From the web:
From the contents page:
Everything you wanted to know about giants in Warhammer - Rick Priestly
"The Dark Brotherhood"
A new look at assassins in AD&D - Chris Felton
"Crom Cruach"
A new cult for the goblins in Runequest covered in the last issue - Ian Bailey
Computers in Traveller - Marcus L Rowland
"The Lone and Level Sands"
An AD&D and Runequest demons scenario - Oliver Johnson and Dave Morris
Open Box
A look at some new games by independent reviewers:
-AD&D and D&D module "UK1, EX1, EX2 & X3" reviewed by Jim Bambra
-"Traveller Starter Edition" reviewed by Andy Slack
-"The Arkham Evil & Death in Dunwich" reviewed by Jon Sutherland
-"Autoduel Champions & Car Wars Reference Screen" reviewed by Marcus L Rowland
Critical Mass
"Spock in Manacles!"
New books reviewed by David Langford
Lew's Views
"By the Gods!" - A look at magic and gods in battle by Lew Pulsipher
"The Game of the Book..." - Fiction based board games by Charles Vasey
Microview - edited by Mike Costello
How to find bugs in your program by Gareth Williams
Readers' views, questions and comments
Regular department for Runequest edited by Oliver Dickinson - "Ice,
Desert and Swamp" - New monsters by Simon Basham and Dave Morris
Thrud the Barbarian
Thrud rescues a princess by Carl Critchlow
Fiend Factory edited by Albie Fiore
"Dungeoneering with Demons" - Runequest demons from WD44-46 in terms of AD&D
-"Gremlin, Sraim, B'Krath, Rult, Storm Demon, Stalker, Porphyr, Amorph, Pazuzu and Akresh" by Liz Fletcher
Treasure Chest (D&D ideas) edited by Jamie Thomson
"The Demonist's Grimoire" AD&D spells for the Demonist character class
"Detect Portal, Elemental Force, Hold Spirit, See Other Plane, Evoke Demon, Possession and Elemental Power" by Phil Masters
The Travellers
Zap, Zap, Die, Blammo! by Mark Harrison
What's happening in science fiction and fantasy gaming
Small Ads
Clubs, Help! and Classifieds
"Gobbledigook" - Cartoon by Bil