"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Friday, December 5, 2014

Dangerous Journeys: Mythus Magick

From the back cover:

Well over a thousand magickal Castings!

You've never seen a magick book like this before!

Within these pages, you'll find more than 1,400 different Castings for your Heroic Personas and their evil enemies! There are Eyebites, Charms, Cantrips, Spells, Formulas, and Rituals, divided among more than a dozen different types of magick use. Herin you'll find Dweomercraeft Castings (general, plus fiver different colleges) and Priestcraeft Castings (those held in common, plus five different ethoi), as well as Castings from 15 other types of practice - Alchemy, Apotropaism, Astrology, Conjuration, Divination, Exocism, Fortune Telling, Heka Forging, Herbalism, Mediumship, Mysticism, Necromancy, Sorcery, Spellsongs, and Witchcraeft - everything you could imagine for use by heroes and villains, and others too.

But that's not all!

Also included are rules for designing your own Castings, allowing magick in your campaign to grow as far as you can imagine!

There are scores of magical devices detailed herein: Wands, Rings, Rods, Cloaks, Pyramids, and a guide to devise your own items
Plus, a full treatment is given of inate magical Powers: Petrifaction, Shapeshifting, Flight, and Weather Control, just to name a few. There are even rules for making Psychogenics, from other Dangerous Journeys genres, work within the Mythus game!

One look through these pages will show you why the Mythus Magick rules desrved a volume all their own. Whether you're a gamemaster or a player, you'll want this book for your reference. It will show you magick like you've never seen it before!

1 comment:

Raging Owlbear said...

OK, so this is an odd coincidence. I saw this book on Ebay for $0.50 and I just had to try for it... and I won. The shipping in 10x the bid. :)

I don't have the core rules book yet, but those go for between $10 - $15, so I figure I can pick it up at any time.

I never looked into GG's post-TSR publications, but I am very curious to see what he came up with after the unfortunate corporate maneuvers at TSR.

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