"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Universe (2nd Edition) (1982)

From the front cover:

You are the master of your destiny, venturing across the sea of stars meeting the challenge of alien worlds...


The Role-Playing Game of the Future by SPI

From the back cover:

Seek your own destiny among the stars in quest of wealth, knowledge, and glory. Plunge boldly into adventures on unexplored planets, confronting the unknown armed with your own unique skills and the marvels of 25th Century technology. Designed as the definitive game of a whole generation of science-fiction adventure products, Universe is now complete in this one book, with a huge full-color Interstellar Display and four pages of color adventure log sheets included. Although we are continuing a program of fascinating supplemental material, you need nothing more than this book and two decimal dice to play a lifetime of complete and enjoyable games.

 From the web:

Become the master of your destiny as you journey amid the stars in search of wealth, glory, and wisdom. Share the trials and triumphs of adventures on unknown worlds, boldly confront the dangers of deep space, and revel in the satisfaction of quests attained in the glittering cosmos of Universe. Designed as the definitive game of a whole new generation of character action adventure products. 

 SETTING: Universe is set in a 24th century where the nations of Earth have peacefully explored and settled many star systems within 30 LYs of Earth without discovering intelligent alien civilization. Some of the star systems closest to Earth are quite populous and prosperous, but the settlements further out amount to tenuous, speculative colonies or even mere research facilities . Many systems beyond 20 or so light-years from Earth are unexplored altogether . The inhabited planets are governed loosely by the "Federation of Planets" (primarily through its overwhelming military might and its monopoly control of starports), while maintaining most of the nationalities and languages extant in the 20th century.

CHARACTERISTIC RATINGS: Universe does not feature character races or classes that delineate exclusive access to particular capabilities. All characters are humans, and are represented by nine innate Characteristics (values 1-12) and a varying mix of several different Skills. The nine Characteristics are described below. Note that the descriptions are not merely loose guidelines on "how to roleplay" the character; they refer to specific game mechanics (invariably requiring a die roll) whose outcome is directly affected by the Characteristic in question.

Strength: Affects how much a character can lift and carry, how far he can throw objects, and the damage he deals in close combat

Endurance: Affects how long a character can maintain physical activity (eg running ), how much physical punishment he can take and how quickly he heals

Dexterity: Affects character's shooting accuracy and other tasks that require hand-eye coordination

Agility: Ability to run quickly, climb, dodge in combat, etc

Intelligence: Intellectual capacity as well as general ability to "notice things". Augments (or limits) scientific skills (eg Astronomy, Chemistry)

Mental Power: Willpower and self-control (especially during combat or similar duress). Very high MP ratings allow the cultivation of psionic powers (eg mind control, telekinesis, hyperjump navigation).

Leadership: Affects the designated team leader's situational awareness and ability to keep his/her comrades level-headed during firefights. Also affects the Space Tactics skill

Empathy: Basically "people skills"; the ability to "read" and successfully interact with fellow humans and semi-intelligent aliens

Aggression: Affects character's involuntary reaction to being shot at (ie either cower on the ground or charge and attack his assailant - though note that such rash actions can be obviated by combat experience or a high Mental Power). Aggression ratings of NPCs and creatures affect their initial approach during an encounter (eg, flee, interact peaceably, or attack).


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