"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Saturday, August 31, 2024

X3: Curse of Xanathon (1982)

An Adventure Module for Character Levels 5-7

From the Front Cover:

"The Curse of Xanathon combines town and wilderness adventuring in an exciting series of five detective-type scenarios. This challenging adventure supplies eight pre-generated characters to help you get int the game fast, plus a bonus section for further town adventures."

From the Back Cover:

Something is rotten in Rhoona...

When the grotesque god, Cretia, casts his ugly shadow over the town, strange things start happening. First, Duke Stephen vanishes. Then the bizarre proclamations begin coming out of the Ducal Palace... dwarves are outlawed... taxes must be paid in beer... horses must be ridden backwards. Soon the entire town is in an uproar and a dwarven army is marching on Rhoona. This is the situation when you and your party of valiant adventurers arrive in the suffering town.

There you find...

  • A ragged beggar who prowls the streets offering cryptic advice.
  • A mysterious black-garbed cleric planning treachery.
  • A trusted soldier plotting his master's overthrow.
  • A sinister jewel casting its evil emanations over the town.

You and your party are Rhoona's last hope. Only YOU can unravel the dark mystery that plagues the town and save Rhoona from... the Curse of Xanathon.


Friday, August 30, 2024

X7: The War Rafts of Kron (1984)

From the back cover:

The Ierendi princess, Corinna, has disappeared.

She set sail aboard a ship of the Minrothad Guilds - the guild's ships which have been pirated and plundered for many weeks. Trade is horribly disrupted as many ships leave, never to be seen again.
The guild masters now call for adventurers of great skill and renown. They offer small fortunes to any who can help them discover who is pirating their ships. But most importantly, to any who can rescue the princess.

Can you and your party of adventurers defeat the dangers which lurk in the dark depths of a terrifying sea? Or, will you find a watery grave within the cold confines of a murky sea floor?

This game adventure contains special rules for underwater adventuring.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

B1: In Search of the Unknown (1979) - Fourth Printing +

The first introductory Module for the basic Dungeons and Dragons line in 1979.

From the cover:

This package (a cover folder with maps and descriptive booklet within) forms a complete module for use with BASIC DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. It is especially designed as an instructional aid for beginning Dungeon Masters and players, specifically created to enable new Dungeon Masters to initiate play with a minimum of preparation. With only minor modifications, this module is also eminently suitable for use with ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS as well.

In addition to descriptive and situational material, this module also includes special informational sections giving: background history and legends, listings of possible monsters and treasures and how to place them, a list of adventuring characters, tips on various aspects of play for the Dungeon Master, and helpful advice for starting players.

If you enjoy this module, look for more releases in the D & D family from TSR, The Game Wizards!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

B2: The Keep on the Borderlands (1980)

This is another copy and a different printing

 Excerpt from the adventure:


The Realms of mankind is narrow and constricted. Always the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed fall prey to the evil which surrounds them. Yet, there are always certain exceptional and brave members of humanity, as well as similar individuals among its allies - dwarves, elves, and halflings - who rise above the common level and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise overwhelm the land. Bold adventurers from the Realm set off to the Borderlands to seek their fortune. (...)

You are indeed members of that exceptional class, adventurers who have journeyed to the Keep on the Borderlands in search of fame and fortune.

 From the web:

The Keep on the Borderlands includes a cover folder with maps and a complete description booklet to form a ready-made scenario for Basic Dungeons & Dragons. It has been specially designed for use by beginning Dungeon Masters so that they may begin play with a minimum of preparations. Within are many features to aid novice players and Dungeon Masters: legends, history and background information, a list of adventuring characters, tips on how to be an effective Dungeon Master, plus an interesting area for characters to base themselves in (the Keep) before setting out to explore the Caves of Chaos!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

B2: The Keep on the Borderlands (1980)

Excerpt from the adventure:


The Realms of mankind is narrow and constricted. Always the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed fall prey to the evil which surrounds them. Yet, there are always certain exceptional and brave members of humanity, as well as similar individuals among its allies - dwarves, elves, and halflings - who rise above the common level and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise overwhelm the land. Bold adventurers from the Realm set off to the Borderlands to seek their fortune. (...)

You are indeed members of that exceptional class, adventurers who have journeyed to the Keep on the Borderlands in search of fame and fortune.

From the web:

The Keep on the Borderlands includes a cover folder with maps and a complete description booklet to form a ready-made scenario for Basic Dungeons & Dragons. It has been specially designed for use by beginning Dungeon Masters so that they may begin play with a minimum of preparations. Within are many features to aid novice players and Dungeon Masters: legends, history and background information, a list of adventuring characters, tips on how to be an effective Dungeon Master, plus an interesting area for characters to base themselves in (the Keep) before setting out to explore the Caves of Chaos!

Monday, August 26, 2024

B3: Palace of the Silver Princess (Green) (1981)

From the web:

Not long ago the valley was green and animals ran free through golden fields of grain. The Princess Argenta ruled over this peaceful land and the people were secure and happy. Then one day a warrior riding a white dragon appeared in the skies over the castle and almost overnight the tiny kingdom fell into ruin. Now only ruins and rumors remain, and what legends there are tell of a fabulous treasure still buried somewhere within the Palace of the Silver Princess. 

This module is for use with the D&D Basic Set and is specifically designed for beginning players and DMs. Contained within are maps of the palace and its dungeons, background information, new monsters and a special preliminary adventure for novice DMs and players alike.

Introductory Module for Character Levels 1-3

Sunday, August 25, 2024

B4: The Lost City (1982)

From the cover:

Lost in the desert! The only hope for survival lies in a ruined city rising out of the sands. Food, water, and wealth await heroic adventurers inside an ancient pyramid ruled by a strange race of masked beings.

The module includes a cover folder with maps, and a descriptive booklet with a ready-made adventure for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Basic game. It also includes enough information to continue the adventure beyond level 3, using the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Expert game rules.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

B5: Horror on the Hill (1983)

From the web:

The end of the road. A lonely fort stands on the banks of a mighty river. It is here the hardy bands of adventurers gather to plan their conquests of The Hill, the hulking mass that looms over this tiny settlement. The Hill is filled with monsters, they say, and an evil witch makes her home there. Still, no visitor to The Hill has ever returned to prove the rumors true or false. The thrill of discovery is too great to pass up, and only the river stands in the way. The adventurers' boat is waiting! This module is designed for use with the D&D Basic Rules. A trip through the wilderness begins a unique challenge for the novice player and Dungeon Master. Included in the module are 11 maps, 3 new monsters, and a complete set of prerolled characters. 

Only the mighty River Shrill separates you from the mysterious mountain. Will you be the first to return or will you fall prey to the Horror on the Hill? For character levels 1-3.

Friday, August 23, 2024

EX1: Dungeonland (1983)

From the back cover:

As adventurers you may think you have seen everything: certainly your skills have brought you through unimaginable dangers. But now you suddenly find yourself in a place unlike any through which you have travelled: astounding, dangerous, and even amusing things confront you as you journey, both indoors and outdoors, through the unique and wondrous realm of Dungeonland.

This module was first conceived by E. Gary Gygax as part of the Greyhawk Castle dungeon complex and has been the source of challenge and fun for many skilled players of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons(R) game. It is finally available to all players and can be added to your existing campaign with ease.

Dungeonland is also designed so that it may be used along with its soon-to-be-released companion scenario, Dungeon Module EX2, The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror. Still, Dungeonland may easily be played on its own, and should offer hours of excitement in its strange landscape!


Thursday, August 22, 2024

EX2: The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror (1983)

From the front cover:

Adventure module for character levels 9-12
The companion module to E. Gary Gygax's Dungeonland, The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror continues your adventures in a land of wonder and danger!

From the back cover:

Your adventures have taken you to strange places before, but in the eyes of your experienced party, few of these places are as unusual as the bizarre Land Beyond the Magic Mirror. Here the delightful and the light-hearted often hide great challenges and dangers; here you will journey through a landscape unique among fantasy role-playing scenarios.

This module was first conceived by E. Gary Gygax as part of the Greyhawk Castle dungeon complex and has been the source of challenge and fun for many skilled players of the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS(R) game. It is finally available to all players and can be added to your existing campaign with ease.

The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror is designed so that it may be used with its companion scenario, Dungeon Module EX1, Dungeonland. Still, The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror may easily be played on its own, and should offer hours of excitement in its strange landscape!


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

U1: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (1981)

From the title page:

Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist's mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumors of a fabulous forgotten treasure. What is it's sinister secret?

The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventurers with the AD&D(TM) rules. The adventure can be played by 5-10 characters of level 1-3. This module contains large-scale maps, full background information and detailed encounter descriptions for the players and DM.

From the web:

 In The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, the PCs investigate an abandoned mansion on a cliff, where mysterious lights have been seen recently. 32-page booklet and cover with fold-out map.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Witches Court Marshes (1982)

From the front cover:

"Danger awaits on All Hallow's Eve. Witches of the world are gathering en masse. The peasants of the area are going to leave, unless you can stop the wicked black mass."

From the back cover:

"Twenty-six pages of maps detail the area around the Witches Court Marshes and the village of Grita Heath. Complete description of the witch character class. Many witch NPC's are detailed. Three level lair of Mordridda dungeon under the marshes contains fabulous wealth and dangerous adventure."


Monday, August 19, 2024

Ready Ref Sheets (1977)

From the web:

The Ready Ref Sheets Package combines the reference sheets published in the Judges Guild's Initial Subscription package and the first three installments (J, K & L): Men Attacking I-8 (5 sheets, double sided with I-6), Monster Attacking I-7 (2 sheets), Chainmail/Man to Man Melee I-6 (5 sheets, double sided with I-8), Encounters / Phantasmal forces J-5 (2 sheets), Construction Costs (2 sheets, double sided with Wizard's Guide), Wizard’s Guide (2 sheets, double sided with Construction Costs), and Character Checklist (2 sheets).

A second edition, entitled Volume I, is in book form and contains additional reference charts and tables compiled from data supplied in the first six Judges Guild installments of the Guildmember subscription. Includes tables for character social levels, street encounters in the City State, poison types, metal and gem types, civilization and technological levels, non-player character cutups, combat tables, construction and research guides, movement obstacles and wilderness terrain, beggars, shock recovery, crime and punishment, guards and garrison troops, resurrection results, special encounters, and more.

A 56-page treasure trove of reference charts and tables from data supplied in the first six Judges Guild installments of the Guildmember subscription. Includes tables for character social levels, street encounters in the City State, poison types, metal and gem types, civilization and technological levels, non-player character cutups, combat tables, construction and research guides, movement obstacles and wilderness terrain, beggars, shock recovery, crime and punishment, guards and garrison troops, resurrection results, special encounters, and much much more. This is an ideal purchase for the beginning Judge. This playing aid has been created and approved for use with D&D.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Caves and Caverns (1982)

From the web:

A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy cave/cavern/burrow. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate attributes such as:

- Cave type, terrain, size, number of entrances
- Features: underground rivers, lakes, vaults, geothermals
- Occupants: number, type, hit dice, abilities and so on

The majority of the book is comprised of cave layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System.

Part of Judges Guild's generic "Universal Fantasy Supplement" line for any fantasy RPG - though clearly targeted at D&D/AD&D.

Each map will easily become a mini-adventure for any party that contains at least 16 levels of characters, which include magic-users and clerics, or dwarves. 48 caves and caverns with nine pages of charts and guidelines using the City State Campaign Hexagon System. Random cave and dungeon generation tables are also included.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Temple Book I (1981)

From the web:

A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy temple. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate temple attributes such as:

- Configuration, size, condition, location
- Ceremonies: type, frequency, offerings, attendees, devices
- Special Ceremonies
- Leadership/Followers: level, type
- Mercenaries: type, level
- Sentience
- Traps
- Artifacts, relics, sacred writings
and so on

The majority of the book is comprised of temple layouts that are mapped on graph paper.

Part of Judges Guild's generic "Universal Fantasy Supplement" line for any fantasy RPG - but clearly meant to be used with D&D / AD&D based on the type of statistics provided in the tables (e.g., Armor Class).

This 64-page booklet contains 48 pages of interior layouts of various Temples. These are excellent for use with scenarios where you have players encountering religious groups in their own Temples or for use as the main theme of you scenario. The Temples are mapped on light grey square grids, suitable for changes by the Judge with felt-tipped markers.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Island Book 1 (1978)

From the web:

A 64-page booklet which includes 48 pages of small island groups and atolls for adventuring: passing ships, damaged by storms, may drop anchor here for repairs or be breached on the rocks, marooning their crewman; or it may be the stronghold of pirates, the sanctuary of a secret religion, or a coven of witches. Included are three pages of charts for generating island terrain, natives and encounters, mysterious finds, and even volcanic eruptions. Ideal for insertion into a campaign expanding into maritime traffic and trade. The islands are mapped on hex grids in light gray for additions and changes by the Judge. 

 A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy island. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate island attributes such as:

- Soil Type
- Size, Elevation
- Features, Landmarks
- Weather
- Volcanoes
- Inhabitant type, population
- Mysterious Finds
- Encounters
and so on.

The majority of the book is comprised of island layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System.

It was originally published as an official Dungeons & Dragons supplement in 1978 and was later reprinted as part of Judges Guild's generic "Universal Fantasy Supplement" line.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Castle Book II (1981)

From the web:

A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy castle. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate castle attributes in addition to those from Castles Book 1 such as: castle condition, invasion status, age, inhabitants, encounters, finds, and castle names.

The majority of the book is comprised of castle layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System. Part of Judges Guild's "Universal Fantasy Campaign" line of products.

A booklet which includes 50 pages of maps on various fortifications: every type from solitary spires and wooden stockades to massive fortresses and walled cities. These are excellent for siege, intrigue and other adventures by the players. Also included are table for naming the castles. The castles are mapped on light grey hex grids, suitable for changes by the Judge with a felt-tipped marker. Part of the Campaign Hexagon System from Judges Guild.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Castle Book 1 - Second Printing (1978)

From the web:

A book to help a DM/campaign judge to quickly generate and populate a fantasy castle. It contains tables that can be used to randomly generate castle attributes such as:

- Walls: number of sections, thickness, type, height, length, characteristics, defenses, etc.
- Garrison: size, technical level, morale, composition
- Siege Engines: technical level, crew type
- Leaders: level, class, race, alignment
- Followers: level, class, race, alignment
and so on.

The majority of the book is comprised of castle layouts that are mapped using Judges Guild's Campaign Hexagon System.

It was originally published as an official Dungeons & Dragons supplement in 1978 but was later reprinted as part of Judges Guild's generic "Universal Fantasy Supplement" line.

Contains 50 pages of maps on various fortifications, every type from solitary spires and wooden stockades to massive fortress and walled cities. These are excellent for siege, intrigue, and other adventures by the players. Included are six pages of tables for generating wall thickness, height, composition and features, towers, moat creatures, garrisons, trebuchets and other engines on the walls, retainers, servants, leaders, followers and more.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Portals of Torsh (1980)

From the publisher:

"The first book in the "Portals" series, it details an area reachable only through the use of Teleportation devices called "Portals". It includes considerable History and Economic description of the area, one town of Lizardmen and another of Humans, and several adventures including a Lizard Wizard's Tower. Also included are Monster Lairs, Wilderness descriptions, Wandering Monster tables and major Character descriptions. Portals of Torsh can easily be fitted into any campaign, and is suitable for mid-level characters."

From the web:

The first book in the "Portals series". A 48-page book detailing an area reachable only through the use of Teleportation devices called "Portals". It includes considerable History and Economic description of the area, one town of Lizardmen and another of Humans, and several adventures, including a Lizard Wizard's Tower. Also included are Monster Lairs, Wilderness descriptions, Wandering Monster tables and major Character descriptions. Portals of Torsh can easily be fitted into any campaign, and is suitable for mid-level characters. This playing aid has been created and approved for use with AD&D.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Portals of Twilight (1981)

From the Introduction:

"This is the third product in the "Portals" series. The first two products, Portals of Torsh and Portals of Irontooth, deal with worlds in which the primary inhabitants were significantly different from those of a normal Advanced Dungeons & Dragons world. This product is slightly different in that the inhabitants are fairly normal, but the world itself is somewhat strange. Halfworld, the world of Portals of Twilight, always faces the same side toward the sun."

 From the web:

The third book in the "Portals series." Journeys of wonder and magic will be experienced when the Portals are traveled again in this newest release in the Portals series for AD&D. Portals of Twilight is set on the planet Halfworld; it is a world similar to our moon, half light and half shadow, with only a narrow strip of land that is habitable. This twilight region has evolved varied types of creatures which are accustomed to the climate. North Pole City can be visited also, as it is the center of learning and culture on Halfworld. Multiple encounters are given, as well as other major points of interest and new monster types.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Portals of Irontooth (1981)

From the introduction:

"This is the second product in the "Portals" series. The first product in the series, Portals of Torsh, deals with a world in which mammals never evolved and the primary inhabitants are the reptilian Lizard Men. This product details a section of a completely different world. One where the native animals have iron teeth and a strange resistance to the powers of magic.

Both of these products can be used as independent campaigns but have been especially designed to link up with an ongoing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign through a limited number of teleport doors or portals (as they will be called in this booklet). It is no secret that many, if not most, Judges use the published playing aids as special environments which can be entered only through portals. This series of products has been designed to be especially suited to that sort of adaptation.

One final point: each of the "portals" projects deals only with a small portion of the world. You should be aware that Judges Guild has no intention to publish additional materials on any of the "Portals" worlds. You should therefore feel free to do whatever you wish with the rest of these worlds without fear of future contradiction by Judges guild."


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dark Tower (1979)

From the back cover:

An Ancient Evil has overtaken a once holy shrine. Thus, a sleepy mountain hamlet becomes a focal point for mysterious disappearances and even stranger legends of what lurks beneath the village.

Would any group of adventurous souls dare to probe the facts that lie behind the myths, or seek to right ancient wrongs, rescue secreted artifacts, or . . . even attempt to exterminate the source of evil itself?

This is no quest for the weak of spirit or strength. Beyond the cellars of Mitra's Fist lie strong allies and strange enemies, undead and undying, each seeking to involve the unwary in a titanic battle of good against evil, which can only end in destruction.

Riches, Power, Glory and Death! All are in Dark Tower


From the web:

A 72-page AD&D scenario, including four detailed dungeon levels, a village, and other items: new monsters and artifacts, the history of the area, and more. An ancient evil has overtaken a once holy shrine; thus, a sleepy mountain hamlet becomes the focal point for strange disappearances and even stranger legends. 

One of the most popular adventures produced by Judges Guild, Dark Tower was the first-ever officially licensed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons module from any company other than TSR. It was designed, written and illustrated completely by Paul Jaquays. It was nominated for the 1979 H.G. Wells award.


Friday, August 9, 2024

S1-4: Realms of Horror (1987)

From the web:

Realms of Horror is a large scale adventure module for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons RPG. It revises four previously published modules: Tomb Of Horrors, White Plume Mountain, Expedition To The Barrier Peaks, and The Lost Caverns Of Tsojcanth. The adventure is designed for Intermediate level characters, and the revisions are to make it easier for "a gung-ho, let's-do-it-all-at-once campaign".

The pack contains an 80pg booklet, a 48pg illustration booklet (handled by a variety of artists and styles), and a 16 page booklet of maps and inscriptions, all in B&W, wrapped in a colour cover slip. The modules present detailed and complex dungeons to explore, using all the classic elemnts of AD&D. The third module was originally written for an unpublished Sci-Fi RPG and presents the PCs with robots and computers.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

WG4: The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (1982)

From the cover:

"This special module is a combined wilderness and dungeon adventure scenario. It contains background information, referee's notes, encounter keys, outdoor and dungeon level maps, and new monsters and treasures. While it is designed to interface with THE LOST CAVERNS OF TSOJCANTH, this module is capable of standing alone. Likewise, while it is placed within the Greyhawk Campaign, it can easily be adapted to play in any individual campaign which employs the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game system."

 From the web:

The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun starts with an incident from S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.

[1] The PCs discover the temple while trailing a gang of norkers from the caverns.

[2] The PCs search hazardous mountain passes to find the lair of the monsters inside the temple.

[3] The adventurers are drawn into the story by a gnomish community and travel to the temple.

After battling their way in, the PCs explore the temple chambers, which contain mundane creatures and new monsters from the Fiend Folio (1e).

During their exploration, the characters may reach the chambers of the temple in which religious rituals were performed, and risk insanity and death as they contact remnants of the worship of the imprisoned god Tharizdun. To progress further the characters must enact portions of the rituals of worship of Tharizdun, traveling into a dark and freezing underground sub temple, and magically opening an inner sanctum called the "Black Cyst." Having advanced this far the characters are likely to be driven insane, killed outright, or permanently trapped within the underground temple.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

WG6: Isle of the Ape (1985)

From the back cover:

"You stand before a great throne of lapis lazuli. The massive chamber is also blue, even the air has an indigo quality, perhaps from the strangely convoluted coils of smoke rising from the braziers of azure metal. Encompassed by the great chair is a man whose presence inspires awe, Tenser the Archmage.

High above the City of Greyhawk, somewhere upon the lonely south coast of the Nyr Dyv, you and your associates trekked to answer a summons that could not be taken lightly. You are about to begin a quest to a mysterious island where lies the fabled Crook of Rao. Only the bravest can face the isle's obscure jungles, its most fearsome monsters, and its ultimate secret. Can you survive where even the mighty followers of Tenser have failed?

Isle of the Ape is a challenging adventure for high-level play. This adventure, designed for the WORLD OF GREYHAWK Campaign, is for use with Unearthed Arcana.

An Adventure for Character Levels 18 and up."


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

WG11: Puppets (1989)

From the back cover:

"First, you find yourselves in the Gnarley Wood, fending off minions of the evil leprechaun who dwells there. Coming through this episode with flying colors, you continue to the Free City of Dyvers, where there has been a rash of break-ins at several inns. Who is responsible for these crimes? Evidence leads you to believe that a full-sized person can't have committed the burglaries - the apparent entrance points are far too small, and the footprints aren't those of humans or even demi-humans.

It's up to you, adventurers, to solve this mystery and collect the reward (if you can).

This adventure is adapted from two RPGA network tournaments."


Monday, August 5, 2024

WG12: Vale of the Mage (1990)

From the back cover:

"There's only one way to get there - through the Barrier Peaks. Once you're there, you are confronted with armed guards, traps both magical and mechanical, and legendary beasts...not to mention the wandering necromancers.

Why go in there? Because rules of neighboring countries have asked you to persuade the Black One to help rout that group of expatriate necromancers. They tried a coup, failed, and came to the Vale of the Mage to hide - and, presumably, to regroup and ally with the Black One. They may have gained the help of the Tree People, as well; you won't know until (perhaps) it'll be too late to turn back. It's a jungle in there..."

From the Introduction:

"It is intended for characters of 7th through 9th level, for a total of 35 to 40 levels. A mix of character classes is desirable. Further, it is important that at least some of the characters have magical weapons."


Sunday, August 4, 2024

N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God (1982)

From the cover:

Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear...

No one seems to know the cause of the decay - why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!

This module is designed for 4-7 characters of first through third levels. It includes a map of the village and a description of its buildings and occupants, an overland journey to a challenging underground adventure for especially brave (or foolhardy...) characters, and a list of pre-rolled first level characters.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

N2: The Forest Oracle (1984)

From the cover:

The land lies under a curse. Fruit drops to the ground, its pulp black and rotten. Leaves curl and wither on the branches. Animals flee the parched vale, or starve.

Long ago, the Downs prospered under the care of Druids. But the priests of nature have retreated deep into the woods and rarely show themselves. One old man claims that the Druids have the power to save the valley, if only someone could find their Oracle to seek help. Will you reach the Forest Oracle of the Druids in time? And if you do, can they really lift the curse?

Or does the answer lie elsewhere?

Only the most daring and cunning adventurers will save the Downs. For character levels 2-4.


Friday, August 2, 2024

WDR1: Greyhawk Ruins (1990)

From the back cover:

Enter the infamous ruins of Castle Greyhawk, the most formidable and expansive dungeon on Oerth. Its mazes and catacombs have drawn hundreds of adventurers from around the Flanaess. They are intrigued by tales of its riches, undaunted by its reputation for death in countless unspeakable ways. Getting there is no trick -- it's a well-traveled path. The trick is getting in and out again with your own hide intact!

Greyhawk Ruins is a complete guide to the most famous dungeon in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK campaign setting. All you will need is the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 2nd Edition role-playing game, nerves of steel, and the resolve to challenge the puzzles and powers the ruins have to offer!

Greyhawk Ruins is designed for five to seven characters of levels 2 to 15.


Thursday, August 1, 2024

WGR2: Treasures of Greyhawk (1992)

From the back cover:


From lost settlements on the wild shores of the Amedio Jungle to a dragon's lair in the Crystalmist Mountains, this new anthology of AD&D adventures has something for every adventurer.

Search for the fabled jewel, the Eye of Nur Dav, or seek a powerful magical item like the Helm of Selnor. You must be on your guard, however, for each of these adventures is designed to test the mettle of the experienced adventurer.

So, whether you wish to pay a visit to the archmage Bigby's humble abode, search the tombs in the Cairn Hills, or pass the time of day riddling with a sphinx, these forays into the WORLD OF GREYHAWK setting will be a challenge for parties of venturesome players, who either excel at role-playing, combat, and puzzle-solving, or who wish to.

Who knows, you might even win the Treasures of Greyhawk.

Short Sessions
Each adventure perfect for an evening's adventuring.

Flexible Plots
Mix-'n-match several plots for epic adventures. You can even adapt them to another campaign world!

Challenging Adventures
The bold may inquire within.

For Player Characters of Level 4 to 18."


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