"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
Friday, March 16, 2012
Al-Qadim Reunion, Inner Demons
This is a module I have never had the opportunity to run or lay through. I t was apparently initially a three part GenCon tournament module. I will not give too much away but the premise makes it easy to see it as a three part tournament module. I am not sure how this would play out in a normal campaign type of situation. I really see this being better served as a one shot adventure perhaps to introduce the setting.
Published: 1998
Pages: 32
From the back cover:
Once, the Tribe of Altair roamed the sands, free as the great eagle on the wind. Now, caged by an evil mage, these desert riders yearn for their lost freedom. But Fate takes a hand as a noble djinn seeks to fulfill an ancient wish....
In this unusual three-part scenario, players first take the roles of the men of the tribe, who stage a revolt after being enslaved in the Pit of the Laughing Efreeti and then try to battle their way to freedom. In the second part, the PCs are the women of the tribe, who must escape the evil flame mage's harem and use all their wits to win free of a strange city. Finally, the children of the tribe have to slip away from an evil temple before they can be sacrificed, which calls for them to embark on a magic carpet ride that promises to be the adventure of their lifetimes.
An AL-QADIM adventure for up to six characters.
Inner Demons
Level: Fourth
Range: 9"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 Target/ 2 Levels
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 6 Segments
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast the magic user will cause each target to be confronted with their "inner demons". These will take the form of some monster feared by the target or lacking knowledge of that a monstrosity apparently from the lower planes.
There is in reality no physical manifestation. The entity and the combat all take place in the mind of the victim. Since the manifestation is taking the form of something feared by the victim all attack and saving throw rolls will be made at -2. The attacker will have the exact same stats as the target and access to only the exact same spell, abilities or equipment though these will appear to be in other forms perhaps. It is important to note that none of what happens in this combat as far as damage or any spell/equipment use is real.
The outcome of the inner battle will determine the effect of the spell. If the target defeats the inner demon then they will receive a boon of +2 to all attack rolls and saving throws for the duration of the encounter with the caster. If they fail to defeat the inner demons then they will receive a -2 and will have their hit point total lowered by 25%. It is important to note that this spell will affect an individual who has had it cast on them before regardless of the previous outcome. They will simply be battling other inner demons.
Disclaimer: The spells that you will see, for how ever long the write ups last, were all written up or conceived of back in the 80's so the terminology may not appropriate for anything other than 1e and depending on how well I did back then it may be slightly off for that as well. If there is any duplication of spells that exist now it is most likely I wrote mine first :) Please feel free to comment on them but try not to be too hard on me. If anyone wishes to use these in anything they print please let me know in advance and all I ask is proper credit.
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