the shadows. A thrust here. A blow there.
Now word has begun to circulate of a mutant with enough power to frighten the Sentinels...of equipment which can give mutants a fighting chance against their oppressors...of a man with a vision, a vision of a mutant army capable of overwhelming any foe.
You'll strike like a whirlwind and reap what you can. Your lives will never be the same.
The thought appeals to you.
Reap the Whirlwind is the third chapter in the Future in Falmes series designed for use with the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set. It includes a 32-page book and a 33"x22.5" full-color map."
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
MSH MX2: The X-Potential
From the back cover:
"One Hundred Thousand to Attend Mutant Execution," one headline screams. "Senator Hints at Link Between Mutant, Commie Plots!" shouts another. In the Streets, white-shirted men wearing distinctive armband of the Knights of Genetic Purity march in lockstep, treading underfoot any suspected of being soft on mutants. In the public schools, kindergarten children raise their arms in clenched fist salute of the National American Social Improvement Party and chat the party slogan, "One People, One Blood, One Nation!"
Is this but a super hero's nightmare? No. This is America; home town U.S.A., 25 to 50 years in the future. In this America, constitutional government is all but gone. Real power is held by the sentinels, a group of powerful robots programmed to seek out and capture or destroy all human mutants and all beings with any hint of super poewrs. Sharing power with the sentinels are a handful of political demagogues who keep the population whipped into a constant frenzy about the mutant menace. Any super heroes who survive in this hostile environment do so by constantly facing the full military, political, and technological might of a new totalitarian state in the making.
The X-Potential is the second in a series of MARVEL SUPER HEROES game adventures set in the nightmare world of the future. It can be played as a complete adventure in its own right, or as part of the ongoing MX series"
Monday, July 9, 2018
MSH MT2: The Weird, Weird West
From the back cover:
"It was all supposed to be so easy. But after the heroes go through a tour of duty in WWII (not bad for heroes born ing the 1950's!), things once again get complicated.
It seems that time travel is once again called for, but this time things are kind of strange. In fact, history itself has begun to disappear! All kinds of people are showing up where they shouldn't be - or not showing up where they should!
The key seems to fall somewhere in the 1870's, around Dodge City, Kansas. All you've got to do is go there and fix the problems.
But Dodge is a city under siege - a siege that only Superheroes can break. Ready to attack are the armies of Napoleon, Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great!
The Weird, Weird, West is the second in the three-part TIME WARP series of adventures. It is designed for the WEST COAST AVENGERS - but any character can play."
Sunday, July 8, 2018
MSH MSL4: Stygian Knight
From the publisher:
"Stygian has finally mastered the cosmic control rod. He comes out of hiding and tries to conquer Earth - determined to use the humans as an invasion force to conquer the negative zone. The Fantastic Four face their most difficult mission yet: save the fate of Earth."
Saturday, July 7, 2018
MSH MSL3: Spore of Arthros
From the back of the adventure:
"The Cosmic Control Rod Trilogy continues as the FANTASTIC FOUR ventures into the Negative Zone to face off against ANNIHILUS, the Rod's creator. Agents of SHIELD are lost in the anti-matter of the Negative Zone, and it's up to you heroes to save them. Once inside the Zone, you must face the wrathful return of the evil artificial intelligence of QUASIMODO. The final conflict on Annihilus' planet shows that, even weakened, the despotic Spore of Arthros and Terror of the Negative Zone is still one of the most dangerous and powerful villains ever seen. The adventure contains a surprise ally who makes even ANNIHILUS quake as he approaches.
This module contains...
- New technology from the Negative Zone and equipment for the FANTASTIC FOUR including the powerful Astral Command Staff!
- A surprise "voluminous" guest star!
- The return of two of Marvel's greatest villains in one adventure!
- The chance for you to be the first on your block to save the Earth from total destruction!"
Friday, July 6, 2018
MSH MLA3: Night Life
From the back cover:
"You've been through more in the last few weeks than most normal folks go through in a lifetime. From stolen artifacts to synthetic chemicals, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art to Chinatown, from firefights to fireworks: you've seen it all.
Well...you thought you had.
A boy-genius has been reported missing, and clues are few. On top of this, the gang wars are still blazing, and the Imperial Dawn is about to break. But, there are those UFO's in Central Park...and that problem in Coney Island to deal with...and naturally, you're the only ones for the job!
NIGHT LIFE is playable as a stand-alone adventure, or as the final part of the GANG WARS trilogy. Alternate starting points are provided for characters who have not gone through the first two sections of this story line."
Thursday, July 5, 2018
MSH MLA2: Night Moves
From the back cover:
"The theft of an obscure diary from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A series of unsolved disappearances in Chinatown. A ghostly apparition in a Chinese restaurant. Are these unrelated incidents, or are they segments of a greater whole?
Attacks by the Silver Samurai and Si Fan assassins provide some clues to the heroes, who are drawn into the maelstrom of gang activity spreading through Chinatown in New York City. The exotic backdrop of Chinese culture sets the stage for a whirlwind introduction to the underground populated by tongs and ganglords. A search for the Celestial One becomes a matter of life and death for the heroes, who well may not live to see the Imperial Dawn...
If you have played "After Midnight", you can continue the excitement with "Night Moves." Even if you haven't used the previous adventure in this trilogy, you can still jump in with both feet using hte alternate beginning provided. And, either way, be sure to finish the fun with "Night Life", the third and final installment coming later this year!"
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
MSH - MHSP2: Secret Wars II
From the back of the book:
"Men call him the Beyonder - the most powerful known being in this or any other universe. Capable of destroying galaxies at will, of transcending time and space, of defeating death itself, this being has all-too-recently kidnapped the greatest heroes and villains of Earth to fight in his SECRET WARS.
Now he's coming to Earth."
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
MSH MHAC-09: Realms of Magic
From the back cover:
"The frontiers of the Marvel Universe are vast and some can be crossed only by those who have mastered the arcane arts of sorcery. Those who follow the mystic way, like Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, are among the greatest of heroes. In the worlds beyond ours lurk their awesome foes -- the dread Dormmammu, the malefic Nightmare, the treacherous Baron Mordo.
Within this work the mysteries of Marvel magic are revealed. New rules and explanations on using magic, new spells, and details on creating magical characters are included. More than twenty mystic dimensions are described. Full details are provided on the most important magical items, including Doctor Strange's amulet, Shaman's pouch, and Magik's mystical sword. Sixteen of Marvel's mightiest sorcerers are presented in full detail. This is a treasure-trove of wonders from the pages of Marvel Comics.
What is in the package:
This game accessory is designed for use with the MARVEL SUPER HEROES Role-Playing Game. This package includes a 40-page rulebook on magic, a 40-page sourcebook with further explanations and detail, and a 16-page book on Marvel magicians."
Monday, July 2, 2018
MSH MHAC-04: Pit of the Viper
From the back cover:
"Your MARVEL SUPER HEROES are all over Manhattan desperately battling evil minions in Rathbone Park, next to Guido's Grocery, on top of the Keash Mall, and on the corner of 9th Avenue and Hayes Street...
What minions? Well, ah...
Running a heroic conflict between the minions of a MARVEL SUPER VILLAIN and a group of MARVEL SUPER HEROES is quick, easy, and exciting with these ADVENTURE FOLD-UP Figures. Using the minions and machines inside, you can bring any MARVEL SUPER HEROES adventure to life.
This game accessory also includes the special MARVEL SUPER HEROES adventure, Pit of the Viper. Heroes must penetrate the NIHILIST' complex to foil VIPER's venomous plot!
This game accessory is designed for use with the MARVEL SUPER HEROES role-playing game. This package includes over 70 ADVENTURE FOLD-UP Figures -- new machines and minions to staff and equip the lair of any despotic, power-hungry villain that you wish."
Sunday, July 1, 2018
MSH - MH-9: Gates of What If?
From the web:
"You are in a world where Reed Richards did not live to become Mister Fantastic! Ben Grimm is the Thing, but he's not rocky and orange - he's wearing a power suit! And wait just one minute - you say that Victor Von Doom is a HERO?
Where are you?
You have passed through the Gates of What If - into a divergent universe, where things are almost the same, with a few changes. Victor has plans - and you're invited."
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