"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Thursday, June 30, 2011

AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn, Soul Switch

The Shady Dragon Inn is the basic D&D equivalent to the Rogues Gallery. It  varies in a few ways but it is essentially the same type of product. This  offers the DM over 100 pregenerated characters that they can use as needed in  their campaign.

Shady Dragon Inn was released in 1983 and is thirty-two pages in length. It  is written for use under both the Basic and Expert rule systems. The  accessory is broken down into sections by classes and race. The product  begins with an introduction to the product and instructions on how to use it.  It then offers a section for special characters. This is actually a section  that contains game data for the characters and NPCs in the D&D/AD&D toy line.  The final section provides the DM a list of adventuring parties that can be  located in the Shady Dragon Inn. These are comprised of characters from the  earlier sections and are grouped in a number of different ways. Finally a map  of the Inn is provided for the DM.

The sections each offer a number of different non-player characters in them.  Each of the NPCs is given its own small section with their name, a stat  block, the equipment they carry, spells if any and finally a brief bio and  motivation paragraph. The breakdown of the sections are below along with the  number of NPCs in that section.

Fighters - 23
Magic-Users - 19
Clerics - 17
Thieves - 14
Dwarves - 10
Elves - 12
Halflings - 10
Special Characters - 13

The Parties section is broken down so that there is a high and low level  party for each of the characters classes and races. The sole exception here  is Halflings who only get one party list. There is than a section for low  level and high level mixed. These section have a list of NPCs from each race  and class that can be selected from. One note on this section is that it  starts with the section title "The Shady Dragon Tavern" but then goes back to  calling it an inn.

This accessory in many ways is better than the Rogues Gallery in my mind.  Rather than just table after table of stat blocks the DM is given actual NPCs  with a name, equipment and some background in addition to a stat block. An  example of one is below. I present Faradore Fairwind - Halfling.

S 12; I 9; W 9; C 11; D 9; CH 11; AL N;
LV 5; AC 3; hp 27; P/D 5; MW 6; S/P 7;
DB 9; SP/MS 8; THACO 17 [16 using
short sword +1]

Wears plate mail; carries short sword, 1
dagger, short bow and 10 arrows.

Faradore stands 3'1" and weighs 49 lbs. He
was once a seafarer: his light brown hair is
bleached by the sun, he walks like a sailor,
wears a scraggly moustache, and has a
parrot that perches on his shoulder. In
some foreign land, he gained a beautiful
silver-bladed shortsword. Many like to have
him along on expeditions because he can
watch the skies and tell them what to
expect from the weather. Though he will
venture underground, he does not like to
do so: he likes to feel the wind on his face.

If you like this sort of thing I suggest you pick it up. I find the character  writes up interesting to read and am glad to have a copy.


Soul Switch

Level: Ninth
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Ares Effect: One Creature
Components: V,S
Casting Time: One Segment
Saving Throw: Negates

By means of this spell the caster is able to switch souls with another living being. For this to work the victim or willing recipient must have a soul so creatures with a spirit may not be victims/recipients of this spell.

To have this spell affect them the victim must be touched by the caster. If the recipient is willing there is nothing that needs done. If the person being affected is not willing the caster needs to make a successful To Hit roll. If not willing the victim is allowed a save and if successful the spell does not take affect. It is important to note that there is no knowledge exchanged so the caster knows nothing more tan they already did about the recipient.

Once the spell takes affect the souls of the two parties will switch places. This will mean that the two parties will inhabit the others body. They will carry with them all of their levels, abilities and skills. Mental attributes will transfer (including Charisma) but not physical attributes.

The duration of the spell will be an affect of the difference in the intelligence of the two victims modified by the difference in Wisdom. The spell will last  for at least one day. The effect will be added to by one day cumulative per point of intelligence difference. So if there is one point it adds one day but two points will add three and three will add six. The maximum duration will be 121 days unless the casters intelligence is higher than eighteen. The effect will be lessened by difference in Wisdom in a like manner.

While in the others body the caster will suffer whatever fate befalls the victim and vice versa. There is no lag in the effect so they caster will need to be aware that the victim can act as soon as the switch occurs. If the victim or caster dies while in the others body they suffer the fate of the body and the change is permanent.

Disclaimer: The spells that you will see, for how ever long the write ups last, were all written up or conceived of back in the 80's so the terminology may not appropriate for anything other than 1e and depending on how well I did back then it may be slightly off for that as well. If there is any duplication of spells that exist now it is most likely I wrote mine first :) Please feel free to comment on them but try not to be too hard on me. If anyone wishes to use these in anything they print please let me know in advance and all I ask is proper credit.

1 comment:

Dyson Logos said...

The other thing I really appreciated over the Rogues Gallery is that each character had an illustration. Sure, it was part of a massive illo of all the characters of that class, but it was still a graphical representation.

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