"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Babylon Project (1997)

From the web:

Core rulebook for The Babylon Project RPG.

Players can play Humans, Minbari, Narns or Centuari in the tense period just prior to and concurrent with the television show's first season.

As well as detailing the rules and background the rulebook also contains a short campaign.

Sci-fi RPG based on the Babylon 5 TV series, featuring detailed character generation, skill-based system, campaign history/background, and more.

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