Dungeons is again one of the earlier supplements for the 3e of D&D. Though written for the 3e it is generic enough in nature that it can be used by a DM for almost any game system. The items that are specific can easily be adapted. I find that the earlier books written for the new system are much more generic in nature and tend to shy away more than later one on hardcore rules.
This book comes in at 120 pages and is broken down into four major section. The first two section are informative in nature and pain dungeons in broad strokes avoiding a lot of system specific type on information. The second two section are geared first towards the player and then the the Dungeon Master. These are where you will find your system specific information more than in the earlier chapters.
The first section is Tips and Tricks. It contains a mixture of information that is geared towards the player as well as the DM though most of it will be DM level advice. The section covers a variety of topics with some of the highlights being mapping, equipment and traps. One of the other topics covered though is dungeon ecology and this is something that I find is often overlooked when designing a dungeon.
The second section goes over the various types of dungeons that the players might encounter. The book puts forth that there are eight types of dungeon. Each of these is covered in great detail. The dungeon types are Fortress, Madman's Lair, Mine, Caverns, Sewers, Subterranean Communities, Temple and Tombs. I want to stress how much I liked this section. Each of the types has specific questions raised about what might be specific to that dungeon type and things to consider when designing it.
The third section is the 3e specific portion of the book for the players. This section contains everything that one has come to expect for a 3e supplement. It has lists of new feats and skills for the players to use. It also has new spells but also some mundane items that would be dungeon specific for the players to utilize. Finally it has four new prestige classes for players to use. I won't go into too much detail on these as I have a known bias against prestige classes.
The fourth section is geared towards the DM. This is something that is still 3e specific but I find that these are items that are more easily ported to other systems and are therefore more forgiving to them for some reason. It again has all the standard fare for 3e books. It has seven new monsters with a new template to be applied to monsters. It also includes seven additional magic items for the DM to use in the dungeons they design. Finally it includes some items that are closer to being system neutral. It has new traps as well as three sample dungeons. Though written edition specific one can always steal maps and content for conversion.
Overall I have to say the book is worth picking up. It has enough general information that makes it good for use with any game system that would feature dungeons. The system specific information is there but many parts can easily be adapted with little effort and what is there is well done. The layout of the book and the art used are well done and in no way a detriment to the book.
Published: 2001
Pages: 120
From the back of the book:
The Definitive Guide to Dungeons and Catacombs for Players and DMs Alike
Dungeons are an integral part of fantasy gaming, but there's far more to them than just stone corridors and random monsters. This book contains a plethora of tips, tricks and rules to help make your dungeons the stuff of legend. It includes essays on design and construction, overviews of different dungeon types, player advice for surviving underground perils, and a host of new rules, spells, monsters, and magic items.
White Rabbit
Level: Second
Range: 3"
Duration: 2 Rounds + 1 Round/Level
Area of Effect: 1 Creature/Level
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 2 Segments
Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast the magic user causes an illusion of some weird creature or individual to appear behind the party. Other than those in the caster's party will find their attention drawn to this manifestation unless a saving throw is made.
The illusion once created will perform actions to draw as much attention to itself from all around. This is most often accomplished by running into the center of the room and making a scene of some sort. It will then run away in the manner best used to draw away those in pursuit from the caster.
While the spell is in effect any attempt to hit or cast spells on the illusion will seem to work but not cause the illusion enough damage to stop its flight. Those who fail their save will pursue the illusion until such time as it vanishes. Any attack on the victims will cause them to forget the illusion though and return their attention to the party.
By default the illusion will be a largish white rabbit dressed in fine clothes and with the ability to talk. It will complain how late it is be in an apparent state of confusion about where it is. The player can of course make it anything they want but unless specified it will be a talking white rabbit.
Disclaimer: The spells that you will see, for how ever long the write ups last, were all written up or conceived of back in the 80's so the terminology may not appropriate for anything other than 1e and depending on how well I did back then it may be slightly off for that as well. If there is any duplication of spells that exist now it is most likely I wrote mine first :) Please feel free to comment on them but try not to be too hard on me. If anyone wishes to use these in anything they print please let me know in advance and all I ask is proper credit.
"Go to the sign of Marvel's Axe, a dubious inn on the edge of the Thieves Quarter, in the City of Greyhawk, and look to your own wrist. If you perceive a bracelet and dangling dice, watch for the next throw in the war between Law and Chaos and be prepared to follow the compelling geas." -Signal
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